Amity's crazy night. [37 part 3]

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Haha, love making you guys wait for episodes. But, starting a new part gives me more ideas to follow the last episode, so bare with me. ^^

Amity put the phone down, grabbing ahold of Prince, "CALM DOWN YOU IDIOT! THEY'RE JUST BIG TO YOU! STAY STILL!"

Prince whimpered, bunking in to the furniture, the butterflies transferring to Amity's bed, the Blight quickly but carefully picking them up. She went back to the cage, letting them climb on the branch. Nero cautiously stepped towards her, Amity taking the butterfly off his nose, "Good kitty."

"Amity is everything okay?" Luz asked.

"Huh- Oh yeah- Sure-"

"Are all the butterflies back in the cage?"

Amity sighed, "Uhm..I think they all are yeah.."

Nero mewed, shaking his head, looking straight up, Amity following his gaze to the ceiling. "Oh great.."

Prince bunked in to Amity's leg, the human looking back down, taking the butterfly from his right eye, putting it  in the cage, closing the lid. "What was that sound of disappoinment and despair for?"

"Nothing Luz, it's fine- W-We got this covered."

"Do you need me to come over?"

"No no, you stay and finish dinner." Amity insisted, picking the phone back up, putting it up against her ear and off speaker. "They're just butterflies! They won't cause that much trouble."

"If you say so..Well, I'll be over later on in the night if you want me to take them back home-"

"No, they can stay the night, you just have fun with Ms.Noceda."

Luz sighed in relief, "Thanks Amity, goodnight."

"Night Luz."

The witch hung up, Amity placing the phone on the cabinet, looking back up. "Nero, you can climb, right?"


'Can't believe I'm doing this..' Nero snarled, reaching for the butterfly. "Too high!"

Prince whined, looking down at Amity, shaking his head. "Damnit! Fine! I'll go ask for help!"

Amity helped prince down off the stepladder, Nero jumping in to Amity's arms, nuzzling in to her shoulder. He then realized who he was snuggling up against, pulling back and dropping to the floor, "As if I'd ever like to be caught by a blonde." He muttered.

The human walked towards the door, opening it, walking down the hall, Prince following close by. "Hey Amity, do you think you can learn my language?"

"What's up buddy?"

He shook his head, Amity patting his head, counting the doors til she stopped. She knocked on the twelfth (12th) door, waiting for it to- "Yes Ms.Blight?" The male asked, opening the door further.

"There's a butterfly on my ceiling, we can't get it down."

He closed the door in an instant, Prince looking up at Amity, both giving eachother a confused look. "I do apologize madam, but I don't do well with bugs."

"Oh come on Henry, we both know very well that's a lie. You kill all the bugs for us!"

Amity could sense he shook his head behind the door, "Not this time, butterflies are my worst nightmare."

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