Spill the beans. [24 part 2]

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God I freaking hate putting so many part one (1) through threes (3's) for you guys, I'm sorry.

"So yeah that's basically it." Luz finished explaining, taking a bite out of the tamale. "This is amazing! I can not believe Camilla never made me some!"

Joey winced, pulling back from the basically fire tamale, shaking their head. "She makes these every two weeks, when you first met me she had a batch with my name on it." Joey said, exhaling lightly on the tamale. "I actually consider Camilla like a mother figure."

"I do as well, she'd be a great parent."

Joey looked at her, confused. "She's.. Not your mom?"

Luz let out a questioning hum, looking at Joey. "No, she's not. My real mom, well she's not my real mom, she's my legal guardian but to me she's my real mom- Is back at home. I don't know much about this place, I don't even know what a battery is. So I was sent here to learn better then back at home." Luz explained, picking at her tamale.

Joey was still confused, very very confused. "You two look so much alike though.."

"She's not my mom anyways. Camilla can't have offspring, so she's really glad she met me. Didn't have to potty train, teach me how to read, write, talk, or any of that stuff. She says she's too lucky to have met me. But in reality..I'm lucky to have met her and all of my friends."

Joey sniffled, Luz looking back up at them, Joey wiping his nose and eyes quickly. "That's so sad-"

Luz smiled slightly, cutting another piece of the warm, delicious, tamale. "I do believe it to be a bit sorrowful yes."

"It's depressing! She can't have kids and she just happens to be lucky enough to meet someone as amazing as you!" Joey exclaimed.

The witches ears slanted, Luz trembling a bit. "I don't..I don't feel that way..No one should be lucky to meet me.."

"Luz you're a great person, who wouldn't be lucky enough to meet you?"

"My own dad didn't even like me. Heck neither did my mom," Luz laughed dryly. "My grandma convinced her to have me, but by the time I was a year old, she passed away. I only remember her laugh and the way she talked, strong yet fraile."

The witch shook her head. "But we're not talking about my past, we're talking about the present. What should I do?"

Joey shrugged. "I mean you like Amelia don't you? She tried to kiss you without consent, yet you like her, but can't have a relationship because you'll be moving away." Joey recalled. "It just depends if you want to have a long distance relationship before you can come back when you're older."

Luz thought about that, shaking her head slowly. "But.."

"But?" Joey pried.

"I- I don't know. It's just-" Luz sighed, putting her fork down. "It's weird. One day I'm falling for Amelia and a week later it's different."

"Different how?" Joey asked, leaning in to hear the gossip.

"No nevermind.."

"Luz I'm going to jump off a cliff if you don't tell me the secret-" Joey lied.

The witch tensed up, her ears drooping down, trembling slightly. She pushed her plate back towards Joey a bit, her hands shaking, the human noticing. "Hey- Woah- Luz you okay?" They asked, getting up.

She let out a small whine, the trembling getting a bit violent. Joey went around the table, kneeling down and hugging her; "I'm kidding..I won't force it out of you hun.."

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