The 'threat'. [12 part 3]

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When Amity finally calmed down nearly an hour later and not having given Luz her medicine yet, the witch got a scroll call. Amity quickly snatched it, answering it in an instant and putting it against her ear. "Hey Luzifer or Blight."

"Viney, where the ---- is Boscha."

"Woah- Language. She's right here.."

Things shifted on their end; "Hey Ame's, something wrong?"

"Why didn't you tell me Luz was this clingy to you? Why does she tell you I love you alot?"

"Complicated questions- Uhh- Well I've been with her for..six (6)? No seven (7) years. Yeah seven (7) years, three (3) months, two (2) weeks, five (5) days, maybe six (6) hours and seven (7) minutes, and probably thirteen (13) seconds. She's the clingy type but she hardly realizes it, so if she's being to clingy just tell her. As for the I love you part, she has alot of love to give out, she says it to all of us so it's not bad or uncommon to hear those words from her. Why?" Boscha finally finished.

Amity went through that, taking out the important parts and putting them together in her head. "Well," Amity began. "She's on top of me, thinking I'm you, having told me she loves me, and won't let go."

Boscha ohed; "Yeah, she's probably sick."

"You think?"

"Okay okay, no need to be so hostile. Is she like, under a blanket?"

"Do I count as a personal heater?"

"Yeah you count. Has she taken any potions or 'medicine'?"

Amity facepalmed: "I completely forgot to give her some earlier."

Boscha groaned: "You humans are total idiots- Wait- We aren't wasting her magic by calling her right?"

As if she was about to tell the future, Luz began quietly panting. "Maybe a bit. Hold on. Luz said something about pawsome tacos when she woke up or whatever- How do I..?"

"Make em? It's basically just a taco but shaped as cats that are animal friendly if you have a companion."

Luz nuzzled in to Amity's chest, her purrs quieting quick. "We'll have to talk another time, bye."

"Oh- Bye?"

The scroll poofed away, Amity sighing and looking down at Luz slightly. She pulled the witch up slightly, moving her to the side and hugging her. Luz's purrs returned, being louder then they were earlier. "A..ty.."





"What? What is it?"

"I want you.."

"Wha- You- Huh-?"

"To make lunch.."

"O-Oh right- Y-Yes lunch- I'll go make something- L-Let me go- Please?"

Luz hummed quietly, pulling her arm back and by her side. "Thanks Blight.."

"Wait just a second- I have to give you medicine-"

The witch hissed quietly: "I hoped you'd forget.."

"I care about you, why would I forget about your health?"

Luz blushed a bit, averting eye contact as her ears drooped down. Amity mentally squealed in her head, attempting to keep her blush back. "You are so cute-" Amity muttered quietly under her breath.


"Nothing- I'll go make your lunch-" Amity babbled.

She fell off the bed, Luz squeaking nervously when the thud followed it. The witch peeked over the edge of the bed, Amity covering her red face. "Are you okay..?" Luz asked quietly.

"Just peachy.."



"Luz take your medicine." Amity demanded.

"Nu-Uh!" The witch huffed, moving her head back.

"I'm going to tell Amelia you have a crush on her if you don't take it." The human threatend.

"Do it and I'll never talk to you again!"

"If you don't drink it you hate me alot so I'll leave and never come back."

Luz went stiff, opening her mouth slightly. Amity snickered at her victory, offering the spoonful of medicine to the witch. She took it, angrily swallowing the substance. "I don't like you.."

Amity faked a gasp, closing the bottle of medicine. "So you do hate me!" The human said dramatically. "I guess I should leave then.."

She got up from her chair, going over to Luz's door, opening it, and leaving after she closed it. The witch stared at the door, expecting the human to come back in and laugh it off, but it never happened. It only took 10 seconds for Luz to let out a small whine. The front door opened, and slammed shut, sending panic to the witch.

Her ears drooped down, the witch holding on to her arm as she waited for further noises. The house was silent, Prince wasn't barking, the twins weren't talking, everything was quiet. "Amity..?" The witch called out quietly, her voice cracking.

No response. "I don't like being alone.. Please come back in.." The witch hiccuped, her voice cracking further.

The doorknob turned, the wooden door slowly creaking open. Amity peeked in, Luz perking up and realising another hiccup. The human smiled nervously, going back in the room and over to the witch. Luz began to cry, Amity sitting down beside her and holding her arms out.

Luz took the hug, holding on tightly to the human as she wailed in her chest. Amity apologized, rubbing her back gently: "Didn't mean to make you cry Noceda, you were being a bit of a brat."

The witch looked up at her, Amity cupping her cheek and wiping her tears before the witch perked up. "I'm not being too clingy am I..?"

"No no, you're fine, I don't mind it, it's sweet."

"Sweet?" Edric chimed in, peeking in the room.

"Sugar?" Emira questioned, also peeking in the room.

"Aroo?" Prince whined peeking inside.

"No, no peanuts." Luz mumbled.

Prince huffed, laying down in the doorway. "Get out! I told you guys netheir of you are allowed in here! Why are you even here still!? It's been 4 hours! Go back to school!"

The twins slowly crept away, actually leaving the house and heading elsewhere. Prince glared at the Blight, Amity wondering why. He barked before getting up and heading down to his room. "What did he-"

"He said salted peanuts, but he's allergic to those but for some reason not peanut butter." Luz blurted out.

"No just now-"

"Hm? He said he's watching you and your every move, I think he's just making sure you don't hide food from him."

'This dog is a psycho..'

To be continued.

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