Ooh, drama. [50 part 3]

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Boscha was given magic to make a few Illusions, just to explain. "When Viney, who we thought was Jerbo, fell through the tear, the witches, wizards, and others, left." Boscha explained, the illusions showing herself, Jerbo, and Barcus sighing heavily.

For this, we'll go to when it happened.

When they left, the trio of remaining students went to the Principal's office. He wasn't there. Heck, the school had gone on lockdown. Barcus barked, the two beings looking down at him, the mutt pawing at the ground. Jerbo knelt down, feeling the floor, sliding off the panel.

He gasped, "Principal Bump!"

"Oh- Hey- Why aren't you weirdos hiding?" He asked.

"You told us to flipping hang up signs! Duh!" Boscha exclaimed. "They left anyways."

Jerbo helped the principal out, the man nervously looking around. "Oh my, Boscha you're injured!" He exclaimed, pointing her cheek.

"Gee, thanks for noticing." Jerbo muttered, looking down at Barcus.

Boscha felt the tiny wound on her cheek, then frowned. Barcus whimpered, nudging Jerbo's leg, the wizard sighing. "I'll just, go myself!"


Jerbo was healed, but later on, they came back when they figured out it was not Jerbo who was sent. The wizards, witches, and others returned, having knocked down part of the school. Part of the building fell on Boscha, Jerbo having been taken by the Principal to be protected.

Barcus, Boscha still has no idea if he was okay, or not. Then, out of shear luck, a tear opened under Boscha before the rest of the building fell on top of her. She took a small form, and fell through the portal, hitting the roots of a tree, leaves falling on top of her, and she was knocked out.

So now, back to point, Viney felt the very strong need to call someone. She waited, and waited, calling multiple times in the span of am hour. No answer. She finally sought to ask the emergency line, they picked up. "It's a call from a place called Earth. Huh? No I don't know either! Help Line what and where is your emergency?"

"Uhm- It's Viney.."

"It's Viney! Yeah! The missing girl!"

"Are Jerbo and Barcus okay?" Viney asked flat out.

They paused, the sound of something clicking, like a keyboard. "Medicine has been sent, healers are with them.. Do-Do-Do.." They hummed quietly. "It seems they were checked out last night by someone named..Edalyn Clawthorne the- Edalyn Clawthorne?- Hm..Please hold."

A song played, Luz coming in the room and placing a drink down by Viney. Luz sat by her, "Any news?"

Viney nodded, "They said Jerbo and Barcus were checked out." Viney paused. "Of the hospital-"

She was taken off hold, "Alrighty. We have confirmation they were taken by Edalyn Clawthorne. They're doing fine, I'll transfer you over right now."

It beeped, then the number changed, "Hey Viney!" Jerbo exclaimed. "I can't believe I'm alive! I am in immense pain!"

"Jerbo-rooney!" Luz exclaimed.

"Luzura! Hey! How've you been? Are you guys okay?"

"We're pretty good actually! We had finished a game of Veracity or Challenge! Are you okay?" Luz asked.

"As okay as I can be! Eda's taking us in her house because Hooty can protect us. Parents are with us, Barcus is as he is, King is a butt and keeps taking all the lionade I'M making!" Jerbo exclai- med. "Yeah! Talking to you! Little weirdo! Gosh..Anyways, Viney! Tell me what it's like!"

"Earth?" Viney questioned, Jerbo saying yes. "It's not bad, it's actually pretty cool! Since snails are made of gold or copper, I can actually sell these for lots of human currency."

Jerbo ooed, "The cultures of human objects..Always so intriguing. Would you like to hear the paperclorp Barcus managed to save?"

"Sadly Jerbo-rooney, it's actually called a paperclip. It's not the sound of a human wave, it's to keep papers together." Viney sighed. "We also have no idea how the human waves sound."

"Oh. Well, figure it out for us yeah? We have to know how they sound!" Jerbo exclaimed, then a bark followed. "Do bring back the dog treats they have, Barcus wants to know too."

Another bark, then panting, "I wuv you Barcus~" Luz cooed.

A small whine, then a bark followed, then a sad bark, "I miss you too~ I'll give you as many kisses as you want okay?~" Luz teased.

He whimpered, then barked, pants following it, "Weh? What about me!? I've been your go to pet that gets your kisses!!"

"If you meet Prince, and are not mean to him, I'll go back to you King." Luz stated, poking Viney's arm.

A small glow came from the scroll, the screen lighting up slightly, "Thanks." Viney said, nudging the witchling.

Luz smiled, "Hey, kid!" Eda shouted over the scroll. "How much magic are you using?"

"Huh? Not much, just to keep the scroll going." Viney answered instead.

Eda hummed, "Well that's weird. That wizard that's been calling you gave me a pocket watch that shows the magic around your area, about a five mile radius?"

Luz hummed, "A little ways past the Blight Manor, the park, school, and the portal!" Luz snapped. "Why are you asking?'

Shuffling ensued, "There's a big red dot about four and a half (4 ½) miles north. It's fading and growing..Now it stopped."

Luz got up, going to her window, moving the blinds, lifting up her thick window, and poking her head out. She examined the area, then went out the window. "Luz! Get back over here!" Viney exclaimed.

"Just a second!"

Viney frowned, "Do you think there's someone else here? Trying to find Luz or something?" Viney asked.

"Dunno. It's back on again, it's flashing for some reason. Think it's a distress signal." Eda hummed. "Not the beep thing that's for sure, so maybe not. Grr if Lilith wasn't messing with Hooty she'd help!"

Luz came back in, "Amity's house." Luz stated. "It's coming from Amity's house."

To be continued.


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