Confusing. [20 part 3.25 and 21]

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Note: Every episode is one day, so if it has more then one part it's still the same day, this involves the mall day and the next. Also this episode is over 2000 words long so please drink water. If you won't even bother, don't leave a comment saying you won't, I'm not forcing you.

The duo had gotten ice cream, the Blight having gotten some clothing, the Noceda having gotten some cute axolotl pencils. "This way?" Luz asked, pointing to a store.

Amity nodded. "That way is where we came from so we have to go out the same way."

The human led the way, the witch following closely behind. Amity opened the door for her, Luz thanking her, slipping by, both spotting the Blight car. The duo threw away their ice cream wrappers from the cone, Luz opening the car door for Amity, the human getting in, then Luz got in.

She closed the door after she entered, messing with her new plushie, moving it's legs, humming a small tune. Gary stretched out, the trio hearing a crack, Luz yelping before covering her ears. "GARY'S BEING DISEMBODIED!"

The two who lived in the Blight manor laughed, Amity taking Luz's hands. "No no, he's stretching Luz. It's normal to do that." Amity assured. "Gary crack your knuckles."

He interlocked his digits in reverse, putting force, a few cracks ensuing. Luz shook her head violently, covering her ears again. "No no no! Scary!"

Amity took Luz's hand, flipping it over to show her palm, the human pushing each finger in individually, each cracking. Luz whined, pulling her hand back, Amity taking her other hand, doing the same thing. "It just loosens you up Luz, it's not bad. Gary goes to yoga so he can relax his body without getting back pains."

"The teacher really knows how to do this stuff." He said, stretching his other arm, another pop ensuing.

He sighed in relief, putting the keys in the ignition, starting the car. Luz flexed her fingers, they did feel more loosened up. "It did hurt when you did it though.."

"You were tense Luz, you haven't done this in a long time I had to put some extra pressure so you could loosen up."

The car jerked forward a bit before keeping a consistent pace, Gary keeping his eyes on the beautiful pavement. "Did you have fun?" Gary asked.

"Yeah it was nice, apparently Luz really likes axolotls."

"Those things are very cute, I used to have one when I was younger." Gary said, glancing at them through the mirror before keeping his eye on the pavement again.

The witch knew why he said used, it had passed away. "He was a good boy, don't frown Luz. We treated him well."

Amity nudged her, the witch rubbing her eyes, letting out a yawn. "You said it was over, are you sure?"

"Yeah the pain lingers for some time so I didn't sleep much when I texted you. When I get home I'll take a nap anyways." The witch yawned again.

Amity nodded, Luz squeezing her new plushie tightly, a small blush spreading on her face.


When Luz got home, Amity insisted on taking her to the door for some odd reason, the witch agreeing for the fun of it. Luz unlocked the door, Camilla having been in the kitchen, Prince being by the door. He jerked up, sniffing Luz, Amity, and the new plushie out. "Hey Luz! New thing! Amity! Second favorite human!" He barked, getting on his hind legs, trying to lick Amity.

Amity kissed his snout, his tail wagging furiously, letting out happy whines. "Good boy, I missed you~"

"I missed you too! You smell like lemonade. I like lemonade. Did you know that? More kisses! Now!" Prince yipped, trying to reach her.

Weirdos stick together. [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Where stories live. Discover now