She will come out victorious. [43 part 2]

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Amity had payed Spencer thirty (30) dollars ($) to switch with her, so he did. The weird kid had zero (0) intere- st in men, so he behaved. Thankfully, they were all in the back, so it wasn't loud and the air conditioner wouldn't annoy them. Amity gently nudged Luz, the chairs being just a few inches apart to make room for the projects this semester.

The witch glanced at Amity before returning to her notes and the board. Amity rested her head in her arms, Luz switching to her right hand, having to reach for something in her bag, pulling out a green highlighter. She put it on the desk, looking back at the board. Amity poked Luz's hand, the witch gently elbowing her, "Pay attention Amity..!"

The human took Luz's hand, gently squeezing it, the witch pouting, "If you don't start writing your notes, I won't make you any more Calzones."

Amity pointed to Skara, the human writing a pairs of notes, Amelia sitting by her, timing Skara on how fast she could write. Luz sighed quietly, continuing her notes. When she needed her highlighter, she pulled her hand back, opening her marker up, and highlighting the key word.

Then when she closed it again, Amity took Luz's hand, just watching the witch do her thing.

When class ended, Mrs.Brown said that those with last names A-L stay, and those M-Z leave to their next class. Luz left, Amity being quick to get her randomized project partner without reading it, then she went after Luz. Amity didn't know why, but she felt the need to be with Luz, no matter what.

She quickly went to their next class, Luz talking with Gus before she waved and entered. Amity caught the door before it closed, grabbing Luz's wrist, pulling her back. "Amity-"

"Quit leaving me.."

Luz slid down and out of Amity's grasp, the witch fixing her hair just a bit, "I don't mean to, I'm just trying to fit in."

Amity nodded slowly, Luz taking her hand, dragging her to their seats, letting Amity sit first. Luz sat down by her, letting Amity's hand go, taking her notebook out for this class. Another student came in, this one sitting two seats away from Luz, "Afternoon Cat!"

"Hey Luz, been awhile since you've spoken to me. What, are you cool now?"

Luz felt herself, "Actually I'm rather warm, I just put on my jacket."

Cat smiled slightly, "Good to know you're not freezing yourself like the boys are."

Three of the boys entered the class, all wearing shorts, "Ha! Weak! It's not even cold!" One laughed.

"Yeah! Just a small breeze!"

The third one was actually cold, he shivered, sneezed, then carefully sat down on his cold chair. The teacher came in from the other room with a remote and his computer, fiddling with it as he turned on the projector. It showed a movie, the teacher going to his seat, "Mr.Freddison, weren't we supposed to have a test today?" Luz asked.

"The dang printer copied next week's test for the next chapter, I'm out of time so I'll have to let you guys watch a movie instead." He muttered. "Someone get the lights."

Cat got up, turning off the lights, and sitting on the floor in front of Luz, getting as comfortable as she could. "Don't mind me, just gettin' out of people's ways." Cat said.

More students entered, the late bell ringing, Mr.Freddion taking attendence then getting the movie started. Luz had everything in her bag, so she reached in and pulled out Amilotl, placing it on her desk, resting her head on it. Luz's bag was enchanted to be able to fit anything.

She might even have her old missing homework in there somewhere, she would never know. "Did you actually bring it to school?" Amity asked quietly.

Luz nodded, "I bring it everywhere, they're my favorite."

Amity smiled slightly, she had gotten that for Luz, and she loves it. "Hey Luz, you got a blanket in there or a pillow?" Cat asked.

The witch reached for her bag, shuffling things around, taking a small blanket out, dropping it on Cats head, "No more pillows, sorry."

"Nah don't sweat it, this was already enough." Cat said, unfolding the blanket, laying it over herself.

Amity got up, sitting down in front of her chair, wanting to have room to stretch out her legs. Things shuffled behind her, Luz sitting down by the human and Cat, just gazing up at the screen. Cat eyed Amity, scootching closer to Luz and taking her hand, "We can share if you'd like." Cat suggested.

Luz was about to kindly decline, but was pulled to her left before that could happen. Amity kept Luz close and away from Cat, switching spots with Luz, "No." Amity muttered.

Cat stuck her tounge out at Amity, the witch flinching, turning away, covering her ears before she could hear the splat of blood. Amity pulled the witch in her lap, letting Luz get comfortable, Cat already ticked off she couldn't get the girl.

Amity relaxed, and so did Luz, Amity had her witch, Luz had her human heater and pillow! Win win for both of them. "Hey, no cuddling." Mr.Freddison said, tapping his pencil on his desk before returning to his papers.

Luz hummed, sitting up, being pulled back down, "Don't, please."

"Amity I gotta follow rules."

The Blight held on to Luz tightly, the witch relaxing, purring quietly. "I say no."

Cat pulled Luz over, Amity so close to screaming at her, before she realized she had to keep her perfect picture. Cat let Luz get comfortable, the witch relaxing again, not caring who let her do this, as long as Luz knew she could trust them. Cat stuck her tounge out at Amity, the Blight trying not to strangle her.

A scream on the screen ensued, Luz clenching on to Cat, letting out a small whine, "Awh, it's okay Luz. It's all fake, none of this will actually happen."

Another scream, then a splat, then silence. Luz trembled as the suspense was built up, Amity just wanting her witch back already. Step forward, one two, three, stop. One, two, three, stop. One, two..An axe came at the door, the woman screaming, crying hysterically, wanting the man to leave.

Luz trembled, hiccuping quietly, Cat rubbing her back. Amity carefully took Luz back, quickly letting Luz get comfortable, then covered her ears. Right when she did, more blood splats ensued, then silence. Amity cupped Luz's cheek, wiping her tears, "It's okay, it's okay. It's all fake.."

The witch held on to Amity, nuzzling in to her chest, the human rubbing her back carefully. "Don't like screams.."

"Eh..Me neither.." Amity cautiously kissed Luz's head, making sure no one saw.

Luz purred, relaxed, and only focused on Amity. Amity's heartbeat was alwa- ys consistent, Luz liked it because it was still quiet, and even if Amity was panicking, her heart would only beat just a bit faster. "No cuddling." Mr.Freddison repeated.

Amity rolled her eyes, rubbing Luz's back. Cat scootched closer, Amity narrowing her eyes at the other human who was far bolder them she was. "Go away." Amity huffed.

Cat gently grabbed Luz's arm, the witch glancing up at her, "Want to come with me instead?"

Luz shook her head, moving up a bit, resting her head on Amity's shoulder, "She's staying with me." Amity huffed.

"I don't want her to."

"You want it, you don't get it."

Luz leaned her head against Amity's, letting herself relax, ignoring all the other sounds, just repeating the beat of Amity's heart. "Okay then, I need Luz." Cat hissed.

"Well she doesn't need you. I'm here." Amity huffed.

Luz purred quietly, Amity adjusting her beanie, "Better?"


Amity glared at Cat, keeping her witch away from the feral human. She was not about to go down easy.

To be continued.

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