Luz's shift is over. [25]

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Two (2) days later

Nothing went on for the next two (2) days, just schoolwork, work, and some boring stuff. Now then, should be Thursday no? Sure is.


"Amity?" Camilla muttered, looking around the room.

Luz facepalmed; "Mom.." The witch grumbled.

"Oh. Yes Luz?" The human smiled smugly.

"After work today, can we go out and have dinner?" Luz mumbled.

"Hm? Why's that? Is today a special day or something?"

Luz nodded slowly, Camilla putting down the papers in her hand, going over to the witch. "What's today Luz?"

"It's uhm..The day I got adopted.."

"That so?"

Luz hummed in approval. "My mom isn't here to spend it with me and I can't call her because I used magic a few days ago..Lilith also has work today and won't come.."

Camilla pat her head, ruffling her hair. "Could've just said so. What do you usually do with Edalyn today?"



"Alright I'll admit." Camilla muttered. "This is kinda fun.."

Luz looked up from her book with a big smile; "Every hour we change the subject! But since I have work today and I've already used up my days off, I'll have to change the schedule up a bit."

Camilla turned the page in her book, currently reading The Good Witch Azura. 'Time to Work! Time to Work! Time toooooo Work!' Luz's phone rang.

The witch pressed the button to silence it, closing her book; "After work, we'll go out for dinner okay?"

Camilla nodded, getting up as well; "I have to call my boss and tell him I'll be out two (2) hours early. If it doesn't work out I'll quit."

"No no! You don't need to quit your job for me!"

"I wouldn't, if they fired me they'd be in alot of debt and no one to rely on for work." Camilla smiled. "Once I'm out of a job, they're out of money."

Luz ohed. "Women are very powerful on this world." Luz muttered. "It's frightening."

"We have that kind of power."

Luz giggled, getting off the floor; "Very strong power."


Two (2) hours in. Another trio of men that are most likely all perverts entered. "That it?" Luz asked, about to click her pen.

"Yep that's-"

"Add a side of..You." One winked.

The male he inturrupted wacked him with the menu; "Ignore him. That's-"

"Your number to go with the macaroons sugar." The other joined in.

Luz wacked him with her notepad, sighing. "You were saying?"

"That's it, thank you."

Luz nodded, clicking her pen, going back behind the counter. The bell above the door rang, Bo looking up from the cash register. "Heyo. What can I help ya with?" Bo asked.

The male huffed, looking quite intimidating, though he must've been around thirty (30). "Lookin' for Luz."

"Sorry, she ain't on the menu and she's serving tables tonight. What would you like?" Bo asked.

Weirdos stick together. [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Where stories live. Discover now