The other witch. [18 part 3.25]

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Nearly twenty (20) minutes later, the phone rang again. Mattias rushed downstairs with Nero on his back, the kitten jumping on to the counter, pressing a button and flipping the phone over, Mattias putting his paws on the counter. "Alright, you'll keep her out of sight from humans. She'll be knocking on the front door in two (2) minutes, got it?"

"Yes witch, I got it." Mattias responded.

Lilith hung up, Nero putting the phone in its place, the duo going to wait by the door.

It actually took three (3) minutes but no one's perfect, someone knocked on the door, Nero pressing the button with his snout. Mattias figured out how to open it, carefully backing up and opening the door. "Right, where's the human?"

"Another witch. How charming." Mattias barked. "She's upstairs, take a left then another, go down the hall and the first room you see."

The witch came in, closing and locking the door behind herself, going up the stairs, following his very specific instructions. Prince peeked out the room, sniffing her out before she came in; "Hey you smell like Luz when she first came here!"

"I mean I should since I'm her mom." The witch said, patting his head, going over to Camilla. "Glass and a sick human. I can deal with this. You, dog with the green tail, get me a rag. Dog that knows Luz better, get me a bowl and water. Spoiled brat and cat, get me something to put the glass in."

Though the names were a bit odd, they did as they were told, taking some time as Prince and Gator shared a braincell.


Okay, glass has been taken care of and disposed, the human is under some covering and sleeping, now's time to tackle lunch. "I'm so glad Luz taught me how to cook, I'd be dead if she didn't show me how."

"I found out from her that girls can be with other girls!" Prince yipped.

"Good boy, that is always the answer." The witch smiled, ruffling his fur.

"What is your name witch?" Mattias asked.

"Edalyn Clawthorne." She answered, moving the big pot aside. "You must be Mr.FluffyBottoms. It fits."

Gator, Prince, and Nero had a big grin on their muzzles, the pets looking away from Mattias. "How charming."

"Right, when does Luz come home?" Edalyn asked.

"Telling by the time, I'd say in about an hour." Gator yipped. "You say you're her momma?"

"Not biologically, legally yes I am."

"Biowhat?" The pets questioned.

"Biologically. It basically means she is not my real daughter." Edalyn explained.

The pets looked suprised, all getting nervous. "Does she know that?" Nero mewed.

"She does, but she doesn't mind. She still likes to be called my daughter. The little dummy kept changing her name on my scroll to Daughter Luz and that made me laugh. If I changed it back to Luz, she'd add daughter in front and stars on both sides." Edalyn went on.

She went to the fridge, opening it, taking the containers that said Camilla on it, awhing quietly. "Well. It's official. This is mine."

"Can't you read? It says Camilla on it." Nero hissed.

"Yes but has she touched it yet? I believe not! It's mine now, I'm taking this home." Edalyn snickered, drawing a circle, the containers disappearing. "Right then. Have you guys made a bet on Luz's love life yet?"


"Ruff, yes we did!"

"Yes they explained it to me this morning."

"Yeah Prince started it."

"Smart animals. Well, I'm voting for
Amelia. I'll bet my demon for her."


A little demon like Pokemon scratched his cheek, getting a small shiver. "Ugh I have this sinking feeling someone bet on me.."

Back here.

"I like this witch, she knows the right person to vote for." Nero mewed, sitting proudly.

"Yeah well Amity is better in every way." Prince snarled.

"Right. The human who sent other humans to hurt my daughter, found her secret out technically by force, is very rich and spoiled, then there's the offchance this human is using her. Need I say more?"

"Yes. I'm not convinced." Gator joined.

"Team Blight." Mattias snarled.

"Besides, Luz gets to decide who she falls in love with. I made this bet to see who'd be better for Luz, none of this is going to affect her love life, it's just to keep track of her friends. Force her in to a relationship and I'll see to it your six feet deep." Prince snarled, his ears falling back. "Finish lunch for Camilla, she comes first when Luz is gone."

"Right right, one of you keep track of time so I can leave before Luz comes home.."

To be continued.

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