Mattias part 2. [18]

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"Why aren't you sleeping..? It's two (2am) in the morning.." Amity yawned.

"I don't feel like it.."

"Don't feel like it or can't?"

Luz stayed silent, Amity sitting up, rubbing her eyes, moving her messy hair back. "Why can't you sleep Luz..?"

"Don't wanna talk about it.."

"Does this have something to do with your past..?" Amity yawned again.

Luz stayed quiet. "Come here..This is the only and last time I'm going to let you hug me in your sleep.." Amity mumbled, holding her arms out.

*That is a lie

The witch hesitantly got up, even in the dark she knew where Amity was, Luz having known how to sense the human a bit. She hugged her, being pulled in Amity's lap, the human falling back. "Careful with the dog by the way..He moves alot.." Amity yawned again. "I'll see you when I wake up again.."

Luz held on to her tightly, faint purrs escaping her throat, the purrs eventually growing, the witch nuzzling the human she was already very fond of..


Amity was woken up with an abrupt turn, groaning quietly, slowly waking up, opening her eyes groggily. "Luz?" The human finally noticed, the witch nowhere by her. "Luz!"

A low groan made her look down, the witch on the floor of the limo. "You pushed me off..You're so mean.."

"Oh my god I'm so sorry-"

Mattias jolted up, looking around the limo, spotting Luz, quickly getting up from his spot and over to her. He licked her cheek, Luz moving his fur out of his eyes. "This human is rude, why do you hang out with her?" Mattias barked aggressively, glaring at Amity.


"Because? Elaborate witch."

"It's Luz. And just because." She sighed, rubbing her eyes. "I need no reason to be friends with Amity."

"We'll be turning up on the corner right now, get your belongings Luz."

The witch nodded, yawning before getting up, carefully making it to the spot she was sitting at before she fell asleep. She got her things, Mattias wanting to be apart of those things. "Is he coming with me or what?" Amity asked.

"Oh dear God no, witch, take me with you! She smells like a spoiled brat!"

"Mattias you, are a spoiled brat. I already told you I have a dog and kitten at home."

He frowned, the dog mocking her, shaking his head. "Righty-o. I can handle them. Good day to you human." He lowered his head at Amity, his tail wagging slowly.

"He said good day to you. He's pretty good with big and fancy words." Luz giggled.

"I'll drop by later and get you expensive treats then." Amity smiled, patting his head.

"Ooh I like her now." Mattias yipped, his tail wagging swiftly. "Mattias Wolkerson the Second appreciates your kind and generous offer."

"He likes you." Luz smiled.

"That's a good boy Mattias, very good boy~" Amity cooed, rubbing his side.

He rolled over, Amity rubbing his belly, his foot tapping the floor furiously, Mattias letting out happy whines. The car came to a halt, Luz putting her bag over her shoulder; "Thank you for taking me with you and dropping me off at home!" Luz called out.

"You're welcome Luz." Gary said, putting the small box back down.

Luz opened the door, Mattias quicky getting up, licking Amity's cheek before leaving with the witch. The window went down, Amity sitting by it, wiping her face. "I'll be at school at second (2nd) period."

The witch nodded; "Come on Mattias, I have to wake up my mom."

He shook off the sleep, trotting towards the house with Luz, the witch taking out her spare keys and unlocking the door. The limo left when Luz got inside safely, the witch locking the door behind herself. Prince rushed over, Nero on his head, the kitten still tired. "Commoner." Mattias huffed.

Prince let out a questioning whine, backing up a bit. "Luz you brought a rich dog. To my home."

"Technically it's not yours since you don't pay rent-"

"That's besides the point! I protect this house, and I don't want this snob in my home! Back! Back I say!" He barked aggressively.

Nero bit Prince's ear, the dog shaking his head violently, Nero landing on all fours by his feet. "Is this normal in commoner homes?" Mattias barked.

"Mattias please be respectful, we weren't blessed like you were. We work for it, you lift your paw and all of a sudden you have an ice cream being fed to you. Prince, has Camilla woken up yet?"

He shook his head; "She's fatigued from all the shifts. She's been trying to sleep for six (6) hours, I heard her tossing and turning when she came home last night." He barked quietly.

Nero mewed; "Meowrr Eaten!"

"Has she not had dinner or breakfast yet?"

The kitten headed to the kitchen, struggling to get on the counter by the fridge, nuzzling it. Luz went over, Mattias and Prince following, the witch opening the fridge. Containers with Camilla's name on it were still full, Luz frowning; "I'll have to make her a nice warm caldo, but that means I have to go to the store.."

"Ooh! I have a means of payment! Would you be so kind and check my collar?" Mattias barked, lifting his head up.

Luz felt around for his collar, finding the front, feeling a plastic thing behind the metal. She slid it out, showing it to the pets. "Well, what is it?" Prince whined.

"Humans call these credit cards. I often find myself leaving the small home I live in and heading to the store. Ay gave me this plastic-y object and put it on my collar so humans can so call scan it." He responded. "Would this do?"

"I dunno. I've never seen, had, or used one before. This world is really odd.. Prince have you seen Camilla use one of these?"

He sniffed it out; "Ooh yes I have!" He yipped, doing a little jump, his tail wagging. "She slides or inserts it in this box thing when checking out of a store and puts four (4) digits in it!"

"Quiet!" Nero hissed.

"Mattias I need you to come with me because it's your card and not mine."

"Yes witch! I will accompany you to thee supermarket!" He yipped, his tail wagging swiftly.

"Mattias right? We gotta tell you about a bet right now." Nero mewed, Luz only understanding 'we, you, about (and) now.'

"You guys go to Prince's room, I have to shower and get ready. I'll be down in twenty to thirty (20-30) minutes." Luz said, sliding the card back in its place, going upstairs to her room.

After a second of silence Mattias barked up; "Bet?"

To be continued.

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