They what? [10 part 4]

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"Come on Noceda.." Amity said quietly, nudging the witch. "You have a family at home, you can't leave them now.." The human mumbled, putting her hand on Luz's cheek.

The witch purred quietly, Amity gently caressing her cheek. "I hate you so much right now.."

"I just saved your life Blight..- Why are you crying..?" Luz asked, sitting up.

"S-Sorry..I just got really scared.."

Luz jumped in her arms, making sure to be careful with her and Amity's arm. "I got really scared too..Amelia called me and told me something I forgot about and told me you left..So I left class to look for you..I kicked someone off the roof, caught two pellets, and got hit three times.."

"I only counted two..When you got shot on the arm before I left and a bang awhile ago.."

"Well my leg really hurts.." Luz said, trying to muster a smile and hiding her hand. "Gotta look for the other guy though.."

"Other guy?"

"I threw him off the roof..When I went around the school again..He was gone- BANG"

Amity went stiff, looking at her close surroundings. Yellow. A yellow bubble. And a pellet stuck in between both sides. "I have never been more grateful that you're a weirdo Luz.."

"Takes a weirdo to know one Amity.."

The cheerleader hugged her tightly, Luz's purrs coming back alot louder. More pellets hit the bubble casing, none getting through or damaging it at all. "You have like six more seconds before I have to knock him out again Blight.."

"Then you'll come back?"

"You'll have to come to me.."

Amity gave her tight squeeze, then let her go. Luz got up, creating a pocket in the bubble and closing it again when she was out. "It'll go down in a bit, you'll be fine." Luz said, giving her a thumbs up.

The cheerleader nodded slowly, the witch moving towards the male as he reloaded his weapon. She tackled him, snatching his weapon and hitting him with it. "I'm really sorry- You broke in to my school and shot my dance partner so you kinda deserve this-"

She hit him one more time, patting his head and falling to her side. She sighed heavily, three pairs of footsteps interrupting her sigh of relief. "Police! Surrender and we won't- Fire..?"

"Did your job..There's another guy four halls down to your right.." Luz sighed. "Amity..I need a hug.."

The bubble casing faded away, the Blight getting up and going over to her. She sat down beside the witch and pulled her up and in to her lap. "Why do you need a hug Noceda?"

"Feel like crying.."

"Oh? What will make you feel better?" Amity asked, pointing back for the officers. "Take a right and go down past 4 doors and take a left."

They handcuffed the guy beside them, thanking her and following her orders. "You don't need to, but I want you to rub my back.."

Amity hummed quietly, moving Luz's legs to position her correctly then started to rub her back. "Then what?"

"Just stay here with me till help arrives.."

"I'll do that.."


"I'm fine mom.." Luz said, gently pushing away Camilla.

"Luz you were shot 3 times, you are not fine." Camilla hissed. "We're just going to do a few things and take the pellets out then bandage you up.."

The witch shook her head. "Amity.."

"She's fine, just needs a small check up and to be treated for her wounds."

"When she's done, I want her to see me.."

"I'll tell her that, we're going to uh- Drug you for a bit to ease the pain okay?"

"W-Wait- Witches work differently I don't think you should-"

"You should've really told me this earlier-"

"My aunt- She lives here- C-Call her!"

"Later! We'll talk about this later..Just stay calm.."

"Just don't touch the wounds to much things will go very wrong.."

"We'll try.."

Over with the others (aka back at the school)

"Luz did this?" Someone asked.

"Wow she's actually pretty bold-"

"And she's bi! We all have a have a chance-"

"Zip it! We're trying to watch the only footage we got from all of you!" Amelia hissed.

Scattered recordings were turned in to Skara, then put together by Amelia. Willow was at the hospital, so was Gus, both just waiting up on Luz so you won't hear about them. "Alright, this is where no one recorded this. Who watched it happen?"

Someone raised their hand, Skara pulling them out of the crowd to let them speak. "I'm pretty sure they kissed-"

To be continued.

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