Sarah Hawkins. [25 part 2]

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I'll spare you the details of how everything went downhill, all that matters. Is that he's gone. For good this time. Lots of spells and ice was involved, many of the tables being cracked, one being completely unusable and a window broken to set off the alarms. But back to Sarah, let's just hope she makes it the night..

Luz's dinner plans with Camilla were cancelled, the nurse deciding to work overtime to make sure Sarah would be okay during the night.

It's been four (4) hours, Sarah is still in surgery. It was on her chest, deathly close to her heart. Luz pulled her knees closer to her chest, keeping her eyes on the double doors, her eyes red from crying.

The witch blinked, shaking her head, focusing on the doors again. "Sarah will come out okay..Sarah will come out okay..Sarah will come out..Okay.." Luz repeated to herself.

She shakily sighed, letting her right leg rest back on the floor, only for it to tap quickly on the tiles. "It's all my fault..I should've just went with him.. Sarah wouldn't have gotten hurt..I'm such an idiot..I should've stayed with the emperor.."

The door opened, a nurse coming out, said nurse sighing. "Whew. That was gruesome." She muttered, wiping her cheek.

Luz sat properly, the nurse clearing her throat; "She's okay."

The witch sighed heavily in relief, her ears relaxing; "How bad is it?"

The nurse licked her lips, a sign she was getting nervous. "Well..She'll be fine, but it was a close call. Just a bit too close to heart, grazed the tissue. She'll be in a coma for awhile til we know for sure she'll heal okay."

"So she's out..?"

"For the time being yes." The nurse assured. "Doctors will be out to explain some things, cops have also been informed about what you accidentally caused to the other person.."

Luz sat firm, can't write stood since she isn't doing that. "It was no accident. He got the bullet in himself when he spotted the cars."

"The cameras will show if your words are true." She sighed. "I suggest you go home, she won't be waking up anytime soon."

The nurse walked down the hall, three (3) others leaving the room with a doctor following them out. One of the nurses who came out, was Camilla. "She should be up and running like good ol' Sarah in a few weeks." The human assured.

Luz nodded slowly, Camilla putting her hand on Luz's shoulder. "Sarah is going to be okay, let's go home now."

"I don't..I don't want to leave Sarah here.."

Camilla kneeled down in front of Luz, taking her hand; "These humans know what they're doing, they'll make sure Sarah's okay."

The double doors on Luz's left side, Camilla's right, opened, two humans coming in. "Amity?" Camila questioned.

The Blight panted heavily, Gary being right by her in the same state she was at. "Sarah..Huff..Got a call..Huff..Is she okay..?" Amity asked, catching her breath in between words.

"How did you get a call?" Camilla asked, getting up.

"Insurance..She drove my bus. There was no way I'd let her die on me while trying to get me to school." Amity sighed. "Dad insisted."

"Ah. So you have to be the ones to sign all the papers." Camilla muttered.

Gary nudged Amity towards Luz, waving Camilla forward, the human going down the hall. "I'll take care of it." He assured, catching up to Camilla.

Amity looked down at Luz, the witch keeping her eyes on the double doors across from her. "Luz..?"

The witch glanced up at her, then focused on the doors. "She'll be okay y'know.."

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