5th period. [4 part 2]

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Luz's 5th period teacher opened their door, letting out a small gasp. The dummy, a frog, looked at them, tilting their head to the side. "Turns out you really like these, and frogs. Frogs are squishy and cute." Luz giggled, taking her hand out of its back.

She handed him the ventriloquist dummy, the teacher awhing quietly. "It's amazing.." They blurted out.

"And I'm Luz!" She smiled sweetly.

The teacher moved aside, telling her three times to come in, saying it in an excited tone. She skipped to the front row, sitting in the middle to ease her need to be front and center. She took out the red notebook she now dedicated to this class, writing her new name in cursive at the top right on the first page.

She took out her sketchbook, taking her phone out and pulling up the boys picture again. She turned to the page she left off at, continuing from there for 10 minutes. The bell rang again, Luz so very close to finishing the drawing. She left it open while she felt around for a regular pencil.

Luz had been using a charcoal pencil, often used for drawing. So if she didn't want to smudge her work, she'd have to use regular pencils. Students entered the class, Luz banging her head on her table. "Ouch.." She said quietly, rubbing her head.

She shook off the pain, closing her sketch book. Most of the students sat 2 rows behind her, but one didn't. Female, shorter then Luz, but seems promising. "Hey, I'm Cat. Whatcha doing there?"

Luz looked to her right, spotting a female of color, with wavy brown hair, brown eyes and glasses. "Oh- I just like sitting in front-"

"Yeah, but that's not your seat hun."

"Er- There was no name on it..-"

"Just move two seats down, then you'll be fine."

Luz shrugged, moving her stuff down a few seats over. She opened up her sketchbook again, turning her phone back on. She continued adding the rest of the rest of the details, adding her signature in ink and turning the page. She went to the next photo, getting a rough sketch down.

This was of the one who asked if she was gay or not, they definitely were. They poked their cheek and stuck their tounge out, crossing their eyes as they did. The teacher put their new dummy on a shelf that had been longing for something like it to be place there.

He came over to Luz, putting his finger on her book. "Pay attention, you can keep drawing, as long as you take notes."

Luz nodded, signaling to the open notebook. He nodded, going up to the board. He pulled down this thing that was just above the whiteboard, that looked as though it was fabric. "Woah what's that?" Luz cooed.

"Hideaway whiteboard, first time seeing one?"

Luz nodded, reminding herself of it's name. He turned on a device, which said it's name on the side. "Projector. Projectoorrr.." She hummed quietly, still liking the word Hotel more.

She continued sketching out more details of the definitely gay person.


The door opened, and closed itself during the middle of class, footsteps nearing and silent gasps. Luz wrote down more of the notes, just about finishing up the drawing. She flinched when a hand was slammed down on her book. "C-Careful! It's charcoal and can get on your hand!" Luz exclaimed nervously.

She picked up the hand, gently moving it away from the sketchbook. The drawing was fine, Luz noticing the charcoal on the hand. She took out a small wipe from her bag, flipping their hand over and wiping their palm. "Sorry- Were you going to say some- thing.."

Luz cowered a bit, her ears drooping down in her hoodie. "Oh dang- I gave the wrong seat-" Cat blurted out.

"That's. My. Seat." She hissed.

"Amity Blight, take a seat elsewhere. This will be the second time she moves." The teacher said.

"N-No it's okay- I-I can move-" Luz muttered, closing her books, taking her things, and moving a row back.

She sat back in the middle, opening her sketchbook and notebook again. She caught up to the teacher on his notes, the class staying silent. She made sure her hood was still on, fixing it just a bit. She switched pencils, going back to her drawing.

Shuffling ensued, Luz looking at her surroundings. The students all came forward, some by her, others around her. She cowered, looking back down at her book. She finished the drawing, adding her signature in ink, then turning the page. She went to the next picture, a more calm one.

It was of the guys who offered 25 and 30 dollars. They were actually best friends, just wanting to compete against eachother. Someone slid over 35 dollars to Luz's desk, the witch perking up. "What are you doing?"

"Make me one..?" They asked.

"Er- Well I'm only on the 6th one- Maybe tommorow-" Luz blurted out, sliding the money back.

She looked back up at the board, switching out her pencils and writing the notes. "That's all for today, Luz. You can go, those who haven't written it yet, stay."

The witch nodded, closing all her books and putting it away. She put her bag on her shoulder, going up to the teacher. "Where's AVID..?"

To be continued.

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