Go on.. [32]

488 37 16

Following Monday. (3 days later)

When Luz woke up, she took a shower, getting dressed and ready for school, saying good morning to Camilla- Wait what? "Momma don't you have work right now?" Luz asked, backtracking and peeking in the room.

"Ugh..I quit.."

"Oh no, why?"

"New job..Start later..Yawn..Still a nurse, better pay.."

Luz came in the room, pulling the covers over Camilla more, tucking her in, kissing her forehead. "Well you deserve to rest right now, you'll do great at work Mom."

"Hah..I love when you call me that.. Kinda makes me feel accomplished.."

The witch moved Camilla's hair back, the human sighing quietly. "You are a very accomplished woman. I very much wish to take you home with me."

"Are there..Vet jobs in your world?"

Luz nodded, "They give great pay. One hour of work gets you fifteen (15) snails which is around $60. If you work overtime, they triple your hourly wage after the first hour of overtime. Lilith worked as a vet for a bit since she took care of a few beasts, got nine hundred seventy five (975) gold coins in a week."

"Thats alot.."

"Camilla do you have a cold?"

The woman shook her head slowly, "Of course not.."

"Ms.Noceda you reek of- Berries? Camilla have you been drinking?"

"Hiccup. No.."

"Why would you do that? You're a nurse! You can't drink! Camilla!"

"It was wineeee..Just..Just a teeny tiny sip.." Camilla cooed, putting her nearly touching finger tips in front of her eye.

Luz summoned her scroll, calling Lilith, the witch panicking. "Luz I'm about to go to work, what's wrong?"

"Camilla's been drinking wine!" Luz exclaimed.

"Did nootttt.."

"She has!? Luz she's a nurse!"

"That's what I told her! She's slurring her words and-"

"I feel soooo $3xy right noww.." Camilla hiccuped.

"And she believes she feels extremely pretty.." Luz facepalmed. "What do I do?"

"Let her eat something, give her something non-alcoholic like water or juice. I'll call in sick for you at school, you have to be there for her. She'll get stressed out and crazy if she's alone. Cover her mouth, I know she'll say something stupid in front of you."

"Can I use a sleep spell?-"

"No, tried that on your dad remember? Doesn't work when alcohols in their system. Try to find another way to get her to sleep, bye Luz-" -Beep-

The witchling sighed, Camilla sitting up, reaching under her bed. "Ugh..Get me the wine bottle..I need to feel more $3xy.."

"Camilla, as your personal nurse at the moment, I demand you sleep this instant." Luz stated, pulling the bottle out from under the bed, putting her scroll away.

Camilla reached for it, Luz stepping back, the human falling off the bed, landing on her back, attempting to grab the bottle. "Ooh~ Champagne~" Camilla cooed, using her other hand to reach for her imaginary beverage.

Luz left the room, going downstairs, opening the wine bottle, pouring the liquid down the drain. The witchling looked through the fridge, finding a prepped meal from yesterday that Lilith made. Luz pulled it out, opening the small box, hissing, closing it once more. "I'm not washing that.." She mumbled, lifting the lid up, pouring the contents in the trash.

She gagged, shaking her head, running the water, putting the plastic box under it, looking through the fridge. "Lilith wasted most of my food.." Luz sighed. "She can't cook, why did she try?"

A knock at the door made Luz groan internally, closing the fridge door, going to the entrance of her home, unlocking and opening the door. "Oh! Hey Mattias!" Luz cooed, pulling the door open more. "Hey Ay."

"That is I. Tiny Blight allowed me to drop him off along with this gift." He spoke, offering her a tiny box.

"Oh. She doesn't have to do that for me. Do you know what's inside?"

He shook his head, "Jingles though. Do not le shake." He spoke. "Mattias go home Tuesday morning. Okay?"

Luz nodded, a bag of dog food being plopped down in the doorway by a man, said man going to the car. "He eat alot. Big dog."

"He sucks at speaking English, he's from Russia." Mattias barked.


"Pozabot'sya o moyey sobake."

"He said take care of me." Mattias barked.

"YA budu, ay."

He put his hands very close together in front of his chest, clapping quickly. "Ooh fluent yes. Good."

Luz smiled up at him, Ay patting her shoulder, turning around and walking back to his car, getting in, the vehicle driving off. "You speak Russian?"

"Spell. Knew it would come in handy someday. Prince should be awake, I'll unlock the back door."



Luz had gotten a call in the middle of cooking, the witch fumbling to find her phone, locating it before time ran out on the call. She answered it, putting the cell up against her ear. "Hello?"

"Luz why aren't you at school? Are you sick? Are you okay?" Gus asked.

"Yes yes I'm okay, Camilla drank wine."

"What!? She's a nurse!"

"That's what I said! She says she feels pretty and wants more wine.."

"Can't leave her alone huh..Why not improvise?"

"..I'm listening.."

To be continued.

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