The start with Sarah. [42]

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Next morning, time for someone else to start the day with, hm? Eenie meenie miney moe..You!

Every morning when the day before goes according to plan, this human is woken up by her kid. "Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom!" They inhaled deeply. "MOM!"

"Ugghh..I'm up..I'm up..Geez.." The human sighed heavily, rubbing her eyes, adjusting to the light. "Zach get off.."

The little boy fell to the side, rolling off the bed, putting their dino slippers on and rushing to the opposite side of the bed. "Alright Zach..Morning quiz.. What's today?"

"November 2nd!" He exclaimed.

"When's my birthday?"

"Uhm..Uhmmmm.. September t-thirt-" He blew raspberry, restarting his train of thought. "Sep-Tenium thirty-one!"

"What's my name?"


"That's close enough!" The human laughed, getting out of bed. "Come on, let's make breakfast."

He smiled up at her, rushing to the open bedroom door, running to the kitchen. It was Sarah. A good ol' day in the life of Sarah. The human stretched as she walked out her room, walking to the kitchen. Zach pulled out orange juice, putting it on the counter, "What do you want today buddy?"

Zach gasped, "I pick?"

"You pick."

"When do you go bye bye?"

Sarah looked over at the clock, thinking of when her shift started, "I go in at 10:20. And you, you little goblin," Sarah tickled him. "Go in at 10."

Zach thought about it, "What's the tick tock?"

"It's 8:17 buddy." Sarah said.

He counted quietly in his head, thinking if he had enough time, "You make pancakes?"

"Sure Zach, chocolate chips or blueberries?"

He smiled, "Boo-berries!"

Sarah ruffled his hair, "Alright, go get ready and brush your teeth. When you're done, I'll show you how to make a heart today."

Zach nodded, looking around, recalling where his room was and going in the complete opposite direction. When he turned the corner, he quickly ran back, going to his room, the door closing when he entered. "Dummy.."


Sarah had her own car, an old one sure, but it worked. Sarah dropped off Zach at school, he's in third grade if you were wondering, then she went to work. Just her and Bo for today. Bo had a weird schedule, she had an afternoon and evening class, depending on how her teachers felt.

Bo was one of them cool kids, who you think are skipping, but aren't. The door was kicked opened, Sarah coming from around the corner, the newcomer rushing to the counter, sliding down it. "Tea-"

"How many?"

"Aaaaaaa bbaaaaggiioollliiionn!"

"Two it is." Sarah said, inputting something on the cashier. "$6.15, anything else?"

"Caaakkkeeee popppp!"




They fumbled about, slamming ten (10) dollars on the counter. Sarah opened the drawer, sliding the money in, and getting the change, handing it back. The remaining money was put in the tip jar, Sarah shooing them away, "I'll call you up when it's done Amity."

She groaned, falling to the floor, desperately needing her tea or she'd die.

It didn't take that long, Sarah was quick, she knew when to hurry. She placed the two drinks on the counter, getting a cake pop, putting it in a small bag, offering it to Amity. The Blight chugged the first ice tea, sighing heavily in relief.

Amity took her other iced tea, and cake pop, getting up, "Don't you have school?"

"So? I'm a teen model, no one would care if I wasn't educated."

Amity's phone began to ring, just a regular ringtone that comes with the phones settings. She pulled it out of her pocket, checking the caller, a smile spreading on her lips as she answered it, "Hey Luz!"

"Amity where the hay are you!? You have a cheer thing today and Skara's stressing out because she's the temp captain!"

The Blight rolled her eyes, "Skara can do it, she's the one that gave the ideas anyways."

"Fine, you hear her."

Luz fumbled about, a door opening and closing, then panicked shouting, "A-Alright ladies! We can do this! I know we can! One two three- AMELIA NO NO NO- THATS LAST!" A thud followed it, everyone in the room gasping. "AMELIA YOU NEED MEDICAL HELP-"

"THAT WAS AWESOME! LET ME DO IT AGAIN!" Amelia exclaimed, having gotten a huge bruise just below her knee.

"Oh my gosh- Amelia you're bleeding from your nose!" Luz exclaimed.

The cheer girls, and male, screamed, all hating the very thought of blood on someone's face, "Brian pick Amelia up and take her to the nurse's office! Tess, go open all the doors for him!" The teacher shouted.

"Amity we are purr-sonally holding this against you-" Luz said in to the phone, a low growl following it.

"Wha- You're mad at me?-" Amity mumbled.

"You're the top student girl! You gotta set an example!" Skara shouted in to the phone. "Get over here, please! I can't do this!"

Sarah rolled her eyes, "Just get out Blight."

Amity stuck her tounge out, hanging up on Luz, putting her phone away, taking her things, and leaving. Bo came from around the corner, nudging Sarah, "Hey, your phones ringing."

Sarah sighed, pulling away from the counter, begrudgingly going to the back, going through her jacket, pulling her phone out. Hm, don't seem to recognize that. Sarah shrugged, answering the call, putting the phone up against her ear, "Is this Sarah Hawkins?"

"Ehm, yeah?"

"You're the mother of Zach Hawkins, correct?"

Sarah rubbed her eyes, sliding her hand down her face, "What did he do.."


Sarah had driven to school, having to meet up with the principal, Zach and a boy sitting down. The boy had a black eye, Zach having a a bit of blood on his bottom lip. "Thank you for arriving, please, sit." The Principal nodded.

Zach wiped his mouth, Sarah sitting down by him, "We were made aware Zachery got in to a fight."

"He started it! H-He cawled mom a bad word!"

"Nu-Uh! You started it!"

Zach pulled something out of his pocket, handing it to Sarah, the older woman unraveling it. 'Your mom's a jerk-face! >;P –Peter'

Sarah handed it to the principal who read it as well, rubbing his temples, dragging his hand down his face. How he hated kids..

To be continued.

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