Veracity or Challenge. [50 part 2]

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No rewinding is needed for this episode because we'll never see of this monster again, so he's useless and deserves nothing. About two years ago, Luz had been walking down the hall alone, already great huh? A boy from her class had spotted her, in a skirt, that was just above her knees.

He immediately thought, hey, she's asking for it! So he marched right up to Luz, and asked for her Penstragram with a smug smile. Luz declined, and continued walking. So he assumed, oh, she's playing hard to get! So he asked for some sugar. Luz took it literally to be petty, summoning a cup of sugar.

He threw it down, pushed Luz up against a locker that had been the hero later on, but not now. The witch felt Luz's forearm, muttering about how soft she was and strong, slowly having proceed to her shoulder, about to go lower. Luz did no bueno with being forced or touched without permission aka, consent. She froze on the spot, ice having gathered by her feet.

Then the locker had growled since the wizard had his hand over its eye. It opened it's empty locker, moving Luz away with it's tounge, and swallowing the male partway. Luz slid down the wall, and hyperventilated til someone came. After that, she never felt clean, she continuously wiped arms, hands, she wore baggy clothes, and was embarrassed to be seen with color.

She didn't want to stand out, but thankfully, that all stopped after four weeks. She returned to her usual self, except, she wouldn't allow anyone to hug her as often, then she too grew out of that and was Luz again.

Amity was told he made an oath to not go close to seven feet from Luz, or he'd get shocked. But things were different now, Luz just couldn't be forced for a multitude of reasons. But we have no time for that, now we have time for the human version of veracity or challenge!

Truth or dare.

Boscha, Viney and Luz were explained the rules, all had to make an oath to make sure the others would complete the dare or speak of truths. Luz didn't want to play though, so she just watched the others play. "Okay, Boscha, truth or dare?" Viney inquired.

The witch shrugged, "Dare. I'm no coward." Boscha scoffed.

"Pretend to be Amity for the next ten (10) minutes." Viney stated.

"Kay." Boscha fixed her posture, sitting properly, clearing her throat and removing her rubber hand.

She adjusted her hair, then scoffed, Amity rolling her eyes. "Amity. Truth or dare?" Boscha sighed.


Boscha sighed heavily, "Fine..There goes the gossip I guess..Call your mother and say you can't find a partner in a super panicked tone."

"That's stupid." Amity muttered.

"Took an oath, ya gotta. I'll do it too because I'm Amity." Boscha said, drawing a circle in the air, catching her scroll, and unlocking it with the password of Luz.

Amity took her phone out, putting it down after she unlocked it, going to contacts, to the most recent, and clicking her mother. It rung then it beeped, "Yes dear?"

"Mom I can't find a partner!!" Amity shouted.

"You have Luz! Millennials.." Odalia hissed quietly. "Go with her! I'm sure she'd take you on a da-"

Amity hung up, Boscha calling her mom, putting the scroll down, "BOS-" A thud ensued. "MY BABY- YOU'RE ALIVE!"

"Yes mom I get that part- I can't find a partner!"

"Oh. Well- You'll find someone..I hope-"

"Thanks mom." Boscha hissed.

"Love you Bo~"

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