How it happened. [22 part 2]

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"Skipped fourth (4th) period..How are you feeling?"

The witch stayed quiet, her ears still slanted, her eyes red from crying. "I take your silence as a not well." Amity sighed.

The human had her back against the wall from the hidey spot, giving her enough room to put her legs somewhat against the wall across from her. Luz was in her lap, her arms around Amity's neck, the witch still uneasy. "It's okay, take your time. I'm not going anywhere.."

"I'm such a bother.."

"What? No you're not, Luz I don't mind staying here with you.."

"You've missed school because of me.. It'd be better if I just took my dumb punishment back at home.." Luz spoke quietly, pulling her hands back.

Amity pulled the witch down, letting her get a bit comfortable, Luz nuzzling in to her chest; "If you don't mind telling me..Why were you sent here?"

"It's a long story.."

"I'm willing to listen."

Let's backtrack to a week before Luz arrived..

"Jerbo come on keep up!" Luz exclaimed, passing the very tired male.

He panted heavily, falling to the ground; "Let them stab me." He sighed.

Viney passed him, then Boscha, then Barcus did as well. "Why can't I use potions!? It'll be so much easier!!" Boscha shouted, pulling a quill out of a Calopus.

It snarled at her, so close to biting her, but Boscha was lucky enough to be pulled away from it. It barked in Luz's face, the witch holding it's muzzle shut; "That's very rude of you. I don't like to put muzzles on you guys because I know they hurt, please cooperate or I'll have to tie you up."

It growled, Luz tugging at it's ear, the Calopus letting out a small whine, hesitantly laying down. "Good boy Lemon, you'll get a steak today if you behave."

His tail wagged swiftly, Luz patting his head, ruffling his fur. Boscha went to his side, pulling out the quills that did have blood on it, taking them all out. The other two Calopus were chasing Viney and Barcus, those two being twins. "Very good boy Lemon!~ Such a good boy~"

He let out small happy whines, licking Luz's cheek, his tail wagging furiously; "I love you too~"

Lemon got up, nuzzling her cheek, chasing after Viney and Barcus. "I have your potion." Boscha sighed, offering the green potion to Luz.

"You know me so well." Luz giggled, opening the potion bottle, drinking it's contents.

A puff of smoke ensued around her, a Kelpie trotting over to where she assumed the Calopus' would stop. Barcus scrambled up to get on the Kelpie, Viney doing it with ease. The trio of Calopi all came to a halt, looking up at the tall beast. The Kelpie took a step towards them, the trio running off.

*Calopi? Octopi octopus, Calopus calopi

Boscha threw a potion in front of them, just a warning potion, not to hurt them or anything. They stopped, taking a few steps back, Jerbo still lying on the ground somewhere on the field. The Kelpie neighed, letting out a huff, the Calopi gloomily going over to her, laying down. Viney and Barcus hopped off, taking the quills out, Barcus having to be extra careful as to not poke his mouth.

After some time, they finished, another puff of smoke surrounding the Kelpie, Luz calling one of the Calopus over. The female twin; "Who's a good girl Paige~?"

She let out a whine, her tail wagging furiously, nuzzling Luz's cheek; "You are~ You're such a good girl~"

"Luz you're spoiling them." Viney huffed.

"No I'm not~" Luz mumbled, currently letting them all lick her face.

The male twin barked at Paige, the female twin barking back. "Calm down, I'll have to call Talon if you two don't behave." Luz threatend.

Paige stepped back, her brother barking at her again; "Reaper! Bad Calopus!" Viney hissed.

The male twin growled at her, Viney keeping her ground. "I won't hesitate to take away your deluxe bed Reaper."

He licked her cheek, letting out small whines, his tail tucking in between his legs. "That's what I thought."

The bell screamed, Boscha coming over to Luz, the crimson haired witch holding Jerbo up. She let him go, the male falling face first in to the gravel; "I'm going home to help my mom, get my homework okay?" Boscha spoke.

"I will Bo, but you'll have to come back for the test early tomorrow. The potions teacher isn't going to give you another chance if you miss it again." Luz said.

Boscha ruffled her hair, waving at the other idiots, lightly kicking Jerbo's side, going back inside to the school. "Is he dead?" Viney asked, looking down at Jerbo.

"No nOt YeT.."


"Will Luz Clawthorne please go to the principals office? I repeat, will Luz Clawthorne please go to the principals office? Thank you."

The class ooed, Luz getting up from her seat, looking up at the clock, taking her bag and putting her things away. She closed her bag, putting it over her shoulder, waving at the teacher, leaving the class.

She eventually got to the Principal's office, knocking before opening the door, peeking in. "Ah- Emperor-" Luz blurted out, entering the office.

She nervously closed the door behind herself, the Principal shaking his head; "Very real Illusion, you'll be fine Luz."

The witchling sighed in relief, the Illusion moving towards Luz; "Ah. I am finally allowed to meet you. Luz was it?"


"As you know, only the best are allowed in my coven."

"Yes sir I'm aware.."

"I've seen your records. You are exceptional in all your classes, I do like how you stand up to the beasts. How would you like to intern at my coven?"

Luz shook her head, the Illusion standing upright, the principal letting out a small gasp. "Luz this is a big thing-"

"I know, but I'm fine. I'd like to stay coven-less for the rest of my life."

"Oh. That's not a good thing dear."

"My mom isn't in a coven, I don't like covens etheir. They make me feel trapped, all the other stuff I could do would go to waste."

"In the Emperors Coven, you can do all type of magic."

"I know that too. But that's still a coven sir."

"You are really pushing my buttons. I want you to take the internship."

Luz shook her head. "I'd like you to come to me then. Until then," The Illusion proofed away, the smoke spelling Luz's name before it disappeared.

To be continued.

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