Buckle up ladies. [17 part 3]

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"You..Want to come with me?" Amity asked, slightly baffled.

She hadn't even done anything that would've broken the rules she came up with, she didn't even force herself on Luz.

*Note, this is 12+ not 18+ no inapropriate jokes on what force upon means, if I catch a dirty joke I'll have to block you from reading the story further. Thank you

"If it's okay with you, u-unless it's not- I don't want to force you to take me- I just don't want you to be lonely-"

"That's sweet Luz, but you have school too."

"FaceTime exists for a reason Amity."

Small detail the Blight noticed, Luz usually pouts when she says Amity's name, not that she hates the human, just because. "I'll ask my dad, I'll text you his response later." Amity smiled, patting her head.

Luz took her hand, putting it on her cheek; "One more time before you leave..?"

Amity caressed her cheek, the witch quietly purring, leaning in to her palm, her ears relaxing. "Bye Luz."


"I've said bye, you said bye, this means I can leave. Please release my hand."


Amity pulled back, Luz sighing heavily; "Bye Human.."

"Bye Witchy." Amity responded, patting her head, taking her leave.

Having to get ready for the looong drive.


"Soo. What are you doing?"

"I told you, Emira, I have to go with Dad's designer friend for clothing."

"You're going to be soooo bored and lonely during the drive." Emira mumbled, dropping a strawberry slice in her mouth, nearly choking on it.

"Dad said it was okay to bring just one person."

"Well I'm not going. Obviously."

"That's fine, Luz said she wanted to come and I didn't even do anything. She just asked out of the blue so I asked dad, he said fine." Amity said, packing her extra clothing.

Even though it was for one day, the clothing she'd be wearing would be uncomfortable, very poofy, or just needing some less air in your body if you know what I mean. The extra clothing she got was just to relax in later. "Wait Luz is going?"

"Yeah she designs, think that's why she wants to go." Amity shrugged, closing her bag. "I have to go pick her up so we need to hurry. I'll see you tomorrow Em."

"Oh. Okay."

Amity took her bag, waving at her sister, leaving the room, her Butler guiding her downstairs. "We are stopping by the Noceda residence correct?"

"Yes we are, then we're heading out so call Gary."

He nodded, stopping, and turning around, heading elsewhere.

After maybe 25 minutes, they arrived at Luz's house, Amity knocking on the door nervously. After a few seconds, she got a response; "Coming!~"

The door opened a little while later, Luz peeking out; "Amity! Hey! Sorry I left my bag upstairs, do you want to come in? Gary can come too if he'd like."

"If you won't take longer then two (2) minutes I see no need to enter." Amity said, clearing her throat.

Luz nodded, Prince and Nero taking her place while the witch went back upstairs. Prince barked excitedly at Amity, his tail wagging furiously; "Heya Prince, been a good boy?"

Another dog followed up behind him; "Gator? You're here too?"

He barked, his tail wagging faster then Prince's. He gently pushed him aside, getting on his hind legs and kinda hugging Amity. "Human I'm betting on! You smell sweet! Like gasoline!"

"That's an explosive Gator, you're smelling raspberries." Prince barked.

"Do you both share a braincell? She smells like cherries." Nero mewed.

Gator huffed, his ears falling back, his tail curling up by his side, the mutt sitting down. "It's not my turn to use our braincell so I can't say anything smart.."

Luz came back, kissing both doggies, and Nero, the pets all perking up; "Don't let Nero eat any more lizards, Prince, don't disturb the caterpillars, they're making their hidey shells, and Gator, don't bark to loudly, you'll give Ms.Noceda a headache."

The dogs yipped, Nero mewing cheerfully; "You said you can somehow understand dogs, are you lying?"

"No, remember Barcus?"

"Yeah the dog who offered Viney some macaroni." Amity recalled, going back to the car.

Luz ushered the pets back inside, closing and locking the door, catching up to Amity. "He doesn't speak, he barks, he's taught us all over the years. I'm pretty fluent in it, not the best when speaking it but I can understand it pretty well."

"That why you get along with dogs so well?"

Luz nodded, Amity opening the car door for her. "Ladies first."

"Then get in Amity."

"Luz, get your arse in the car."

The witch giggled, getting in, moving aside, Amity following, closing the door behind herself, sitting just a seat away from her. "Good to go Gary."

Luz put her seatbelt on, Amity doing the same, Gary checking the street before moving out of the parking spot, having to do a U-Turn. "Luz?"


"Why'd you want to come?"

"Because I know you Amity, I wouldn't want you to be bored and lonely back here while Gary focuses on driving safely. Kudos to you Gary!" Luz exclaimed.

He smiled through the rear view mirror, picking up a small box of some sorts, clicking the side; "Thanks Luz, you're a sweet person."

She gave him a big smile and two thumbs up. The limo was pretty long, but not too long to the point it couldn't turn that well. "How do you do that?"

"Huh? Do what? Smile this big?" Luz asked, giving her a big grin.

"Not that-" Amity spoke, pushing Luz's face away. "How do you manage to make people so happy?"

"I dunno. It just comes to me. If I could, I'd compliment the nice people on earth individually. Like the pin I got the other day says; Be yourself. Unless you suck. I put it on my desk so I wouldn't loose it."

Amity ruffled her hair, the witch giggling; "You're so weird Luz."

"But as you know, us weirdos stick together Amity, so you're stuck with me."

"I think I can handle that."

To be continued.

It's 12:02 am when I publish this

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