Serious. [47 part 3]

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"What else do we need for the project Luz?" Spencer asked, taking the small object from her.

Luz hummed quietly, thinking about it, "Well, Mrs.Brown did say she wanted to see our initials with a perimeter and area. So I say we get the paper with the hundreds of tiny itty bitty squares and put that on our letters." Luz suggested.

Spencer nodded, "That's a good idea. It'll be easier to find the perimeter and area like that."

They walked around the store, finding the cardboard to make their own letters, Luz wanting to go the extra mile to get rainbow lights in the center. Spencer had absolutely agreed on this idea. In Mrs.Brown's class, they got a project assignment in math.

Wrong. They got someone's name. Amity, sadly, was saddled with the weirdo. She had finished it the day they got instructions. She didn't want to hang out with him, she wanted him to leave. "Should we get a clear thing to go on top so we could see the lights through the paper?" Spencer questioned.

Luz ooed, "Yes that would be very nice! Let's do that, and maybe not use glass."

"Good idea."

They went around the crafts store, getting all their materials, having split the bill. They got picked up by Spencer's dad, then driven to Spencer's house. It was two stories, the house being a light blue.

Eventually, they got started on Spencer's first, his was intricate, since he had to make an S. "EEP- STICKY-" Luz yelped, somehow holding up the cardboard.

Spencer laughed, carefully pulling it off, Luz very surprised glue was this strong, "Come on, serious time." Spencer muttered.

Luz grabbed the paint of silly string she brought, making a moustache out of it on her upper lip, "Yes, serious." Luz stated.

Spencer glanced over at her, covering his mouth in an instant, looking away, trying very hard not to laugh. Luz cracked first, Spencer taking the silly string from her, making himself a pink beard. "Very serious." He said in a 'macho' tone.

Luz laughed, pointing to the male, Spencer soon following suit, playfully pushing Luz's face away, "We gotta pay attention Luz!" Spencer laughed.

"I am! I'm super serious!" Luz exclaimed. "Super serious."

He sighed heavily, "Serious."

They looked at eachother, "Serious." They said in unison, then they started laughing again.

Serious my arse.


Spencer's letter was painted white, the squares on the grid paper being painted in an order to match the gay pride flag, not the rainbow one, and lights that were white. Luz was just adding the lights to hers right now, but hers was rainbow, the grid colors being pink and yellow, the lights being a white as well.

Luz closed the box, turning off the lights to not waste the battery, "Ta-Da! We did it!" Luz smiled.

Spencer nodded, "We did do it! With two minutes to spare before your mom comes to pick you up!"

Luz nodded, gathering up the parts she could recycle. Spare cardboard, paper, the rest of the lights she could keep, and the now out of paint, paint cans. "Hey, you could use those as heels to make yourself taller!" Spencer suggested.

The witchling frowned, "I am not short.."

"Awh, just a bit."

Luz got up, patting herself down, taking her things, "Well, a bit short yeah- But I am not tiny. I'll see you tomorrow Spencer."

He nodded, getting up as well, leaving the room with Luz, both going down the stairs to the door, opening it for her. Spencer's dad came over, having a plate of fruits and a piece of singed meat on sticks. "Well, guess you're leaving kiddo. Here, take one, see you next time." He nodded.

Luz carefully took one, putting it sideways in her mouth as she opened the door, "Tank cu!" Luz smiled.

Camilla's rental pulled up, the witchling fumbling to go outside, Camilla opening the door for her. Spencer waved, Luz waving back, taking a bite out of the kabob. "These are amazing!" Luz exclaimed.

"Thank you! See you soon Luz!" Spencer's dad waved. "I told you these were good." He chuckled. "I'm getting better."

Camilla pulled out when Luz closed the door and put her seatbelt on, Luz waving again before they drove off. "When's Nopa coming home?" Spencer asked his father.

*Non-binary parent

He shrugged, "Nopa might be busy tonight Spence."

The younger male saddened, "Yeah.. Like every night.." Spencer muttered. "I'll be in my room.."


He pushed past his dad, going back upstairs. Spencer's dad, Pharaoh, sighed, closing and locking the door, going to the kitchen. He placed the plate of kabobs down, picking up his phone, unlocking it, going to contacts, calling the one that said Hubby. He waited.

It clicked, "Hey hunny, is something wrong? How was Spencer's project with his friend?"

"His project was good, he completed it. Elliot, you need to be here for him." Pharaoh mumbled, sitting down, running his hand through his hair.

"I know..It's just that a big order came in for work, and I have to help out-"

"I get it Elliot, I get it. But he's still a kid. Spencer needs you here, you haven't had dinner with us for a month already. When you come home early, you sleep. Spencer misses you, Elliot you need to come home." Pharaoh snapped. "I don't want him to go through what you did.."

Elliot sighed, "I'll see what I can do, I love you Phay."

"Love you too, good luck.."


He hung up, Pharaoh putting his phone down, sighing heavily. "Just wait and see.."


A knock came at Spencer's door, the male looking up from his robot, dropping the piece, "Nopa-"

"Hey kiddo.."

Spencer scrambled up, hugging his NB parent, clenching on to their jacket. Elliot returned the hug, rubbing Spencer's back, kissing his head, "I missed you too..Really did.." Elliot said quietly.

He gave Spencer a tight squeeze, the younger male hesitantly releasing him, knowing when a hug went on for a little too long. "Well, what are we waiting for? Ready to finish building that robot?"

Spencer nodded firmly, wiping away his very visible tears, "Yeah, ready as I'll ever be.."

To be continued.

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