The mud queen. [38 part 3.25]

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Bad episode! Stay published!
Mattias and Prince were done for, Luz had hit Prince with a mud ball, hitting him on his forehead, the mutt taking that as death. Amity had hit Mattias' side, the mutt having tripped over his own feet, tiring himself out then and there. Luz caught the mudball from Amity, reforming it, throwing it at the human.

Amity dodged it, gathering up some mud, throwing it at Luz, the witches clumsiness saving her. Luz nearly slipped, barely missing the mudball, Amity thinking that was heckin' cool and unfair. Luz quickly grabbed some mud, formed it, and threw it at Amity. The human fell back, Luz standing up proudly, "Okay, go bathe the doggies."

"Damnit." Amity sighed, sitting up, wiping the mud off her face. "At least help me with Prince though.."

Luz held her hand out the human, Amity taking her hand, both nearly stumbling because of the mud. "I will, but we have to wash down first."

"Wash down?"


Luz had sprayed everyone down with the hose, Amity spraying Luz down, then they all carefully went inside to not get the floor wet. They all went in to the big bathroom, Luz getting the water started for both dogs.

It ended up in a huge mess of bubbles, dirt, and water. After the dogs were washed, Luz and Amity had to take showers, separately of course, they're minors for Pete's sake. After they were all cleaned and washed up, all the pets gathered in Luz's room to watch a movie. Nero had brought Rose over, the moth stayed on Luz's lamp shade, and both dogs had picked a girl to cuddle with.

Mattias with Luz, Prince with Amity, both girls on different beanbag chairs. "Let's finish the show on Nerdflix." Amity suggested. "The movie for it is coming soon."

"But there's like three different parts of it, we'll never finish it in time!" Luz exclaimed.

"So? Onwards! Press play!"

The witch fumbled with the remote as she changed the movie to a show, pressing play, the show continuing from where they left off, "th- That what feels as a burden pushing down upon our shoulders is actually a sense of purpose that lifts us to greater heights! Never forget that fear is but the precursor to valor and to strive and triumph in the face of fear is what it means to be a hero. Don't think,"

The character showed off their sword, slashing it in the air. Their peers gasped in fear and awh, the character putting his sword on his back, "Become."


Remember how Prince whimpered in front of the washing machine when Luz was washing Amity's covers from the guest room? Well, it's not only him this time. Mattias, Nero, Prince, and Luz just stared at the washing machine, all very sad that Amity left during the best part of the show and didn't stay the night.

Prince let out a whimper, burrying his face in his paws, Mattias just resting his head on his paws, following the spin of the machine. "Okay, no time to mourn, Amity hangs out with me tommorow anyways, Nero?"

The cat perked up, "Yeah?"

"Come on, I want to make a potion. See what I can do with human things." Luz said, holding her hand out to him.

He hopped up to her arm, then to her shoulder, leaving the laundry room, the other two just gloomily watching the machine.

Later on, Luz had ransacked the house for a cup of each ingredient she had. She had summoned a pot, and had searched her room for her potion box. She had given Nero a hellcat potion, knowing Nero would be cautious with his flame.

Luz hated fire, she knew it wasn't safe, she knew it hurt people, she knew all about sparks, flames, embers, blazes, anything fire related. It was all in her head. She knew every animal that could spit, breathe, or is made out of fire, knowing how to defeat and defend herself against them.

Nero slid under the pot, stretching, and purring, a blaze starting on his back that grew, the cat laying down. "Good kitty."

Luz poured in some of her starter potion, not alot, but enough to fill a vile. "Lets try anise flower first hm?"

Nero mewed, Luz taking that as a "Yeah, let's!"

Even later on, Luz ended up making a babbling potion with an anise flower, hydrangea, and maybe a moneywort for the potion. She had let Nero test it, the cat just mewing nonsense. Luz now had a hypothesis. Any potion ingredient from home, that looked like an ingredient here from Earth, had a possibility to have the same affect with her potions. "Hey Nero?"

His flame died down as he looked over at Luz, "Yeah?" He thought.

"What happened to Rose?"

"She went home when Amity left, something about visiting her dad."

Luz ohed, pouring the potion into a vile, closing it up, putting the vile in a box, "We should set the moth free." Luz suggested.

Nero got out from under the pot, shaking his body, a puff of smoke surrounding him, his potions effects wearing off. "Sure."

Luz went to her lampshade, the moth still surprisingly there, carefully picking it up. It flapped it's wings lightly, Luz turning off her light, Nero following Luz out of her room and down the stairs. Luz opened Prince's room door, Mattias in there playing tug of war with the mutt, both trying to take a stuffy toy.

Prince spotted Luz, his tail wagging swiftly, the mutt releasing the toy, making Mattias fall back, "I won!" Mattias barked, scrambling up.

"Come on you two, I'm going to let the moth go!" Luz waved them over, going to the back door.

She opened it, all the pets following her out, Luz kneeling down, being surrounded by all three. "Blow on it Luz." Mattias barked, his bark sounding muffled by his new toy.

The witch lightly blew on the moths back, the moth flapping it's wings, flying around Luz and all the pets, before it finally flew off. The witch saddened slightly, having spent a long time taking care of all the insects, but now they were all gone. "You did good Luz." Nero nudged the witch, licking her palm.

"Thanks Nero, I hope they come by though.."

A twig snapped on the opposite side of the fence, a low growl following it. Mattias dropped the toy, snarling quietly, the growl from the other side turning in to a whine. A small thud ensued, another whine, then silence. Luz went to the dog ear cut fence, climbing up the side, hopping over. "Nero! Get me a towel!"

To be continued.

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