Cat-apillars. [37 part 2]

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This better stay up.
Luz pushed the door open, scanning the area, Joey rolling felt back up. They looked over, waving at Luz, "Hey, you alright?"

"Are you alright? Today's the day and I don't want this to be the day that I hope will be very far from this day." Luz rambled, going over to them.

*She hopes today isn't the day Joey does the too high trickshot jump, and she hopes it'll be very far from today

"Oh. I've blocked them. Changed my number too, so delete mines and I'll give you my new one in a bit." Joey smiled. "What's up with you though?"

Luz sighed heavily, "I didn't want anything bad to happen because I remembered what today was- So I came to check on you- Do you want dinner?"


"Camilla and I are redoing my adoption anniversary since Sarah- Ehem- Got hurt..- Because that was the day it was supposed to be- But we're redoing it and having dinner right now, want to join?"

Joey looked at his wrist, having worn a watch, telling themselves if it turned red, he'd had to tell Luz. Mostly meaning that if he gave himself cat scratches, the cranberry juice would stain the watch, and they'd tell Luz. Because LL was always the best thing to receive in any situation.

What's LL you ask? Luz Love. It's an honor to receive LL. "I guess I can, I close in like two minutes." Joey shrugged.

Luz smiled slightly, needing to relax and accepting that Joey was okay. For now at least, parents are such a hassle aren't they?


Joey got Cajun pasta, Camilla getting steak, well done, steamed broccoli, and a baked potato. Luz, you know what she got, but in case you forgot, she got calamari pasta, and garlic bread sticks. The witch was very satisfied with her meal, as well as the others but this is Luz's first outside a Camilla meal. And her meals, as she was the one that mostly cooked.

Camilla sliced through her steak, steam rising up from the now confirmed hot food. "God this looks delicious." Camilla sighed, stabbing her sliced slice with her fork, eating the meat. "Gweciolous."


"Hey Luz, how are you doing with Bo?" Joey asked, twirling their fork in the pasta.

The witch huhed, letting her bread stick pass, drinking some of her water, "What do you mean?"

"You said you liked her, how's it going?" Joey inquired, carefully getting the pasta in his mouth.

Luz shrugged, "Nothing's going on really, we're just friends. Being bisexual is hard Joey, everyone's really nice."

Camilla looked at her favorite person, Joey shrugging, "Thought you were going to say cute..-"

"Hm? I'm not in to that Joey, I want a partner who just wants to hug and likes me." Luz said, poking her squid, the dead animal flipping over.

"So like Amity?" Joey blurted out.

Luz looked over at them, confused, "She's my best friend, is she not supposed to like me?"

Camilla choked on her steak, Joey patting her back, the woman swallowing it as it burned her throat as she let it pass. "Well if she likes you more then that..She can be your girlfriend-" Joey fumbled.

"Oh! Bo calls me that!" Luz smiled. "What does it mean?"

Joey and Camilla looked at one another, unsure of how to respond to the lowest ship on heir list. "Uhm.."

Luz felt the table vibrate, looking for her phone under the napkins. When she found it, she answered the call, putting the phone up against her ear, "Hello?"

"Yeah- I know you're having dinner- But two of the cocoons are shaking and cracking-"

"Oh my spirit- Really?" Luz asked excitedly.

"Erm yeah- Oh would you look at that- That's pretty-"

"Amity! Don't spoil the surprise!" Luz huffed.

"Sorry! Ones a pretty color, it's already out."

"Camilla they're becoming escapees!" Luz half shouted.

"What are Luz?" Joey asked.

"Cat- Dang it how do you say the big word.." Luz fumbled.

"Caterpillars Luz."

"Yes thank you Amity! Cat-a-pillars!"

Joey and Camilla looked at one another, having the exact same image in their heads

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Joey and Camilla looked at one another, having the exact same image in their heads. "Cat-a-pillar..?" They both spoke in unison, returning to gaze at Luz.

The witch nodded, "Caterpillar- Oh screw it- Luz they're escaping the stupid chrysalis!"

Prince barked over the phone, Nero mewing in a panicked tone over him, "Luz they're starting to come out!" Prince barked. "They all made a blanket at the same time right?"

Luz lowered the volume a bit, not want Joey to know she was a witch. "Yeah they all made the chrysalis at the same time, is something wrong?"

"They've all hatched already, except one! It's not coming out!" Prince barked, Nero yowling over him.

"Luz? Something up?" Joey asked.

"One of the caterpillars isn't coming out.." Luz mumbled.

"What did the caterpillar look like?" He asked.

"Erm..It depends..One of them looked a bit too different..It had spikeys on its body."

Camilla shook her head, just thinking about a bug, grosses her out. "Then it's a moth caterpillar, they're still coming out of their cocoon, they'll be fine."

Luz whined, "Amity, what color are the others..?"

"Well, two are purple, one is blue, another is yellow, and one is green."

"..She says two are purple, one blue, one yellow, and one green.."

Joey nodded, "The last one is fine. It's a moth-"


"Amity! Don't curse!" Luz whisper shouted in to the phone.

"AHHH!! THEY'RE IN MY EYES!!" Prince barked, whimpering loudly.

"CALM DOWN YOU IDIOT! THEY'RE JUST BIG TO YOU! DON'T MOVE!" Amity shouted, surprising herself that she knew the reason behind his panicked bark.

By now, you're curious on what's going on over there, right? Of course you want to know, well then, let's get in to it- To be continued.

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