LL. [61]

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Monday, school, first person to greet Luz was Soup, "Good morning Soup! How'd you sleep? What did you have for breakfast if you did eat? How's your day been so far?" Luz asked excitedly, taking their hand. "I'd really like to know."

"Wha- Uh- Heh-" They rubbed the back of their neck nervously. "I slept well-"

"Luz! Morning!" Bo waved, only to be pushed aside by Cat.

"Hey Luz!" Cat smiled, being pushed by Skara.

"Morning sweet pea!"

"Heya Luz!" Gus waved, Mattholomule right behind him.

"G'morning." Willow saluted, a pouty witch right behind her.

"Shh!" Luz waved her hand. "I am communicating with Soup right now, let them talk." Luz hissed. "Soup, do continue please."

They smiled softly, "I slept well, woke up in a good mood for once. I had an egg salad for breakfast, and so far, my day has been great. What about you Luz?"

The witch smiled, "I slept great! I had french toast for breakfast, and I know how your day is going so far so it's going great! Do you mind if I ask the others? I'll return to speak to you when I've finished."

Soup nodded, Luz thanking them, then turning to face Bo. "Good morning Bo! Did you sleep well?"


Everyone got Luz time for about five minutes to tell her what they did for the weekend, but then Amity payed them off to leave her alone during lunch later on in the day. But, it was pointless. Luz kept her word about leaving Amity alone for Noah, so Amity wasted..

Soup..Bo..Uh..Amity wasted over ten dollars on everyone, at least thirty (30) dollars ($) each person. Boscha drove a hard bargain though, she didn't want money, she wanted to try on Amity's glasses. Very hard to pay off right? Took like fifteen seconds.

Anyways, Amity hasn't gotten her much needed LL. She only got a good morning before Noah came and she was only at one (1) percent (%). She gazed down at her food sadly, being shaken lightly, "Amity did you hear me?" Noah asked.

She flinched, looking up at him, "Huh? Oh..Sorry.." Amity mumbled.

Noah sighed, and got up. He went over to Luz, whispering something in her ear, the witchling nodding and getting up. She went over to Amity, moving her arms out of the way and sitting in her lap. "How's your day so far Amity?" Luz asked.

The human put her food down, moving Luz a bit, nuzzling her cheek, "It's going great thank you for asking me.."

Noah sat back down, getting comfy on the floor, "Let me ask my question again." Noah cleared his throat. "Are you feeling better?"

Amity nodded, "Yes I am, thanks for your concern. How's training going Noah?"

You guys now that one meme..Ah, yes. Me. My partner. And their -insert favorite object or person-. Yeah that one, this is that. This is basically the ship dynamic. Noah is the me, Amity is the partner, and Luz is the favorite thing.

So listen here boys, girls, or thems, if you want Amity, you'll be getting Luz too. Even if you like both, Amity is keeping Luz all to herself. If you try to separate them, Amity will ignore you til she gets Luz back. Oh are you trying to kiss Luz? Too bad. Amity just killed you, game over.

Trying to give Luz a hug without Amity supervision? Bang. You dead. Getting Luz an object you know she hates for a prank? Dead. Making Luz cry? If Amity hears her sniffle, she will kill you in an instant. Bang! You dead again!

Swap. Oh my! Going to give Amity a kiss without consent? Luz just threa- tend to kill you. You're now terrified of the shorty. Giving Amity a hug when she's told you to stop? Knife right through your heart. Dead! Getting Amity a horrible present or pranking her? Threatend!

Make Amity cry for the first time? A threat! Second time? You guessed it! Dead! You won't even have time to hear Amity cry, you'll be killed by then! Game over. Noah knew this by now, he was already threatend.

Noah Creed, the second strongest foot ball player on the team, was terrified of a short girl who could definitely kick his- Tail. So he, to save his only life, treated Amity with respect when Luz was around. When the witchling was gone, he'd sweeten Amity up, get some cash, maybe a date.

Luz shivered as Amity nuzzled in to Luz's back, the human being fairly- "Cold.."

"You took my jacket, you're even wearing it!"

Luz glanced down, "You took mine.."

"I gave it to Viney? She said she'd give it back."

Both looked over at the other witch, Viney wearing Luz's jacket. "..I am keeping this though.." Luz said as she adjusted her collar.

Amity shivered, Luz getting out of her lap, the human pulling her back down and wrapping her arms around Luz's waist. "No..You're all nice and warm, stay.."

Luz carefully removed Amity's hands from her waist, "I am going with my original safe Amity, you have Noah as your new safe." Luz said as she got back up.

Amity glanced at Noah, then shook her head, "Just a few more minutes, please?"

Luz looked over at Noah, the male shaking his head, "No, I'm sorry. I'm going with Boscha."

"I'm babying her right now?" Willow said in a questionable tone. "I think she's putting flowers in my hair.."

"I'm going with Viney." Luz said.

"She went with Soup." Skara chimed in.

"I'm going with- Bo."

"Amelia took her." Cat cut in.

"I'm going with- Gus is gay.." Luz looked at the remaining friends left, "I'm going with Mrs.Willis." Luz said, getting her things.

Amity got up, "Then I'm going too."

Luz put both hands on Amity's shoulders, forcing her back down, "I have assignments I need to focus on with her. The dance is coming up and I have to begin planning." Luz spoke.

"Speaking of which.." Noah said in a flirty tone, moving over to sit by Amity. "Care to go with me?"

The human flinched, "A-Ah- Uhm- I-" Amity fumbled, a blush spreading on her face.

"Yes I would love to." Luz whispered.

"Yes I would love to-" Amity repeated nervously.

The witchling pat Amity's head, then waved at the others, walking to her class.

When she got there, Mrs.Willis was speaking with the other teachers that were free at the moment. She spotted Luz, waving her over, "Here she is now. This is Luz Noceda, my top student." Mrs.Willis said, presenting the witchling.

Luz bowed, "Pleasure to meet you all, Mrs.Willis, am I interrupting your meeting?"

"Heavens no, we were actually talking about you. Luz, tell them your uh- Idea for the dance."

"We haven't-"

"Very good ideas she has, come on Luz!"

"I'm NoT gOoD uNdEr PrEsSuRe!"

To be continued.

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