The plan. [15 part 2]

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Luz had taken notes in her math notebook, having put the teachers name and a reason why it must've been different; "Mrs.Brown?"

"Yes Luz? Do you have another question?"

"If I'm not pestering you, would you answer it..?" Luz inquired nervously.

"You're the only one asking questions, good ones at that, I'm curious on what you're curious about." The teacher said, waiting for a question.

"Earlier you said everything has its own secret exponent though it doesn't show, and it'd be a one. Wouldn't we add that up with the others making the sum 6 instead of 5? Say it was 2² • 2³, add the extra one with it?"

"You just confused yourself there Luz, rewind a bit. Say I have 3 • 3¹³, and 3⁵ • 3⁷. Let's do the bottom ones first. It'd be 3¹², right?"

Luz nodded, adding that up in her head; "Now the top, you're just adding the extra three with the other thirteen, so now there are fourteen three's. Correct?"

The witch agreed again; "You caught yourself off guard a bit, so to answer your question, no the sum stays the same."

Luz ohed, nodding slowly; "Dumb question." Luz mumbled.

"It's good you asked though, you learned from your mistake and I know you won't do it again." The teacher smiled softly. "Anymore questions?"

"No, not at the moment, thank you."

She nodded, continuing to teach the lesson, writing more notes on the chalkboard.


'Ring! Rrrrring!' Luz pulled out her phone, checking who it was from, quickly answering it and putting it up against her ear; "Willow! Where are you?!" Luz questioned, getting up, leaving the class.

"Sorry sorry! We left and I didn't have my phone!"

"Where did you guys go? I went to another class to at least learn the chapter!"

"We were doing the class challenge thing! Don't you remember!?"

"Willow I was shot at three (3) times and had to miss school so I wouldn't overwork myself, of course I don't remember!"

"Right right..Then you'll have to do it with the class you're in when it's their turn. Guess we're opponents Luz."

"I wouldn't get my hopes up, I doubt I'll be able to win with all my injuries."

"Okay, class is back on, I'll see you when you come back for science."

"Okay, bye Willow."


Luz hung up, going back in the class with the others, Amity, Amelia, and Skara having moved spots. The witch grabbed her things, sitting in a more secluded spot, the humans fighting over the one extra seat beside Luz, netheir haven gotten to sit with the witch. "Since when have you two been so interested in Luz!?" Amity whisper shouted to them.

"Turns out Luz is as sweet as Amelia says and she made me Bi!" Skara whispered.

"You can't turn Bi!"

"Yes I can! Luz is freaking amazing!"

"I can hear you.." Luz mumbled, her ears drooping down, the tips turning pink. "Please focus.."

"See what you did!?" Amity whispered

"I didn't do anything! You're straight arse just wants to sucker up to the girl and use her!" Skara hissed back.

"Why would I use Luz?!" Amity questioned.

"Don't think you're being so secretive captain! The guys told me what you did!" Skara whispered.

"That was ages ago! She snapped me out of it! I'm not hurting her ever again!"

"Spencer can you help me with this?" Luz asked, looking over at one of the males she actually knew.

He was the gay guy with the boyfriend and whatnot, he gave her a thumbs up, asking the person beside the witch if they could temporarily move so he could help her. They said yes, taking his seat so he could sit in theirs; "What problem are you struggling with sugar?"

*They're good friends, he knows if he goes to far, she likes this nickname cuz he reminds Luz of Boscha

The trio of cheerleaders went stiff, all planning someway to kill this guy, the girls all narrowing their eyes at him. Then they realized if Luz didn't like the way he said it, she would change her- "Number 13 if you wouldn't mind?"

"No problem hun, it got you stumped huh?"

Luz sheepishly smiled, Spencer patting her shoulder, explaining the process she could do; "I.." Amity began.

"Will definitely.." Amelia hissed.

"Kill him." Skara joined.

They looked at eachother, both giving a small nod, planning a good way to kill Spencer without possibly getting arrested themselves. For Luz, right? How could this go wrong?


Step 3 has been set, make it hard to get to Luz's desk if he passes by. "Mel trip him." Amity whispered.

The greenette looked away, sticking her foot out, Spencer asking if she could move it, the male having just sharpened his now very sharp pencil, Amelia ignoring him. He frowned, going around her desk and towards Luz, Skara managing to trip him this time. He staggered forward, apologizing to the other human, continuing to go to Luz.

He made it to the desk, safe and sound, assisting Luz, just as he was about to speak up, Skara beat him to it; "Specter was it?"

"Actually it's-" He interrupted.

"Help me puh-lease~?

"But I'm helping Luz at the moment-"

"No it's okay Spencer, I can wait." Luz reassured.

He nodded, getting back up from his seat, avoiding the women who were trying to trip him, and asked to sit beside Skara. The person by her moved, about to take the seat that was by Luz, Amelia snatching it before they could; "A-Amelia.." Luz mumbled.

"Yes Luz?" The human asked.

The witch got nervous, her face heating up slightly; "They were going to sit there..Could you maybe move some else..?"

The trio of simpers all squealed inside, Luz was too pure, too sweet for her own good. Amelia nodded slowly, keeping her blush back, pushing past it by clearing her throat nervously; "I apologise, of course I'll move.." Amelia blurted out, standing up and going to another seat.

The person sat down; "You didn't have to, thank you Luz.."

"No biggie! Spencer taught me a few things, do you need any help?" Luz asked, moving a bit closer to them.

They blushed a bit, nodding slowly; "I- I'm kinda struggling with 13.."

"Ooh! He just taught me this one! Here I'll explain it.."

Amity clicked her tounge, the No.3 pencil in her hand snapping; "Another one.."

To be continued.

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