Waved. [26 part 2]

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Luz had finished her lunch, fifteen (15) minutes til lunch actually ends. The witch was currently writing an alphabet of witches old language for Gus, wanting to hand it to him with just that, but having put little problems for him to solve. For example..

Spell each phrase in Theban under the English phrases.

1. T h e k i t t y a t e t h e f i s h.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Some like that for him, like a mini homework assignment. Luz did at least six (6) problems for him, offering the paper to him. "You can use the decoder to answer the first problem, after that one, try not to use it on the next few."

"Alright!" Gus said with a slightly cheerful tone, taking the paper.

He slid it in his bag, the smaller human looking back up, Gus falling back. Willow spotted what he did, waving slightly, "Hey Amity." The human greeted.

"Hey." The Blight waved, ruffling Luz's hair. "Heya doofus."

The witch looked up and back at her with a goofy grin; "Hey Amity! Want to sit with us?"

"I don't know, I should get to class."

"Puh-lease?" Luz whined, giving her puppy eyes, courtesy of Prince who taught her how to do it.

"That's not going to work on me, Prince has done it enough times- Wait- Mattias-"

"Oh he's still at my house, he took a sleeping pill, don't worry he's okay, and he's still asleep. Nero checked if he was still alive, he's faking it." Luz sighed. "Turns out the sleeping pill was a sugarless gummy. Also turns out he doesn't want to leave and wants to take Prince with him."

Willow snorted; "He wants to take your dog?"

Luz nodded; "I doubt Mattias has met any other dogs that don't you know, respect him. So I'm guessing Prince somehow got Mattias to think of himself as a regular dog." Luz assumed. "Also he didn't know what a toy was til Prince played tug of war with him."

"Sad dog." Amity shrugged.

"Ay doesn't give him the attention he actually needs." Luz mumbled.

"Amity I think you killed Gus by the way." Willow blurted out, looking at her friend. "Someone says being gay is wrong."

Gus sat up, getting his hands up in a defensive manor; "WHO SAID THAT I'LL BEAT EM UP-"

The other three girls giggled, Gus blushing profusely. "That was embarrassing-"

"You hang out with such weird people Luz." Amity spoke, sitting down by the witch.

"You're talking about yourself too right?" Luz asked smugly, looking at the Blight.

"Oh you idiot." Amity laughed, pushing the witch away. "No offense to you other weirdos."

Willow shook her head; "None taken."

"It was a compliment actually." Gus shrugged.

Luz's right ear perked up, the witch looking towards her right, quickly getting up. She quickly rushed over, hugged a human tightly, the human she hugged being very suprised. "HI BO!!"

"LUZ! YOU GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK WHAT THE HECK-" The human exclaimed, staggering back a bit.

"I didn't know you went to this school!" The witch exclaimed, pulling back a bit from the hug.

"You never asked doofus." Bo said, stifling a laugh. "I didn't know you went here etheir so I guess it's even."

Luz nodded, hugging her again tightly, Bo giving her a tight squeeze. "It's nice to know you don't only work." Luz giggled.

"Wha- You think I'm a workoholic like the manager?" Bo scoffed, pushing the witch back. "Look at you, wearing overalls. You look so cute and innocent. But at work with perverts you're so brutal!"

"They deserve it in my opinion- But yeah I like to wear overalls! They're comfy and nobody can reach in to my back pocket because I don't have any and there's one in the front! Also I can hide things in my pants-"

"You're so weird Luz." Bo smiled, ruffling her hair. "What did you hide? A teddy bear?"

Luz took a small teddy bear out from her chest pocket; "How'd you know?" Luz asked in an amazed tone.

Bo laughed, taking the small bear from her, shaking her head slowly; "I can't believe I never met you sooner. Let's go shopping later, we can buy some overalls together. Is that okay?"

Luz nodded; "Totally! I'll call you when I'm ready and we'll meet up at the Cafe!"

Bo offered her the small teddy bear back, Luz shaking her head; "Keep it! I have like three (3) more-"

The human facepalmed, trying so hard not to laugh, letting her bag fall to her side, putting the bear in the weird cup slot thing. "I'm going to class, I'll see you then." Bo waved, walking off.

"Bye Bo!!" Luz waved.

The witch went back to her friends, sitting down by Amity again. "Sorry, what'd I miss?"


It's weird how some people can change in a matter of seconds. Because during class, Luz felt..Off. She didn't know why, but she felt off. She felt like something bad was etheir going to happen, or is happening. Luz raised her hand, Mr.Freddison, her fifth (5th) teacher, calling on her. "I don't feel so good.."

"Do you want to go the nurse?" He asked, going to his desk.

Luz nodded slowly, Amity getting rather concerned. Mr.Freddison took one of the nurse slips from his desk, taking his pen out, writing a few things on it, calling Luz over; "Get your things too, class is going to end pretty soon."

The witch gathered her things, putting her stuff in her bag, getting up from her desk, going over to him. She took the slip from Mr.Freddison; "Hope you feel better Luz, just write the vocabulary on page two hundred sixteen (216)."

"Thank you.."

He nodded, Luz walking towards the door, pushing it open, slipping out without even waving at Amity. That just made the human even more nervous. Luz always waves at her. Always. Even when Amity hated Luz, the witch always waved her hello or goodbye. "Ms.Blight?"

Amity flinched, looking up at him; "Yes sir?"

"What's with the concerned expression you're making?" He asked, making a zigzag with his finger like he was motioning to her face.

"I..I'm just worried.."

The students and teacher gasped, all concerned about her because she hardly cared about anyone! "About what?" Mr.Freddison asked nervously.

"Luz..I know it's weird but she always waves at me- She didn't. Somethings wrong."

The bell rang, Amity taking her bag, already having put her things away. "Have a nice weekend Mr.Freddison."

He nodded slowly, Amity leaving the class, the students still in the room, silent. "She likes Luz, right?-"

To be continued.

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