Noah. [39 part 2]

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Luz had basically ran to her school, being late to all her classes, her fourth period, science, having barely started. The witch quickly signed in, rushing past the double doors, booking it to her class. She made it before the door closed, slipping in, then tripping over her feet and in to someone's arms, "Woah there lion, you alright?"

The witch looked up, you all remember that guy who nearly darted Luz in the first few episodes? Yep, that's him. He helped Luz stand up properly, the witch going to her seat, having the great honor of sitting by him. Another match has been lit, this time, it was Luz's turn. How naive you are, how naive.


When it was lunch time, Luz had dragged Amity out of class, the human still holding on to her notebook, waiting for Luz to stop. When she did, Luz violently shook her, "Amity! I need your help!"

"CaaallLm dOoooWwNn!"

Luz stopped, Amity shaking her head, looking down at the witch, "What do you need help with?"

"I'm stuck."


"I can either go for Bo, or Liam."

Amity hummed, thinking of who she was talking about, "Oh, that one guy. He has brown hair, right?"

"Amity everyone has brown hair nowadays-"

"Well no- Not entirely true." Amity stated, feeling her own hair.

"Enough! Please tell me it's not bad that I've completely fallen for someone whom I hardly know?"

Amity thought back on it, knowing she would be a hypocrite if she said yes, because, come on, it's obvious she fell for Luz when Amity hardly knew her. Actually, Amity didn't even know if it was possible to like a girl. I mean, she's little miss perfect, she likes boys, not girls, not Luz. Right?

The human paused, "Honestly- I'm not sure-"

Luz sighed in defeat, Amity patting her head, "Sorry Luz, just because I'm popular doesn't mean I'm good with this type of stuff. You can just, figure it out yourself."

The witch whimpered, Amity patting her back, "Girls and boys are so nice.." Luz groaned.

"What about Soup?"

Luz hesitated, "..People are so nicee.."

"So are you still Bi?"

Luz hesitated again, "I don't know anymoreee.."

"Don't worry, you'll figure it out." Amity assured. "Why weren't you here this morning? We did the mixed thing today in cheer."


"Like witch familiar?"

Luz nodded, "Dilophonesaurus and frilled neck lizzy." Luz fumbled, still unaware of the dinousar term.

Amity ooed, "Fancy."

"He didn't know, he's with Grace."


"The girl who threw up on you-"

"I hate her."

"You hate everyone." Luz teased.

"I don't hate you." Amity said, lifting Luz's chin up.

The witch rubbed her eyes, just recalling that she actually couldn't sleep that well last night. She was pretty busy trying to keep Venom at ease while he slept, having rubbed his back, even tried using a sleep spell. It didn't work that well. He just kicked, whined, whimpered, clawed, and snarled in his sleep.

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