Mosquito! Hit it again! [54]

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Monday, two days later.

School. The second Luz walked in to school, she was different. Quiet. And secluded. She walked to the field with her phone in hand, unlocked. She pressed the contact, and heard the ring from a player on the field. They pulled their phone out, looking around and spotting Luz.

They rolled their eyes, "What do you want Luzer?" They hung up.

"You know you're not just hurting me. You're hurting Amity too." Luz hissed, flexing her fingers, her claws sharper then ever.

Noah shrugged, "The easier they are to break, the more money that would flow right in. And guess what? She trusts me more then you now. Lay even a finger on me and I can say you hit me."

Luz kicked him back, "She's not your toy!" Luz shouted.

"She's a moneymaker! She's mine!"

Luz put her foot on his chest, pushing him down, lightly scratching his chin, blood seeping out. "She's not owned by anyone and never will be. If you dare hurt her..You'll regret not heading my only warning Noah Creed."

He trembled, Luz retracting her claws and stepping off him. "-----!" He shouted.

Luz punched him square in the nose, then walked off, the rest of the players coming over with the coach. "What happened!?" He exclaimed.

"Mosquito. I missed."


Amity hasn't spoken, she ignored everyone, only paying attention when Luz talked, then went back to being the sad human she has now become. Boscha had her first day today, think we should go with her instead? She has zero (0) classes with Luz but- Huh? Stay with Luz and Amity? Fine..

Other then avoiding eachother, things changed. Luz stopped eating since Saturday, Amity had just stopped talking altogether. All she did now was cry or do as she was told. "Luz..I made you some crepes.." Gus said quietly, sliding the container to her.

Luz looked down at it, then at Gus, then back at her book. The Highly Sensitive Person. It fit no? "Amity, I drew on my retainer, my dentist helped." Skara smiled, showing off her clear retainer.

Amity glanced at it, then down at her food, taking a bite out of her salad. Bo pulled something out from her bag, offering it to Luz. The witchling looked over at it, then looked up at Bo. She took the small bear, then hugged it, nodding at Bo. Amelia got up, having packed her things, and sighed, "I hope this ends later, Luz. We still have the coffee thing.."

The witch nodded, "I have not forgotten." Luz said as she glanced at Amity. "I'll be there after school."

Amelia nodded, and left. Boscha had gone to get settled in with the school counselor, again, so we won't hear much about her. Cat got up next, and left, then Bo, Skara, Viney, and Gus. "Luz-" Willow began.

The witch got up, packing her things and left. Willow looked over at Amity, the human trembling, "Amity.."


Willow packed her own and Amity's things, holding her hand out to the Blight, "Come on. We have to talk.."

Amity was taken to the bathroom, then to the field where no one was at the moment. Sure they were skipping but for a good cause! "Now, tell me what happened.."

The human went on and on about what happened, she had let herself get distracted by Noah and stuck with him instead of taking care of Luz, she knew she hurt the witchling again, only making everything worse. Luz was broken. Far more then when she was when Edalyn took her in.

Luz couldn't trust anyone now. She wouldn't dare it. Not again. Viney has been trying to help, but Luz shut her out, she didn't need help, she just needed to survive. Boscha tried, she got close, but said the wrong thing, and was shut out. Camilla tried, got nowhere. Pets did, not a thing.

Ay attempted, only making Luz feel worse. The real reason Luz stopped eating, was because she couldn't trust it. Sure she cooked it, but she wouldn't eat it. Who knows what's in it! Gus was her friend, he'd never do that, but Amity was her friend, and she hurt Luz in an unimaginable way.

Luz couldn't show any signs of weakness now. Ninety-nine (99) more days to last. She could survive with not eating that long right? At least, that's what Luz hoped. She could only trust her family. Only them. Just them. No one else. The bell rang, boys rushing to the field, one being our son of a gun.

He spotted Amity, rushing towards her and examining her, Amity noticing his wounds first, "Noah are you okay?" Amity asked, lifting his chin up.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Got scratched by a -----. Nothing bad."

*He's making her think a dog did it

Willow got up, dragging Noah away, telling Amity to stay while she talked to him. "Hey, I have a girlfriend to comfort-"

"Luz did that, right?" Willow cut in.

"Yeah. Thought I shouldn't tell anyone because..Got beat up by a girl. That girls crazy, dudet. Real bezerk."

"Hey what's that on your nose?" Willow asked, pointing to his sniffer.

He crossed his eyes, "I dunno what is it-"

Willow punched him square in the nose, letting him recover a bit, "Oh, sorry, mosquito. I missed.."


Amity stayed with Noah in the nurse's office while he recovered, just wanting to be a nice girlfriend. "I'll be back Lassie, check anyone who comes in." The nurse said.

"I will.." Amity said quietly.

The nurse nodded and left, leaving Amity alone with Noah.

In a few minutes, the door was kicked open, someone falling in. Who was it? Luz. Come on, you guys should know this by now! Amity shot up, going over to the witchling, Luz panting heavily as she gripped her side. "Luz you're bleeding!"

"Not you..I would take anyone to help me..But not you.." Luz huffed, pushing herself up a bit to do a plank, only to fall back down. "Nurse..Where is the nurse.."

Amity pulled her up, taking her to the other bed, laying her down, "Don't you dare move."

Luz went on to her side, curling up and tightening her grip over her side. Amity got the alcohol prep pads, gauze, Band-Aids, and a towel to bite on for Luz. She returned to the witchling, rolling up her sleeves, "Open your mouth and bite down, this is gonna hurt.."

To be continued.

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