Can't. [19]

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So excited for season 2! Have a super early update because, why not!

12:21. Luz rubbed her tired eyes, putting the macaroons out on display, closing the oven. She took off her mitts, taking the pans and putting them in the sink, going out to wipe down the tables. She spritzed them with the disinfectant, wiping the tables and chairs.

12:34. She went back to the kitchen, wiping down her remaining dishes, going to the break room, dressing out.

12:39. Luz took her belongings, turning off all the lights, leaving the cafe. She took out the keys, locking everything, looking up at the sky. She sighed, walking up the street, having to get home before one (1). A car pulled up beside her, the window going down, the light inside turning on.

Luz rubbed her eyes, so close to passing out. "Come on Luz..I'll take you home.."

"I'm okay Amity..I can walk.."

The door opened, the human getting out, taking Luz's hand. "I've been waiting for you to come out of the cafe until now. I'm taking you to my house, I'll call Camilla and tell her you're staying. You won't leave until
you've slept ya hear?"

The witch shook her head; "I..I need to get to my home..I can walk there.. I'll be fine.."

"Please just go home with me, you need to sleep.."

Luz staggered forward, rubbing her eyes, shaking her head. Amity pulled the witch over, pushing her in the car, getting in and sitting beside her. Luz fixed herself, leaning against the human. Amity pulled her over a bit, putting her arm around Luz's waist to keep her up, leaning her head against the witches.

1:02. Amity got Luz on her back, walking up to her home, one of her butlers having already opened the door for her. Amity thanked him, going up to her room, the door being opened since before she left. The human went in, laying Luz on the bed, the witch still in her morning attire.

Amity hummed, turning on her lights, leaving the room, coming back awhile later with some clothing. She nudged the witch, Luz groggily opening her eyes, her ears drooping down. "You need to change in to something more comfortable.."

The witch sat up, rubbing her eyes, taking the clothing from Amity, sluggishly going to her bathroom. She closed the door, the light shining through the bottom. The water ran for a few seconds, then the door opened again, the lights being turned off, the witch going over to Amity. "Take me home.."

"Not until you sleep."

"Where am I staying..?"

"Here with me, it's far to late to get the guest bedroom ready."

Luz yawned, rubbing her eyes, shaking her head violently. "I..I have homework to do.."

"Yes, your homework right now is to sleep." Amity said, getting up.

"Let me brush my teeth at least.."

"There's maybe six (6) unopened toothbrushes in the drawer, be quick." The human stated, sitting back down.

Luz went back to the restroom, turning the light back on, leaving the door open. She found one of the packages Amity was talking about, taking one of the tooth brushes out from it's casing. "The toothpaste is in the first drawer."

The witch nodded slowly, rubbing her eyes, opening the drawer beside herself, taking the toothpaste out. She put some on her toothbrush, putting it in her mouth, brushing her teeth. After two or three (2 or 3) minutes, Luz rinsed her mouth, washing her toothbrush and hands, turning off the light, going towards Amity. "Take me home.."

The Blight shook her head; "You're going to sleep."

"When I'm tired I will.."

Amity sighed, getting off her bed, going over to her TV, taking the remote, going back to Luz, offering it to her. "Get in bed, watch a movie, then go to sleep."

Luz went to the opposite side of the bed, getting under the covers, sitting up, rubbing her eyes, patting the spot beside her. "Come.."

"Let me change first." Amity said, opening a drawer, taking out her clothing.

She went to the restroom, turning the light on, and closing the door behind herself, having to brush her teeth as well.

1:12 am. Amity got in bed, actually getting ready to sleep. Luz put on a movie, the volume at least up to three (3) but still rather loud in the quiet home.

1:37. Luz turned off the TV, the lights, and tried to go to sleep. She just looked out the window from her current spot, the blinds still open.

1:42. Luz got out of bed, closing the blinds, sighing heavily, rubbing her eyes, going back to bed.

2:01. Still awake and unable to sleep.

2:17. Still up and thinking about her past, specifically her dad..

2:33. In the bathroom throwing up, the upsetting feeling in her stomach made her feel so uneasy she threw up.

2:54. Wake up Amity. "Blight.." Luz mumbled, nudging the human. "Blight wake up.."

The human frowned a bit, groggily opening her eyes, hesitantly sitting up, rubbing her eyes. "What.."

"I can't sleep.."

"How long have you been up."


"Luz how long have you been up? I told you to go to sleep!" Amity shouted in a hushed tone.

"I-I couldn't- An-And I- I threw up just now and- I want to go home- I want to shower..-"

Amity turned on her light, shushing the witch. "That I can do..If you threw up, a shower should make you feel better..Go get it started, I'll get you some new clothes and wake someone up.."

Luz hesitantly got up, rubbing her eyes, going to the washroom, turning on the light. She ran the facet for the shower, Amity passing the bathroom, going towards her room door. She opened it, turning on the hallway light, going to someone's room.

The witch shakily sighed, getting a shiver, feeling as though someone touched her shoulder. She looked back, no one. "I need to get him out of my head..He's hurt me long enough.."

She went back to the toilet, throwing up once more, wiping her mouth, flushing. "Mistress, do you require any medicine?"

Luz looked to her left, one of Amity's butlers was wearing matching PJ's with a little hat with a pom pom on the top. "That would be appreciated.."

He bowed, leaving the room, heading downstairs. Amity went over to her, helping the witch up; "He'll give you your medicine first then you'll shower.."

"Thank you Amity.."

"It's the least I can do, you've helped me out tons.." The human smiled slightly. "All I ask of you to do is sleep when you're done.."

"I..I'll try.."

To be continued.

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