The incident, the sequel. [7 part 4]

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"Hey quit it! Leave her alone!" Amity shouted.

He ignored her, putting pressure on Luz's neck. The witch apologized to him, kicking his gut and off of herself. She got up, rubbing her neck. "So sorry..Huff..That was rude though.."

"You're apologizing?"

"I-I kicked him.."

"He pinned you down. He literally just strangled you."

"B-But his hurt alot more..That's kinda rude.."

"Are you an idiot?"

"Well you say that alot so I'm starting to believe it.."

Amity sighed heavily, Luz picking up her bag. "I thought you said they hit you.."

"They do, alot..But I hit them back and I think that's kinda rude.."

The male got back up, pushing him and Luz in to the street. The witch dropped her bag again, about to kick him back off. He trapped her feet, putting more pressure on Luz's neck. "Drawing Amity?! Huh?! Answer the question!"

"You're choking her!" Amity shouted.

"To get rid of her!"

Luz looked to her right, gathering strength to push him out of the way just as the car came. The car honked, skidding to the side as the brakes screeched. Amity went stiff, not knowing if Luz was okay or not. "Oh.. That was scary.." The witch panted.

She had picked herself up to do a backflip type of thing and barely miss the car. "Are you okay?" The driver asked.

"Yeah..Are you..?"

"I-I almost ran you over and you're asking if I'm alright?"

Luz slowly got up, staggering back from fear a bit. "Well I must've scared you, are you though..?"

"Yes, I am..Thank you for worrying though..Do you need a ride or something..?"

"No, I can take her home..You can go, safe travels.." Amity said.

The lady waved at Luz, getting back in her car and driving off. Amity punched the male roughly on his gut, going over to Luz. "You alright?"

"Scared but alive..You..?"


"Because I was being an idiot?"

"Because he almost killed you."

"Well you told him to.."

Amity snarled at her quietly, Luz taking her hand. "I'm okay, call your driver or whoever. I'll wait for you so you can get home safely."

The cheerleader relaxed a bit, letting go of Luz's hand. "Give me a second.."


Luz waved at Amity as the girl opened her car door. "Need a lift..?"

"I could walk-"

"Get in."

"Yes ma'am-" Luz blurted out.

Amity got in first, Luz following and sitting beside her as she closed the door. The witch sighed, getting a small shiver. "I still have to give you your jacket back huh?"

Luz nodded, Amity leaning back in her seat. "Well I'm keeping it."

"F-Figured as much." Luz smiled nervously. "It is quite warm huh?"

Amity nodded slowly, Luz giving her a small nudge. "Tell him where you live before we take you home again." She muttered.

Luz wrote down the address on a paper he had given her, handing it back to him. He tipped his hat, taking a turn and starting the way back. "So you need a model.."

"Mhm. But I'll have to end up doing that later. I'm moving."

"What? Where?"

"That's private Blight. My guardian is getting a bigger house, and since I'm staying with her for about a year, she's getting me a bigger room with it."

"You going to tell Sarah?"

"I'll let her figure it out. She'll still be my bus driver, so she might have a mini panic attack. I'll be bringing cupcakes though, hope she'll forgive me."

"When are you moving?"

"Not sure. We're just getting started on packing."

"Need any help?"

"No don't think so. She doesn't have much items, I'll be there to help her out."

Amity hummed quietly, Luz leaning her head back. "Don't worry ma'am, we'll be there shortly."

"Take your time, I'm not in any rush."

After a few more minutes, Luz thanked them for the ride, taking her things, and heading inside. She took her keys out of her bag, unlocking the door and heading inside. She closed and locked the door behind herself, the others leaving. "Ms.Noceda, I've returned. Where are you located?"

"Luz! You're back!" She exclaimed, hugging the witch. "I checked in with your boss during your break because you weren't answering and I began to worry- He said he didn't know because he wasn't there- And I called your friends- But they didn't know either-"

"I missed you too Mom.."

To be continued.

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