Cards. [19 part 3]

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Willow and Gus left, having their own family issues, leaving Amity and Luz alone in the room. "Since you're not sleeping, let me teach you a few earth things you need to know about." Amity stated, taking out flash cards.

Camilla was going to teach Luz herself but was too busy, it's been in the house for some time, they're for three (3) year olds but Luz still needs to learn. Amity pulled out a card, putting it on the bed in front of Luz. "Fish.." Luz mumbled.

"They live underwater and don't need air to breathe. The things at the side of their heads," Amity began, pointing to their necks. "Are called gills."

"Gills.." Luz repeated. "What are those?" Luz asked, pointing to their-

"Fins. They have specific names for different parts of their bodies but lots of us just call them fins."

Luz ohed, feeling her teeth. "Why do they have really itty bitty teethies?"

"Well some eat other fish and need to bite too Luz."

The witch hummed, nodding. "Fish."

Amity moved the card aside, picking another one, placing it down in front of her. "Monkey."

Luz repeated the word a few times, not liking the sound of it. Amity searched through the pile, putting another monkey down. "Monkey.." Luz mumbled.



"They don't have tails, unlike the monkey's who do." Amity explained, pointing out the difference.

The human looked through the pile, putting two more cards down. "This," Amity began, pointing to the left card. "Is a Gorilla."

"Like Queen Gong.."

"You can say that yeah. They're part of this group." Amity said, putting the card over the ape. "This other one, is a baboon."

"It's got a red butt."

"Luz don't say that."

"Wha- But-"

"You're being rude to the monkey."


"Yes it's a monkey."

"You just said it was a baboon-"

"It's part of the monkey family."

Luz hissed and pushed the cards away; "You're making this confusing! Next one!"

Amity rolled her eyes, placing down another card, only for Luz to push that one aside, a low growl escaping her throat. "No giraffes.."

The human picked a different one, Luz examining the card. "Puffyfish."

"That's kinda close, it's called a Porcupinefish."

*Y'all, I was so dumbfounded writing this episode, I literally searched up if it was a fish 😭 I'm so stupid-

"Is it a fish?"

"Well duh."

"What does it do?"

Amity pointed to its quills; "See that? When they feel threatend they puff out, then these poke out and protect them."

The human looked through the cards, putting another one down. "This, is a porcupine. They're not fish, they're rodents. They walk on land, and kinda puff up when they're scared of predators."

"Like a Calopus. But smaller and less lethal."

"Sure let's go with that." Amity said, picking a card, placing it in front of Luz. "Hedgehog."

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