Sarah! [33] & What if. [2]

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A few episodes are put together due to how many episodes I have, so this episode is far longer since it's combined! If you wouldn't mind, please vote and leave a few comments! I always love reading them.

The next day at school was good, so now we're at work with Luz. The cute bell above the door jingled, Bo knowing who it was. "Emira Blight." Hissed Bo.

"The one and only." The blonde human said mockingly, doing that fancy hair flip to the side. "Luzzy here?"

"I'm not doing it!" Luz exclaimed from the back.

"Awh~ Why not?~ OW- HEY- SIS!"

Amity pulled her aside, Bo waving the person behind the duo over, the male carefully sliding in front of them, "Black coffee, hold on the sugar. And a cupcake pop. Vanilla."

The human nodded, "$_.__"

"Wait wait wait! I was here first!" Emira exclaimed. "Move it!"

"Emira Blight if you dare say another word to our customers, we'll send Sarah after you when she wakes up!" Bo exclaimed.

The customer handed Bo some money, stepping aside, the next person coming forward. "Luz! Your phone won't stop ringing!" Someone shouted from the back.

The witch fumbled to get the drink ready, putting the lid on, placing it on the counter, and going to the break room. Her manager stepped out, handing Luz her phone. "Thank you."

The manager nodded, going to the front to assist, Luz calling Camilla back, putting the phone up against her ear. "Is everything okay Ms.Noceda?"

"Good news, my old co-worker said someone woke up!"


"Yes, you get your lunch break in a bit so I'll drive by to pick you up alright?"

"Si ma. Estaré lista en un poco. Bye."


Luz hung up, placing her phone on the counter, going back to the front, her manager currently kicking Emira out. Best manager ever.


Camilla had picked Luz up right as her lunch started, both currently signing in to visit Sarah. They were led down a hall, the nurse leaving right after. Luz hesitantly pushed the door that swings both ways open, peeking in, "Sarah.."

The human looked over at the door, running her hand through her messy hair, "God I'm not late for work am I..?"

Luz went over to her, the other human there moving aside, the witch hugging- "Sarah.." Luz spoke quietly, her voice cracking.

"I'm okay Luz..I'll be fine..It's not your fault..I don't blame you.."

The witch nuzzled in to Sarah's shoulder, holding on to the human tightly. "By the way..What happened to my date..?" Sarah asked.

Luz let out a small laugh through tears, glancing at the other human. "I took care of you for her. I do hope she'll be warm under all that dirt."

"Elizabeth Hazel, you better not have killed my date!" Sarah exclaimed, gently pushing Luz back, looking over at the other human.

"I was kidding..Geez.." Liz mumbled, nervously looking away. "She's fine.."

Sarah rolled her eyes, laying back down, Camilla coming over, "I'm going back to sleep." Sarah sighed.

"You slept for 9 days straight." Elizabeth stated.

"Bold of you to assume I do anything in a straight manor." Sarah huffed, going on her side, only to hiss at the pain, laying on her back again. "Not to be weird but my-"

Weirdos stick together. [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Where stories live. Discover now