Two matches lit. [34]

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Luz came at around 12:03, the witch closing and locking the door, taking off her coat, hanging it up, removing her shoes, placing them by the door. Luz went upstairs, going to her room, spotting a pile of blankets on her bed. "Amity?"

The pile moved, the human poking her head out of her cave, "Luz!" Amity exclaimed excitedly. "You're back!"

The witch went over to her, laying down beside her, the human lifting up the pile of blankets, pulling the witch over. Luz let out a small sigh of relief, her body relaxing as she snuggled up to Amity, "So warm~" Luz purred.

The human put her arm over Luz, very glad the witch was back, and very well having a slight attachment issue. "Missed you.." Amity mumbled.

"You haven't been this clingy..What's gotten in to you Blight?"

"You just haven't been spending too much time with me.."

"I've been trying to but you keep giving excuses. Hug now argue later." Luz mumbled, getting comfortable as she flipped over.

This gave Amity an opportunity to pull Luz closer, that pocket of space you make for personal boundaries, makes her mad. She gave Luz a small squeeze, hearing faint purrs that grew louder and louder as the witch relaxed. Luz realized something just now, which caught her off guard, her purring stopping abruptly.

'Amity got this clingy after we went to the beginning..Is she thinking like herself when that actually happend?' Luz thought.

The Blight had gotten as clingy as she was if Luz never helped her. "Amity?" Luz questioned quietly.


"Why are you doing this?"

"Because..You saved me.." Amity yawned.

"But that's all I did..I only took you to the cafe..Why are you cuddling with me?"

Amity hummed, "I've never done anything like this with my family..No hugs..No pats on the back..Only talking.." Amity sighed. "You're a good hugger Luz.."

"I try. Aren't you going home..?"


"Later it is.."


How do I say this..Luz, well she uhm.. She's gotten tired of Amity. Yep. The human has gotten way to clingy and Luz has actually reached her limit for hugs. Luz is the type to never get angry at her friends or anyone, only those who deserve getting mad at. Luz was tired of the hugs, already stressed out from all this.

The witch already wanted to go back home, wanting Boscha to be the only one to hug and kiss her, platonically of course. "Amity please cut it out..!" Luz grumbled, carefully but forcefully pushing the human away.

Amity hugged her again, the witch not wanting to be rude but also not wanting to hug the human anymore. Amity rubbed her back, the witch relaxing, purring loudly, "Amity..Cut it out.."

"You're purring, you like it.."

The witch whined, pulling back, keeping her distance, "No more hugs!"

Amity gasped, Luz realizing what she said, she loves hugs, accidental or not, she'd take a hug any day, any second. "Well..Not right now at least.." Luz mumbled.

"Too much hugs?" Amity asked quietly.

"Too much hugs.."

"Too clingy?"

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