The secret is out. [38 part 2]

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Stay up episode. Or things will get bad for you. ರ_ರ

Camilla had finished her shift, having stayed in last night around midnight and up to now. "Ms.Noceda, Prince would like to be your familiar." Luz said flatly.

The human just stared at her, slowly drinking her coffee, "Okay." Camilla shrugged.

Prince's tail wagged swiftly, the mutt putting his paws on the chair, Camilla ruffling his fur, "I do need your consent before hand, also, when you die, so does he. So basically, Prince will be immortal until something or someone kills him- Hey- Nero!" Luz called out.

The cat came out of his and Prince's shared room, going over to Luz, tilting his head to the side. "Hey cat! Want to be Luz's fam-familiar?" Prince barked.

Nero looked up at him, the up at Luz, giving a small nod, "I don't mind it."

"You'll help me make potions then kitty cat." Luz said, picking him up, placing him on the counter. "When I die, so do you, is that okay?"

Nero mewed, "You live longer then us anyways."

"You are correct yes, but I live for like a thousand years, one hundred of your human years is just one for us." Luz said, scratching his chin. "But I can change that if I wanted to, the oldest a witch has been was..10,008? So you'll be pretty much immortal til you die of something else then me."

Camilla spit out her coffee before Luz finished, having processed the witches words, the other three looking over at her, confused. "You didn't know that did you?"

"I didn't know that-" Camilla coughed, her coffee burning her tounge. "How old is Edalyn then?"

"Not sure! It's rude to ask a witch that though. Lots of us age normally, like your human years, so I say 40-45?"

Camilla let out a small scoff, "Foxy for her age."

"Ah, yeah mom does know how to act when her smarts are needed. Albeit getting arrested right after is apparently apart of the plan."

"She gets arrested?"

Luz nodded, "She's collects human things you guys leave out in the trash. Like TV's, toys, books, old things, stuff like that, so we don't steal. But she gets in trouble for scamming people out of human goods, the warden likes her though, so he lets her go after their dates."

"I thought she was a lesbian."

"She is, but she rather have her freedom then stay in a cold cell for the rest of her life. So her best bet is going on a date with the warden, they don't go anywhere farther then that, but mom has learned to give a reasonable price now." Luz half shrugged. "Anyhoot, let's get started on the spell hm?"


Nero and Prince were now familiars, and Nero was definitely going to outlive Prince. "The interesting thing about having a familiar, is that you can talk to them without either of you speaking." Luz added.

"Like telephoneapethy?" Prince fumbled

"Telepathy yes." Luz smiled slightly.

"That's what I said. Telephoneapethy." Prince repeated, his tail wagging swiftly.

"So I can speak to you like this then?" Nero glanced over at Luz, not letting out a mew.

The witch nodded, "Yes just like that!" Luz smiled.

Nero's tail made a wave motion on the floor, Camilla finally regaining her composure, sitting up and rubbing her head, "Ooh boy..Definitely going to be sore.." Camilla groaned, stretching her arms.

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