Venom. [40]

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*Ignore the fact I forgot Halloween was a thing and skipped over it this episode– Also the fact it won't stay published

Knocking downstairs woke Luz up, the witch groaning, sitting up. She stretched out, getting out of bed, going towards her door, opening it and exiting her room. Luz yawned, rubbing her eyes, going downstairs, Prince coming out of his room too. "Morning Luz." He yawned.

Luz pat his head, "Morning pupper.."

Both went to the front door, Luz unlocking it, opening it a bit, "Hello?" Luz asked, still tired.

"Luz- I know we're still relatively new to eachother- But I need you to help me-"

The witch yawned, rubbing her eyes again, "With what Grace..?"

"Can you watch Venom?-"

Luz nodded, Prince peeking out, exiting the house, sniffing Grace out. His tail wagged furiously, the mutt getting on his hind legs, putting his front paws on her thighs, "He wants a kiss..Where's Venom?"

He waddled on over, Grace kissing Prince's head, the mutt being satisfied and pulling back, "I'm visiting my mom and she hates him, she hates anything with scales so I can't leave him home for thirteen (13) hours.."

Luz nodded again, "I don't mind..Is there anything specific I should feed him..?" Luz yawned. "Can I make him veggie tacos..?"

Grace thought about it, nodding, "Yes you can, thank you Luz, I'll bring you a souvenir or something-"

Luz opened the door more, letting Venom waddle in, Prince jumping around him, nudging the lizard, "I'll see you later Grace.." Luz waved tiredly.

The human thanked her a final time, going back to her car, getting in the passenger side where the wheel was, starting her car back up, and driving off. Luz closed the door, Venom lowering his head, shaking his body, being taller then Prince. "Sorry for intruding, I am fine by myself at home."

Luz shook her head, "I'm fine, also Grace just wants you to be safe..So she cares about you alot.."

Venom walked towards the kitchen, nodding slowly, "What did you say about tacos?"


Luz had gotten ready for the day, Venom having absolutely fallen in love with her, staying around her shoulders during school. Venom would not let anyone dance with her, no one could get near Luz either. Actually, only one person could.

That was Gus. He had caught a dragonfly, having given it to Venom, the lizard very much liking him now. You thought it would be Amity right? No, she hates things with scales too. He glared at Amity, the teacher already having enough of Luz being able to do her own thing, "Luz, send that outside."

This was her teacher with the puppet, he pointed to the door, Luz getting up. "I've tried, I've tried so hard, but he. Will not. Let go."

Venom glared at the teacher, hissing at him, "Venom, please go, you can't be here." Luz said, scratching his chin.

He shook his head, giving her sad puppy eyes, courtesy of Prince who taught him how. "Yeah bug breath, go outside." Amity hissed.

Venom hissed back, Amity sticking her tounge out at him. "Amity, don't be rude to him."

"He started it!"

Luz walked towards the class door, opening it and going outside, she held her hand out, Venom carefully going down her arm and to the ground. "I know you want to stay, but you can't. I have school right now, I'll be home later okay?"

He nodded slowly, looking down at the ground, "Venom, how about, you go to your house and do your chores. I go home at 2:45, you get back to me then okay?"

Venom nodded firmly, nuzzling her hand, looking around. He lowered his head, shaking his body, "I'll see you later then Luz.."

The witch pat his head, Venom licking her palm, pulling back and making his way to the wooded side of the school. Luz sighed in relief, getting up, opening the door, going back to her seat. "Good, now then, on with the lesson."


Venom closed the door for the laundry machine, hopping up on top, putting in his specific washing instructions. It beeped, then vibrated, the load staring up. He hopped over to the dryer, opening up the hatch, feeling around if any were wet or damp.

He got in the dryer, going on the side of it, rolling the inside, using his tail to push the clothes out. He likes doing the dishes more then the laundry, he liked bubbles. Venom got out, taking the socks, putting them on the basket, picking up the basket and making his way to Grace's room.

This is where he slept and folded the laundry if it was a good day. If it wasn't, he'd leave it to Grace. He dumped all the clothing on the clean bed, taking the basket and going back to the laundry room, placing the basket in front of the washing machine. He looked over at the clock, still an hour left til Luz was done with school.

He frowned, shaking his head, going to the kitchen, checking on the dishes. "Dang it..Not enough dishes to make bubbles.."

It was two plates, three forks, a butter knife, and a bowl. Venom pulled back, going back to Grace's room, getting on the bed, finding the spare tablet, putting on some music. He put the tablet down, sorting the clothing out while he sang to the songs.

For a familiar, he had fairly good taste in music. Classical and other music that is. He loved Fur Eliza, put it on loop when he felt like it. "Oh yeah take it Spencer." Venom put the volume up on the song, taking another sock from the pile.

"The kind I dream about all day, the kind that keeps me up all night~"

*Venom 100% sounds like this but with a slightly deeper voice, to me at least-

"Gimme that can't sleep love~" Venom sang, joining in the party with his dear Spencer.

"Maybe I'm too picky honey, but I'm not in the world you're in~"

Venom's tail hit the bed at the right times, the familiar absolutely loving this song. He continued to fold clothes, putting the song on loop before putting the clothes away, making sure to check the time again before he got the load.

Twenty minutes. He had time. Venom went back to the laundry room, the load just having been washed. He opened the little door, the wet heavy clothes plopping out and in to the basket. He got the rest in, carefully getting that in the dryer.

He closed both little doors, getting on the dryer, getting that started, going to the kitchen. He hopped on the counter, getting the water started, grabbing the sponge, and the first plate. "Don't fail me now soap! I specifically wrote on the shopping list for Grace to grab you because of that TV ad! You will be very bubbly!"

Venom squeezed the sponge, a few bubbles coming out, floating up before popping, "Ha! You dare not deceive me!"

Now if only he could find soap that made green bubbles..

To be continued.

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