Protect and avoid. [35 part 3]

448 37 13

Stupid episode won't stay published--
"Okay, I've closed the blinds, locked the doors, and got you Amilotl." Amity sighed, sitting by Luz on the bed. "Now tell me what's going on."

The witch squeezed the plushie, Amity patting her head, patting the stuffies head to at least make Luz smile slightly. Which it did. The witch pat Amilotl's head, looking across at the human, "Something bad is happening.."

Amity moved closer to her, scratching behind her ear, the witch purring quietly, "Go on.."

"A wizard came.."

The human took Amilotl from her, pulling the witch over, handing the stuffie back, "What happend?"

Luz leaned back on the human, a low purr escaping her throat. The witch went on about how the wizard from earlier talked about what's been going on in her world, and why Luz didn't want to be seen with Amity.

So after some time, Luz finished explaining. Amity understood her reasons on why the witch didn't want to see the human, and thinking it was a sweet gesture. "It's cute that you want to protect me, but I knew what I was getting myself into when I first met your mom."

Amity reached for her phone, checking it to see if she got any new messages, she did. She unlocked it with her new password, which she changed, to Luz. She wasn't obsessed, right? She just..Really likes the witch as a friend! "Hey wait, you said something about Lilith.."

"Oh right..Gotta tell her.." Luz mumbled, not wanting to get up, but needing to.

She nearly got off Amity's lap, the human pulling her back down, "Wait, where are you going?"

"My phone, I gotta get it." Luz said, pointing to it, the phone across from her.

Amity let the witch go, Luz grabbing her device, returning to the human, laying down sideways in Amity's lap. "Well, you're comfy." The human teased, booping Luz's nose.

The witch hissed quietly, wiping her nose, shaking her head slowly. Luz unlocked her device, going to contacts, scrolling down, tapping on Lilith's contact name, and putting the phone up against her ear. It rang for a bit, til it was answered, "Yes Luz?"

"Lily, you have to go back home.."

"..What's going on."

"At the mall, a wizard came up to me, Belos is up to something. Momma's listening in to the yellow meanie and apparently she's actually playing nice. They want you to go home so you can help out..Because you knew him better.."

Lilith stayed silent for a bit, like she was trying to process this, "I'm..I'm not sure Luz..I don't want to go through that hell hole again."

"What's hell?"

Amity snorted, lightly hitting her forehead with her open palm, shaking her head slowly, "I heard the Blight! She better not tell you, and you better not ask."

Luz looked up at the human, Amity trying so hard not to laugh, "Why won't you at least go check out what he's doing..?" Luz asked quietly.

"It's dangerous. Edalyn is probably acting like a damsel in distress to throw the asssohhhyellow meanie..Off. So she can cover her tracks."

"I just want my friends to be okay Lily..I don't want to risk anything when we could've prevented it.."

Lilith sighed, "Fine..I'll go..If anything happens there, I'll tell you. I'll call Edalyn later so she can open the portal."

"Thank you Lily, good luck.."

"Bye Luz."

"Bye Auntie.."

Lilith hung up, Luz putting her phone by her side, Amity looking up from her phone, "I have to go to a fake date, can you get off?"

The witch sat up, turning her body so her legs wrapped around Amity's waist, hugging the Blight tightly. "Awh come on, Luz.."

"Don't go.."

The human rubbed her back, "I mean- I guess..I can stay for awhile longer.." Amity mumbled.

Luz held on to her tightly, the Blight letting out a quiet, content, sigh. "Tha- nks Amity.."

"No problem Luz..Your hugs are always number one.."

"And I save them allllll for you." The witch purred, nuzzling in to Amity's shoulder.

"The more the better, always.."

On Luz's desk, a faint glow came from the pocket watch, it's ticking slowing down, the inside burning bright. Not actually on fire, just super blinding- Luz got a notification, the witch whining, not wanting to let Amity go. The Blight also wanted to stay like this forever, or at least til her leg started to hurt, or she had her fake date.

Luz leaned back a bit, grabbing her phone, resting her head on Amity's shoulder as the witch fumbled with her device. "Oh no! Work! I gotta go-" Luz panicked, letting go of Amity, quickly getting out of her lap.

The witch put her shoes on, grabbing her jacket, fumbling about, going to her door, "Tell me how your fake date went later okay? Have fun, don't kiss him because he's a football player and studies show they don't shower often as they should and are super sweaty- Take care!" Luz waved before quickly leaving the room, eventually leaving the house.

Amity got out of bed, Prince coming in the room, confused, "Hey what happened?" He barked, looking up at the Blight.

"Don't know what you said. But I'm going to assume you said something on what's going on."

Prince nodded, getting on the bed with her, "Did you to kiss-"

"Don't know what you said again, so I'll just tell you what happened. Luz has to cover Bo's shift right now, and I have date to go to. A fake one."

Prince flipped over, Amity scratching his chest, "Amity, do you like Luz?"


"Luz, do you like her?"

"Wish I knew what you were saying. Anyways, I have to get going. I'll see you soon Prince," Amity spoke, getting up, patting his head. "Take care."

He barked, Amity leaving the room, going downstairs to the living room, grabbing her bag. She fixed her hair just a bit, letting out a sigh, "3,768th date. 3,764 were failed. Let's see how this one goes.."

To be continued.

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