Pets. [39]

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The next morning, early morning, maybe 5:46? Luz had gotten up, done her morning routine, and went to go check on the beast from last night. What was it you asked? It was a dilophosaurus. Yeah that's right, a dinosaur. Right now, he was three feet tall. But to be more specific about this thing, it was a familiar.

Luz opened the guest bedroom door, peeking in, the dilophosaurus up and pacing around the room, muttering to itself, "I left her alone too long..I need to get home..I need to find her..She'll get so worried.."

"Hey.." Luz said quietly.

It perked up, hissing, it's fold of skin expanding, being green, but darkening in the center. "No no no, I won't hurt you. I'm a witch, you don't have to be scared or feel threatend.."

It backed up a bit, relaxing, Luz cautiously entering the room, "I-I'm Venom..My owner named me that.."

"I'm Luz, do you know what you are?"

He shook his head, "I only know I can do this when I want to.." He lowered his head, shaking his body.

Frilled neck lizard. He couldn't speak like this though, he tried to, but he couldn't. He did the same process, clenching his claws, "I know my owner, I know where I live, but I can't figure anything beyond being found when I was younger.."

"Well, Venom, you're a familiar." Luz said, walking over to him.


Luz nodded, carefully sitting down in front of him, "A familiar, is a witches companion. But you, are a lost one. You don't have a witch, but you've imprinted on someone, haven't you?"

He nodded slowly, "Yeah.."

"You haven't told your owner?"

He shook his head, "That'd just give her more anxiety then she needs.."

Luz hummed quietly, "Well then Venom, if you tell me where your house is, I'll take you. After we fill that empty tummy of yours." Luz said, poking his chest.

His stomach growled, the familiar nervously smiling, "That'd be really appreciated.."


Luz had taken a secret route where no one would see her walking with Venom, talking with the familiar to answer his questions about what he was, what he could do, and just things he was curious about from the outside world. They had eventually made it, Luz telling him to turn back.

He did so, Luz knocking on the door. Someone was behind the door, they definitely didn't want to open, "It's okay, take your time." Luz called out.

It opened, "Luz?"


Venom's tail swayed from side to side swiftly, the lizard waddling on in, nuzzling in between Grace's legs, "Oh my god you found him-" Grace sighed heavily in relief. "You goober I thought I lost you!"

He looked up at Grace, nuzzling her leg, "Found him outside.."

Grace tried to pick him up, but boy was he heavy, "Geez Venom, maybe we should lay off on those spiders huh?"

He shook his head violently, standing up slightly, "What exactly is he?" Luz asked, having forgotten what he was.

"Venom is a frilled neck lizard, he's three years old." Grace said, struggling to pick him.

She actually managed to do so, Venom crawling up to her shoulder, hissing proudly, "This is the only way I can carry him, it doesn't hurt, I used to run track and I did alot of shoulder stretches."

Venom nuzzled her cheek, looking over at Luz, and nodding. Luz smiled, bowing her head, "It was nice seeing you and meeting your companion Grace, I hope you have a great afternoon."

"Thanks Luz, I'll see you around." Grace smiled.

The witch waved, turning on her heel, and walking down the street. She heard the door close, smiling to herself, 'So there might be more familiars here..Might as well try to find them, just to explain a few things."


Luz didn't find any today, but, she saw Cheryl with Joey! "Hey!" Luz waved, approaching the two. "What are you guys up to?"

"Getting ice cream." Cheryl answered. "With this guy too, they're so picky."

Joey brushed her off, "You're such a jerk." Joey muttered.

Luz examined them, "Cousins?"

"Oh wow, how'd you know?" Cheryl asked, clearly amazed. "Everyone keeps calling us a good couple, I mean, no hate to you Joester, but who'd want to date them? They don't even like anyone."

Joey smacked her away, Cheryl nearly dropping her ice cream, "Oh yeah! Joey said they liked their therapi-"

They put their hand over Luz's mouth, shushing the witch, "No, no. I never said that. Cheryl-"

"Ohoho, you've fallen for Bailey? Oh that's juicy gossip right there pipsqueak!" Cheryl laughed, wrapping her arm around Joey's neck, ruffling his hair.

"Please stop. You're embarrassing me." Joey huffed, trying to pull away.

Though they were a he/them, he was a woman at first, so he was still weak. He hadn't bothered to work out, they had slow metabolism, so they were good on eating a whole bunch. They were as flimsy as a pool noodle, if Luz wanted to, she could pick them up.

Joey pulled away, shaking their head, "At least I'm not falling for someone I hired!"

"Hey- Woah woah woah- Joey come on- We're family- We don't use our crushes against eachother-"

"Oh yeah?" Joey scoffed. "You like Grace Tucker!-"

She covered his mouth, "Could you be any louder!?"

"Do you have any pets Cheryl?" Luz asked, hoping to change the subject.

"Hm? Yeah, a bunny. Her name's Saph, she's a plain white bunny with blue eyes. She's two years old. Why?"

Luz shook her head, "Just curious. I went to Grace's house to return her pet, so I want to know who else has pets." Luz shrugged. "Joey, do you have any pets?"

They nodded, "Hamster. I call him Peanut. He's a grey dwarf hamster. I'm putting him down today, he's been a good boy."

Luz frowned, "You don't sound to sad about it.."

"I'm not. Once he's gone, he's gone. He wouldn't want me to be sad, he'd want me to feed him instead. You'll be my new Peanut Luz, maybe I'll start calling you Cashew." Joey teased, booping Luz's nose.

The witch quietly hissed, drawing back, not wanting that to happen. "Hey, don't you have school today?"

'Oh cruddlesticks-'

To be continued.

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