The kidnapping? [8 part 3]

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"Oh Titan..That was..So rude of you! My glitter!" Luz shouted, pushing the person down. "You'll have to pay me back for that! Know how long it took me to find glitter?!"

The person trembled a bit, Luz snarling quietly. Her glitter was red and very fine. It was in the bag, and now her felt was ruined with glitter as well. More footsteps ensued, a bag being put over Luz's head once more. She was pulled back and hit pretty hard on the back of her head.

Then everything went black. They were driving for Titan knows how long, stopping abruptly and Luz being taken up steps for a solid minute. She was forced in a chair and tied up, more frantic footsteps.

The sound of a huge door being forcefully pushed open ensued, then the footsteps neared her. The bag was taken off her head, her vision blurry yet dealable. "I told you to ask her to come! Not kidnap her! Are you guys stupid or what?!'

Luz huffed, her vision adjusting to the light a bit. "A..Amity..?"

She was untied and helped up. "You're all fired, get out.."

The men left, one muttering Luz was hecking strong and scary. Luz clicked her tounge, staggering forward and leaning on her right leg. Amity scooped her up, Luz yelping to the sudden action. "E-Err- T-Thanks.."

Amity took her to her room, placing her down on the bed gently. Luz drew a circle in the air, sliding it up her leg and down as it spun. "Won't heal it all the way..But it's better then having to deal with it right now.." Luz muttered.

She rubbed her head, Amity sitting beside her. She moved Luz's hand out of the way, running her hand through the witches hair to distract her from the pain. "Going to butter me up again Blight..? What do you want to know..?"

Amity hummed, thinking about her non-existent question. "When you do that circle thing..Does it take your energy away? You look exhausted.."

Luz nodded slowly, taking Amity's hand and putting it on her cheek. "I can't do much magic on Earth..Where I'm from, it's natural and all. But we also get power from the island..And you guys don't seem to have any of that.."

Amity caressed her cheek, Luz purring quietly. "You need a model?"


"What kind?"

"Not a commercial model, more like for my own needs. Just someone who's a bit bigger then me. Either Skara, Amelia, or you. Doubt you'd say yes though.."

Amity scratched her chin, the purrs growing. "Happen to bring your sketchbook Noceda?"

"Nope..You guys owe me glitter by the way..The truck that almost ran me over exploded the container and it got on my felt..Lower..Right there..Purr~"

Amity had found her new sweet spot, the witch very much liking this. "So glitter and felt? That's it?"

"Prince..Gotta..Get my dog.."

"Which store is he in?"

"He's with..Joey.."

"The fabric guy?"


"Alright I'll send someone over to pick him up. You're odd you know that?"


"Are you a witch or cat?"

"I can meow..Meowrrr~"

"Case in point."

"You're nice..Purrr~"

Amity scoffed. "Am not." She said, pulling her hand back and getting off the bed.

Luz took her hand, her ears going down slightly. Amity pulled her hand back, heading to the door. "I'll be back. I guess.."

The witch nodded slowly, Amity opening the door and leaving. Luz layed down on the cheerleaders bed, kinda smelling like- "Cherries~"

Luz nuzzled in to her pillow, her purrs growing. She let her body relax, eventually dozing off.


The first thing Luz heard was barking when she awoke, the witch covering her ears. She groggily opened her eyes, looking over at the cause of the commotion. "Sit."

Prince sat down, his tail wagging swiftly. "Okay..Stand."

He got on his hind legs as he was still sitting, letting out another bark. "Roll over."

He layed down and pushed himself to flip over two times. Luz slowly sat up, watching them mess around. Amity booped his snout, Prince's tail wagging. "Speak."

He barked, his bark echoing in the room. "Whisper!"

He let out a silent bark, Amity scratching his chin. "Good boy."

Luz smiled softly, Amity ruffling his fur. Luz looked around the room, spotting a sketchbook with her name on it. She picked it up quietly, opening the page, a pencil rolling out. 'Oddly lucky.'

She picked it up, gently sketching out Amity and Prince. She continued to glance at them as they messed around, both completely forgetting Luz was there. After almost half an hour, Luz quietly got off the bed. She silently went behind Amity, booping her neck.

The human yelped, Luz shushing her. She yawned, rubbing her eyes: "Forgot you were still here.." Amity mumbled.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence.."

Prince nuzzled Luz, his tail wagging swiftly. "He's a good boy."

"Why don't you have a pet..?"

"Not allowed to. My parents say they're to much of a hassle.."

"If they're trained properly, they become your best friend." Luz said, sitting beside her.

Prince nudged the cheerleader, Amity patting his head. A knock ensued on the door, a Butler opening it and peeking in. "Madam, your father requires you come and model his new clothing.."

Amity got up, walking over to him and nodding. "You coming Noceda?"

Luz perked up, getting off the floor and picking up her new sketchbook. She nodded, Amity waving her over. Luz and Prince went over, following both of them to the complete opposite side of the house. They entered a room, pretty big, but smaller then Amity's room.

And her room was big. Amity went over to this man with a small beard and crazy cool hair. "Hey pumpkin, get those on yeah?- Oh. Who are you..?"

"Ah- I'm Luz! Luz Noceda. Deepest apologies, I don't mean to intrude." She bowed.

"Ooh, rather polite one."

"Thank you sir.."

"Oh I like her, get her a chair! And the mutt some food..Go now!" He snapped. "Please."

The butler bowed and left, the sound of the door closing echoing in the halls.

To be continued.

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