Clingy human. [33 part 2]

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Amity felt her head, shaking it lightly, looking to her right, "Who knew you could be so clingy..?" Luz said quietly.

"Not you apparently.."

Luz yawned, resting her head on Amity's shoulder, "Would you have changed anything?" Luz asked.

"Etheir way I would be stuck with you.."

"Want to see if I accepted the emperors offers?"

Amity shook her head violently. "I know I would never meet you if you accepted that- Let's do something else-"

"Like what?"


Nerdflix and chill. What's Nerdflix you ask? Well, Nerdflix is a program that allows you to watch kid, funny, educational, and animated shows. Many of which are not straight. "Destiny is..A gift. Some go their entire lives living existences of quiet desperation. Never learning the tru-"

"Hey Luz!" Prince barked, jumping in front of the TV. "Luz Luz! There's a human outside!"

Amity shushed him, the witch pausing the show, looking up at Amity, "Are you going to let me go?"

"You'll come back when you're done?"

Luz nodded. The Blight hesitantly released the witch, Luz getting up, pushing the blanket off herself, following Prince downstairs. She went to the door, unlocking it, and opening it, peeking out, "Hey Bo!"

"Hey Luz, are you free right now?"

"Kinda! I'm hanging out with Amity right now, we're watching TV upstairs."

"Ah. It's because I have somewhere to be but no one can cover my shift later, I know you just got off but I was wondering if you could take mine..?"

Luz pulled back, looking over at the clock, looking back at Bo, "Sure! For tonight and tomorrow?"

"Yeah, tonight til 12. Then tomorrow at 3-10. Can you?"

Luz nodded, "I'll cover your shift, don't worry about it!"

Bo hugged her, the witch very confused, hesitantly hugging the human back, "We can go out when I come back from my trip okay?"

"Out?-" Luz blurted out, her face heating up.

"Shopping or have lunch, just to thank you Luz."

"W-We don't have to- I'm really just glad you'll be having fun instead of working-"

Prince barked, Bo pulling back, looking down at the mutt, "I don't like you! Get out!" He barked. "You smell funny and I don't like it!"

"Prince! Don't bark!" Luz exclaimed.

Bo let go of Luz, letting her bag fall to her side, unzipping it, taking out a small bag, zipping her bag back up, putting it back on, "I remembered something about you telling me you had a dog, so I brought treats for him."

Prince let out a small whine, his tail wagging swiftly, "I like you! You can stay! Amity can leave, I like you human!" He barked, getting on his hind legs, resting his front paws on Bo's thighs. "You're my favorite! Give me give me!"

Bo opened the small bag, getting some treats, offering them to Prince. He licked them up, his tail wagging furiously, "Oh wow these are good."

"Like em huh?"

He tried to bite the bag, Bo pulling it just out of his reach, "Hey, they have peanut butter in it. Too much can give you a tummy ache."

Prince let out a whine, giving her puppy eyes, Bo looking over at Luz, "I guess it's okay, just a few more."

Bo took out a couple, offering them to Prince, the mutt carefully taking them, getting back down, and going to his room. "I'm assuming he's saving those for later." Luz giggled. "Did you already tell the manager?"

"Yes. I did, she said she'd let me go as long as someone took my shift. But seriously, thank you Luz. I'll see you when I come back in two (2) days alright?"

The witch nodded, Bo backing up a bit, waving at Luz, turning around, and walking off, the witch closing the door. Luz locked it, going back upstairs, Amity lighting up a bit when she saw the witch. Amity opened up the blanket, waiting for the witch.

Luz walked over to her, plopping down in to her arms, the human enclosing her in the blanket, holding the witch close. "Who was at the door Luz?"


"What did she want?"

"She just wanted to ask if I could cover her shift. I go in a bit.."

"Wait why- Luz I want you to stay."

"I can't Amity, I gotta get back to work."

The human whined, tightening her grip around Luz, the witch nuzzling in to the crook of her neck. "Warm..But I have work to get back to Amity.."

"Stay with me.."

Luz purred, wrapping her arms around Amity's neck, the human pulling her up a bit, "Stay.."

"I'd love too..But work.."

The purrs grew, Amity rubbing her back carefully, the witch relaxing. Luz pulled back, shaking her head, not wanting to give in to her new two in one heater and pillow. Amity pulled her back down, running her hand through Luz's hair, the witch letting out a small whine, her purrs returning.

Luz's purrs grew, the witch not wanting to get up but needing to. Like she says, if you need it, get it, if you want it, leave it behind. "Amity let go please..We can do this tomorrow at four (4) remember..- I work again tomorrow.."

"My point exactly..Please stay with me.."

"I'll be back later..It's only for two (2) hours.."

"I'll be gone by then.."

"..Then I'll come over.."

"No..Mine right now.." Amity spoke quietly, turning slightly on the bean bag chair, moving Luz by her side.

The witch snuggled up to her, "I want to stay Amity..I really do..But I have to cover Bo's shift..She'll get mad at me if the manager calls her asking where she's at.."

The human hesitated, pulling her arm back, Luz sitting up, carefully escaping her cocoon, "Thank you, I'll finish up Bo's things quickly, then I'll come home!"

"You'll be quick..?"

"Hm! I'll try and finish up in less then two (2) hours, after that, I'll come back. Okay?"

Amity nodded slowly, already wanting Luz to come back so they can keep hugging, but, 'Only as good friends. Friends with benefits? Yeah. That seems about right! Yeah! Just good ol' friends with benefits.' Amity thought. "Okay. Just try and finish early."

"I will, see you later Amity." Luz waved, leaving the room and going downstairs. "You can stay here while I'm gone! Just take care of Prince and Nero!"

"Will do! Bye Luz!!"


And with that, the door slammed shut, a silence falling in the house, quiet chirps from outside seeping in. "What now.." Amity spoke quietly.

She layed back down on the bean bag chair, letting out a sigh, "Guess I'll figure it out soon.."

To be continued.

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