Ay-Ay-Ay.. [59 part 2]

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Amity kept her word about paying for the tickets, Luz paying for the snacks and popcorn, then they went to their movie. Gary also attended, but he wanted to watch a different one which he is. Love, Sci-mon. If you know you know. ;)

They had specific seats, but these chairs were amazing. The chairs had adjustments where you could lean back and have your legs up. Luz was very impressed, Amity was not. She had this at home, it even massaged you. But hey, Luz likes it, so Amity likes it.

What movie were they watching, you ask? Well, Luz had picked a movie that came out in 2009. It had just got popular again, so theatres brought it back so they'd get that sweet green. It was Caroline. No, not Coraline, that's so stupid! Who would get her name wrong, right?

Anyways, movie, keep quiet.

In the middle of the movie, Luz had gotten uncomfortable now. She kept moving about, Amilotl being knocked off the chair like fifteen times. "Luz just come here." Amity said.

"Then you'll be uncomfy." Luz spoke, picking Amilotl up again.

"I won't be, just get over here."

Luz huffed, leaning back in her chair, then whimpered, sliding down the chair. Amity helped her up, sitting the witch down in her lap. Amity crossed her legs, letting Luz get comfy, then they continued the movie. Though there were random loud noises, screams, hisses, Luz was okay with it.

The movie was great, that's all that mattered. Then when the movie had ended, Luz refused to believe it actually had. "Luz, the movies over, we have to go."

Luz shook her head, "The cat went behind the sign, the other world is still a thing! Please tell me there's a part two-"

Amity sighed, "Sadly, there is not."

Luz whimpered, "B-But- Caroline is still in danger! They can't leave the movie ending like that!"

"They can. Now come on, the movies over, now we wait for Gary." Amity said.

Luz hesitantly got up, just watching the ending credits while Amity got her things, putting the trash in the popcorn bag. Amity took Amilotl from Luz, dusting it off from the popcorn pieces, putting it back in Luz's arms. "Come on."

The witchling took Amity's hand, the human quickly getting Luz's bag and being dragged out. Amity threw the trash away, Luz gloomily leading the way to the sitting area. Eventually, Gary came back, talking with another guy who was also a driver for a rich family.

Gary spotted the girls, "You two ready to go?" Gary asked as he walked over.

Luz nodded slowly, Amity patting her head, "Yeah, Luz is just sad that the movie doesn't have a part two."

Gary ohed, "Hate when that happens too. Come on, Edric has something he wants to show to Luz and your father."

"Designs?" Amity asked.

Gary nodded, waving at his new friend and leaving with the girls, "He finally finished enough designs to complete a magazine."

"Which means we need another model." Amity said. "Specific age?"

"No, just fourteen or over. Why?"

"I think I know someone who could help out."


"Pay is how much?" The human asked flabbergasted.

"Sixty (60) dollars an hour." Amity clarified, again. "My father gets to move you around, sometimes he'll make you look at light that hurts your eyes." Amity signaled to her new glasses. "Hence these. So he pays alot to go along with any medical things, just in case."

Luz pat the humans back, "Well at least you're getting paid Willow. I've been here for a month already and I only get the new magazines."

Amity elbowed Luz away lightly to make room for her father, "We don't mind if you say no. But Blights are inclusive, not to sound like a pervert but your body is perfect." Alador said, taking a step back. "When I first met Odalia, she was a twig, but I didn't like her for that. As we grew older, she changed. But that doesn't change how I feel about her, she's still my wife."

"If you want, I make mine." Ay chimed in. "His wife," Ay pointed to Alador, then fanned himself. "Hot."

Amity facepalmed, Luz giggling, Willow still a bit out of it. "She's my wife." Alador hissed. "But Willow dear, you don't have to say yes. Luz and my son are the designers for obese women, we're going to get Luz in to designing for pregnant women, Luz, get on that."

"Yes sir-"

"But," Alador went on. "This is your choice to make."

Willow hesitated. She stayed silent, for a good thirty seconds. "Sure why not."

Luz quickly hugged her, the human hugging her back tightly, "Great! We will need your parents consent, they'll need to know you'll be on magazines and might become fairly popular." Alador said.

Willow nodded, letting Amity take Luz back, the witchling being carried, bridal style. Amity helped her stand, the witch thanking her, "Okay, I'll be with Edric to ask a few questions about my new job." Luz said. "Now, if you'll excuse me."

Luz walked past the others, leaving the room, Amity helping Willow up, "Okay Park, first things first, call your parents."


They agreed, signing a document and sending it back, kudos to you Gary for driving back and forth! Anyways, Luz had come back to take some measure- ments, having made sure to write it all down in her sketch book. "Right, Ay and-" Luz paused. "Myself and Ay-" Luz paused again. "THAT GOOD SIR AND ME!" The witchling exclaimed, pointing to Ay and herself. "ARE GOING TO WORK ON THIS!"

"Aye-Aye." Ay saluted.

Amity covered her mouth as she tried not to laugh, Willow having started like four Ay's ago. "I'm going to Luz it.." The witchling muttered, throwing her pencil down.

You already have! To be continued.

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