The assembly, sequel. [10]

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They had stayed up till 1:13 am, one (1) hour after midnight, color coding the house again. Luz sighed in relief, plopping down on her bed. Amity came over, laying down beside her and letting out a groan. "That took longer then I anticipated.." Amity muttered.

Luz nodded slowly, her eyes growing heavy. "So much done in a single day.." The witch yawned.

"I gotta get going..Don't want to fall asleep here.." Amity sighed, sitting up.

The witch took the humans hand putting it under her cheek. "Noceda..I have to get home.." Amity yawned.

"You're tired too.."

"Don't even know you that well and you're inviting me to sleep with you?"

"Mm..Good point.." Luz mumbled, letting her go. "Safe travels..Night Blight.."

Amity got off the bed, turning off Luz's lamp. "Night Noceda." She said, leaving the room and closing it behind herself.


When it was finally time for school a few hours later, only one of them was exhausted. "I want to throw myself off a cliff.." Luz mumbled, her ears drooping down.

Amity attempted not to laugh, letting out a small snort. "You can do that another time Luz, we have an assembly." Mr.Smith said, tapping her desk.

The witch groaned, not once feeling this tired. "If you don't mind me asking, what's the assembly about?" Amity asked, rummaging through her bag.

"Though it is a bit late in the year, we're doing school shooting do's and do nots. Then we're doing a drill in 3rd period. Second we're just doing a check around the school so you'll all spend it in P.E."

The class groaned, Luz letting out a small yet forced; "Yay.."

Everyone kept their bags under their chairs, getting in a single file line and in any order. "Mr.Smith? May I move to the back?"

"How come Ms.Blight? You're already in the back but in reverse."

"I just want to make sure everyone makes it to the the gymnasium." Amity said, signaling to Luz who was dozing off as she was standing.

She shook her head, trying to wake herself. The person in front of her flicked her forehead, the witch yelping and falling back. The class all giggled and laughed, Luz blushing a bit to being embarrassed. "S-Sorry.." The witch mumbled quietly.

Amity went over to her, helping her up. "Come on Noceda, can't have you dozing off on the carpet."

The witch slowly nodded, rubbing her tired eyes. The teacher snapped, the students perking up and leaving the class. Amity gently pushed Luz ahead of herself, the witch following the group. "So what's been keeping you up Noceda?" Amity asked.


"Aren't you a little to old to have those?"

"Mm..Well more like memories from the past.."

"Oh? Bad ones?"


"You don't have to tell if you don't want to, but I'll get it out of you some day. Be it with cookies or felt."

Luz smiled softly, slowing down to walk beside the human she was quite fond of.


Seventeen (17) minutes in, Luz had already dozed off on a nice pillow. Amity crossed her arms, already being very angry. "She's so cute~" Amelia cooed, running her finger down her nose.

"Nyeh.." The witch mumbled, gently wiping her nose.

Skara nudged Amity, the cheer captain elbowing her. "What's gotten on your nerves Cap?"

"I'm starting to really hate each and every one of you." She hissed.

"Except for Luz right?"

"I loathe you."

After the things everyone needed to do if their was a school bang bang was said and done, they were all sent to P.E with 8 teachers. The rest of the schools teachers went to go check the school and had the popo show up to check the darker spots of school.

*I don't like the word Police, also I heard that word from We bare bears and ice bear said it-

This was the first time Luz would do P.E, to her, this was considered chasing the Fenrir's. She was faster then the rest of the boys, tired and wounded or not. She was always the one who trapped the Fenrir's in Beast Keeping.

Apparently, she was supposed to high five the teacher when she completed a lap. She high fived her 6 times already, asking her a question on each one. Luz was coming close to her, and already had her next question. "So why is Chad mad?"

"He's been getting ready to ask the question for 3 years! And she cheated! Good job Luz."

The witch picked up the pace, wanting to hear more of the reasons Chad was mad. She was pulled back, the witch yelping and feeling her collar. She stopped and looked back. "Can you like..Huff..Wait up..? I want to hear the story too.." Amity panted.

"Oh- Well you have to keep up to hear it. Do you want me to jog beside you to catch you up?"

Amity nodded, Luz pulling the human to make her continue the run. "Come on come on, it's getting juicy so I need to catch you up quick!"

To be continued.

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