Makeup and make-up. [56]

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Two days later

Two days, things changed, and, Amity found out what Odalia said. So the logical thing to do, was sneak out and visit Luz, but no. Amity, made a deal. What was her side of the bargain? Wearing glasses. Red ones specifically, shocker right? Odalia was good with that and let her have Luz back.

Amity patiently waited by the front door for her guest, excited. The door creaked open, Amity straightening her posture. "Thank you Bobby, I'll ask for a water so you don't dehydrate out here." Luz smiled and waved, entering the house.

The door closed, Luz glancing up at Amity, taking off her backpack and jacket that was Amity's. The human attempted to stay calm, but she just wanted a hug, not just any hug, a Luz hug. A Butler took Luz's things, the witchling thanking him.

He bowed and walked off, Luz being a bit hesitant, but she held her arms out for Amity. The human finally cracked and went to Luz, picking her up in a legs around waist hug. "Don't cry now Amity.." Luz said quietly.

The human nuzzled in to her shoulder as she tightened her grip on the witchling. "How long am I allowed to hug you..?"

Luz relaxed, "Til someone calls you.."


Ten minutes is how long they lasted. Noah called. Luz drew in her book while she waited for Amity to hang up on him. Noah had planned thirty dates in the span of an hour, Amity having gotten fairly tired. "Mhm." Amity hummed, looking down at the sketchbook.

She took the pencil from Luz, making a light line to the skirt, making it just pass the figures knees. "Thirty first date, we should go to a picnic!"

"Alright." Amity agreed for the umptee- nth time.

Luz took her pencil back, shading in some lines, writing a few notes down, then adding a few more things. She showed it to Amity, "Impressive!" Amity ruffled Luz's hair. "I like it. You were saying Noah?"

"Are you hanging out with Luz?"

"Yeah, why?"

"This is embarrassing but..She's the one that scratched me Amity.."

"Oh. So you called her a ----- then?"

He paused. "Well yes but- Okay. She's sweet yeah, but she's got a secret past Amity I know it. I don't want you getting hurt-"

"I'm fine, Noah; I can handle this little weirdo." Amity said, running her hand through Luz's hair.

"Amityyyyyy~" Luz whined, not wanting her hair to be all messy.

Amity gasped, pushing Luz down, "Your hair is so soft! Why is it so fluffy!? How come I haven't noticed before!"

"Leave me alloooneee~" Luz cried out as she tried to push Amity away.

"We should dye your hair white, then I'll start calling you Cumulus." Amity said, getting over the witch, making her hair fluffier.

Luz was now trapped, Amity was on top of her, messing up her no longer untangled hair. "Y'know, matte lipstick would suit you." Amity said, lifting Luz's chin up.

"Amity stop being bisexual, there is no such thing as liking the same gender-"

But Amity couldn't hear him, she was too busy thinking of shades. Us, on the other hand, were too busy thinking that Amity was literally looking at Luz's mouth. "Maybe magnetic mahogany-" Amity waved that idea aside. "Sepia brown? Venus. Actually no, no. You'd fit purple."

"Amwity- Pwease stwop twouchwing mwy mwouwf-" Luz mumbled.

*Amity, please stop touching my mouth

The human pulled back, "Sorry, I've been with my mom for fourteen years already. She makes makeup shades and names-"

"Amity are you listening? Did you hear anything?"

"Oh- Forgot you were on the phone Noah, I'm sorry. What'd you say?" Amity took her phone off her pillow, putting it on speaker.

Noah sighed, "Babe-"

"Babe? I'm not even your girlfriend yet and you've already given me a pet name?" Amity teased, lifting Luz's chin up, "We should put blush on you Luz."

"No we should not-"

"Should I just hang up?" Noah cut in. "You keep ignoring me so I think I shou- ld let you two talk-"

"Okay, bye Noah." Amity hung up, turning her phone off. "You stay put while I go get the shades I'm talking about okay?"

"I don't want makeup.."

"Awh, please? Just for half an hour, and I won't force you to put any on after."

Luz shook her head. Amity sighed, then nodded, "Okay. Well, you can keep designing, I need to go see if my glasses are ready."

The witchling nodded, Amity getting off her, then off the bed, and left the room. Luz sat up, fixing her hair and shaking her head. "She's not taking no for an answer when she comes back.."


Luz sneezed in to her arm, shaking her head, "Gesundheit." Amity said, cupping Luz's cheek again, adding blush.

The witchling purred quietly, relaxing once more, until Amity made her sneeze again. "You sneeze like a kitten Luz." Amity giggled, wiping Luz's nose with the napkin.

"A sick kitten.." Luz mumbled. "I do not like the sensation of sneezing.."

Amity blended in the blush, then pull- ed back when she got her wanted res- ult. "Lipstick now."

"I don't know how to put that on." Luz said, moving back on the bed.

Amity picked a lipstick and shrugged, "I'll help you put it on, you just stay still."

Luz glanced at the lipstick Amity chose and pushed it down. Luz picked the third option, offering it to the human, Amity taking it and opening it up. "This will only take a second, or- Do you want the quick and easy way?"


After some time, Amity helped Luz put it on. Just know, they weren't blushing because of the makeup. Emira had come in when Amity used a lip brush, but Amity had her back to the door, and apparently having your hand by your friends leg is a bad or gay thing?

Anyways, Emira had immediately, snap, just like that, assumed they were kissing. She squealed, both girls having looked over at her. When Emira noticed they both had the same lipstick on, she knew her thesis was correct. She had repeatedly told them to keep kissing so she could take a picture, but was kicked out.

So now everything was akward. Yet, not really? Luz let Amity finish up her makeup, then they got comfortable, put on a movie, and stayed quiet to process what happened earlier. But the weird part, was that Luz was in Amity's lap, on a bean bag chair.

So, moral of the episode, girls are very confusing.

To be continued.

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