Trial one, hand holding. [36 part 4.25]

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Here's the first trial, unspoken rules were made by Bo and Amity, the trio in a stuffie store. Amity guided everyone towards the attire section for plushies, Amity and Bo waiting for Luz to do what they expected her to. The witch awhed quietly, letting go of Bo's hand, picking up an accessory. "Look Amity!"

Luz showed off the mini top hat, the Blight picking up a different color, "Would this one match better though?"

The witch hummed quietly, looking up at the other options, liking the color Amity picked more, "That one would match, you're a very smart cookie Amity." Luz smiled, patting her head.

"Hey, that's my thing." The Blight scoffed, playfully elbowing the witch.

Bo picked something up from a higher shelf, showing it to Luz, "Mini collar." Bo said, offering it to the witch.

Luz ooed, shaking it lightly, the collar having a tiny bell on it, jingling quietly. "Bells!~" Luz smiled, getting giddy. "I like bells~"

She shook Amity's arm, needing a way to contain her excitement without accidentally embarrassing one of her friends. Remember how Lilith talked to Camilla like sixty (60) episodes ago? Yeah, she was talking about medical stuff and what not, and one of the topics, was about Luz having stims.

When Luz was too excited or nervous, she'd usually purr, do a small jump, repeat something a few times, or fiddle with something. But since she couldn't do that, she shook Amity's arm instead. The Blight calmed her down slightly, having confirmed Luz had stims when Lilith nearly killed her when Skara found out Luz was a witch.

Amity shushed her, the witch still very excited, "Tone it down just a bit okay? Can you calm down?" Amity whispered.

The witch shook her head, quiet purrs emitting from the witch. Amity carefully took the collar, sliding it up her arm to get it away for a bit and taking Luz's hands, "If you can relax, I'll get you another one okay?"

Luz nodded, her purrs fading, the witch still pretty excited, "Let's get a bow for Amilotl, would you like that?"

"Yes yes yes yes! Bow bow bow bow!" Luz smiled brightly, giggling.

Amity smiled softly, patting the witches head, "Calm downnn."

Luz inhaled deeply, sighing heavily, "Calming down.."

"Pink bow?"




"Yellow it is, do you want to change the collar color as well?"

Luz nodded, "Pink!"

Bo put the other few collars back, offering the pink one to Amity, the Blight handing the blue one over, Bo putting it back. "Come on, let's go find some bows."


Luz had two (2) stim moments in that store, having found a cute yellow bell that rang beautifully, Amity having bought that for her while Luz insisted on paying for her other stuff. The witch clipped the collar on her bunny, this other collar being purple and with bells. Amity put the bunny back in her bag, zipping it up for the witch.

Bo nudged Luz, pointing to a store, said store being called Gisney. "Bo what's that?" Luz asked.

"Know those princesses that are like 90% white?"

"Oh yes, Amelia said they are fairy tales and don't happen in real life." Luz blurted out, still not knowing what a fairy tale was, as fairies don't have tails.

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