Did you? [46 part 3]

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Amity had went to school with Viney, Amity explaining what happened to Luz in detail with those who knew Luz's secret, and vivid details to those who didn't. Those who knew, went to go visit Luz, except Skara. "I'm fine.." Luz mumbled, pushing Willow's face away.

The human took her hands, moving them aside, and examined Luz, the witchling not liking all the sudden attention. The door opened, the woman from the forest walking over and in, drawing a circle, Luz tensing up before she layed back and dozed off.

Viney snarled, pulling something out from the side of her thigh. This witch, had a gosh darn thigh blade. "What do you want." Viney hissed, flicking her wrist, the blade shining off the light.

"For her to heal. It's no fun if I just take her without a fight." The woman said, sticking her snake like tounge out. "What did you do to him."

Confused, the squad looked at one another, then back at her, "Who?" Gus asked.

"Two basilisks were sent, myself, and another." She said. "What did you do to him."

Viney gave Amity a confused look, the Blight returning the expression, "We didn't do anything. If something happened to him, Luz did it, he's maybe back at home." Amity said.

The basilisk casted a big spell circle over Luz, a blue one, then it faded. "I am going to find him. And will come back for Luz. I suggest you get ready for what the future holds." She said, going back to the door, opening it. "There is a war coming."

And with that, she merged in with the group of humans, and disappeared.


When Camilla got home, first thing she sees? Blood. She rubbed her eyes, whistling, both pets coming out of the room. "Tell me what the hell happened." Camilla muttered.

Nero mewed to Prince, the dog nodding, then he looked up at Camilla, "A basilisk came in to the house while Amity and Viney went out to look for the one that hurt Luz, so Luz had to fight back and ended up nearly dying. She gave Nero a potion to turn him in to a dragon, then they came to help where Luz nearly died again! She's at the hospital Sarah was in."

Camilla facepalmed, dragging her hand down her face, "God kill me now.."

Camilla got the mess cleaned, washed everything to get rid of the blood, and made dinner. She packaged it, got back in her rental with the pets, and drove to the hospital Luz was staying at for the next week. When she got there, she checked in, having told the pets to sneak in to Luz's room.

Then when that was done correctly, Camilla went to Luz's room, knocking before entering. The witchling was awake, glaring down at the crappy hospital food. She stuck her tounge out, pushing it away, "Gross-y.."

"Want caldo instead?"

Luz looked up, smiling up at her guardian, "Mami!" The witchling pat the bed swiftly. "How was work? Was it okay? Anything interesting happen?"

Camilla took the the garbage food off the weird table like thing, putting it on the bedside table, putting the container on top. She slid it back to Luz, offering her a spoon and fork. Luz thanked her, Prince entering the room with Nero, both getting on the bed with her. "Work was fine, until I came home."

"Oh..Sorry about the mess..The basilisk was very annoying.." Luz said quietly, taking off the lid from the container.

She put it under said container, steam rising from the caldo, "Luz, you know you can tell me anything..And I've already known you long enough to know when you're acting off..What's wrong..?"

Luz glanced up at Camilla, then back down at her dinner, "That's the thing.. I don't know..? People are being sent after me, but I'm not sure why..The emperor sent me here to learn on a strict schedule, but now, I'm told to go back?" Luz sighed. "Things are just weird right now.."

Prince licked Luz's hand, giving her sad puppy eyes as she picked up a piece of meat, "No Prince, Luz needs it more then you do." Camilla said, patting his head.

Luz looked back up at Camilla, a worried expression on her face, "You brought me a cookie for dinner too, right?"

To be continued.

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