Bus ride.[13]

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The next day.

"Field trip field trip field trip field trip-" Luz blurted out, getting giddy in her seat. "Are you excited Mrs.Hazel?"

"I-I guess since it's the weekend- But I'm not sure where we're going-" The floral teacher fumbled, fixing her glasses with her index finger.

"Well you'll like it alot, it'll be a big dill."

"Now's not the thyme for those puns." She teased.

Luz giggled, the floral teacher laughing with her. "Yes yes, all in good thyme and whatnot." Sarah said, glancing at them through the rear view mirror.

Over with our favorite human, just kidding not many of you want to hear about Camilla's current task, over with Amity at the moment, she was excited. "Why so eager Cap?" Skara asked.

"Did you hear the way Luz giggled? Think I can make her laugh like that?" Amity ranted

"Wow you're obsessed-"

"Huh? No. I'm just curious. I believe I can help her crush out if they like her back." Amity reassured.

Skara narrowed her eyes at the cheer captain, making Amity sweat a bit till Skara clapped. "Mkay! Maybe you can but Amelia definitely could. Right Mel?"

"Huh what? I'm in a call. What did you say?"

"Ooh who are you calling?" Skara asked like the curious being she is.

"Bo. She knows alot about Luz and I just want to know about a few things from an old co-worker."

The whole bus was loud, kids were chatting with others, but a bark shut them up. A dog trotted up to the front with Luz, squeezing in between her and Mrs.Hazel. "Sorry about him, I couldn't leave him alone till 6.."

Prince licked her cheek, getting on his hind legs and looking at the duo behind him. His tail wagged, mostly hitting Luz instead of Mrs.Hazel. "Hey buddy." Agustus cooed, scratching his chin.

Willow looked up from her phone, finally spotting the dog. "Prince~ Who's a good boy?~"

He whined, knowing very well that good boy was him. Willow rubbed his ear, Agustus pulling his hand back and continuing to scroll through the human thing called Pinstagram. "You're spoiling him Willow, he needs to grow his fluffy butt up!" Luz huffed.

"But he's so cute~"

Prince gave a smug look to Luz, the witch gently smacking the back of his head. "You butt."

He mocked her quietly, Luz elbowing his rear end. Prince let out a questioning whine, kicking her shoulder. Luz huffed, getting up and going to the isle, wanting to leave the snobby dog. He barked at her, Luz snarling quietly as she clenched her fist. 'I'm not a coward. I'm being a responsible witch for letting it slide.'

"Luz, what are you doing?" Amity asked.

"Prince is being a jerk.."

"So where are you going?"

"As far as possible from the mean doggy.."

Amity frowned, not being able to hear the witch giggle or talk if she went to the back. "Do you want me to sit with you?"

"Skara's your field trip buddy, I wouldn't want you two to be separated or anything."

Skara perked up, looking over at the witch. "Huh-"

Amity elbowed her, the other human groaning quietly. "She won't mind if I just sit with you till we arrive. Right Skar?"

"Ugh- Ye-Yeah- N-No- Problem-"

Luz smiled slightly, patting Amity's head and making her way to an empty row. Amity quickly got up, going over to the witch and sitting beside her. She wasn't obsessed with her, just..Really enjoyed her company?

Amity felt like hugging Luz, not really knowing why, but just having a strong urge to hug her. "You okay? Looks like you might need a hug.." Luz mumbled.



"Hug. Give it to me."

Luz giggled quietly, offering one to the human. Amity quickly took it, nuzzling in to her shoulder. "Still don't believe you don't like being touched.."


When they finally arrived, Luz had to break her small protocol and get off first with Mrs.Hazel, the floral teacher having a bandana on, her glasses in their casing. "You're going to be my partner, if you're okay with it that is-" Luz blurted out.

"It's alright, why do I need a bandana though?"

"It's a surprise! Ms.Sarah come on! You have to help me out!"

The bus lady shook her head slowly, laughing quietly. "I'll be right there, give me a few minutes, go up ahead without me though."

A few other busses pulled up, maybe 3, all the students on it being the only grade that was responsible enough to plan this special day. Well, not that special anymore. They were all a day late, turns out her school anniversary was yesterday and not those few days ago. "We'll have to check in first, then we can walk around okay?" Luz said.

"Alright, lead the way.."

"Ms.Sarah we'll meet you there!"


Luz took Mrs.Hazel's hand, carefully guiding her to the entrance, having the very important task of distracting her for the time being.

To be continued.

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