Nero's story. [27 part 2]

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"Not what again Prince?" Luz asked, looking back at him slightly.

He wiggled his butt before pouncing on the bed, so close to falling back, pulling himself up, laying down by her. "Sourpuss here wants to tell you his life story." Mattias barked.

*You've all seen animated movies make dogs do that right? It's not just me?

"I was gonna say that!" Prince snarled.

"You took too long, hesitating is a great way to loose something." Mattias growled, sitting down.

"Then you'll very much like to tell his story?"

"On second thought, you can go ahead and tell us this very boring story."

Prince huffed, looking back at Luz; "But Nero's like six (6) months old.." The witch mumbled.

"Actually I'm eight (8) months old."

"He says he's eight (8) months old." Prince barked.

"Oh..Do start your story then.."

Six (6) months ago

A stray black kitty covered in mud scurried to get across the street, hissing at a passerby as it tried to pet him. He ran towards the grassy area, sniffing the air, then turning left. He trotted over to the stand, a passerby spotting him. "Hisss!"

The human offered him a piece of their boiled egg, the kitten hesitantly taking it. He mewed, his tail swaying from side to side, the human offering him some more. "Hey cute kitty, you good there?"


"Want some more?"

His tail wagged swiftly, the kitten letting out another mew. The human stood up again, asking for another boiled egg, the kitten looking around the scenery while they waited. The human placed the plate down in front of him, the kitten quickly eating the egg.

The kitten finished it in a heartbeat, looking back up at the human, mewing. "Already done huh?"


"Alright, I'll go get some kibble. Wait here for me yeah?"


The human went past him, going to the store across the street, the kitten hiding while he waited patiently. "Wait wait wait-"

Come on Luz, he's telling his backstory! "What?" Nero mewed.

"You are no patient cat."

"I so am!"

"That's not grammatically correct." Mattias barked.

"Oh shut up!" Nero hissed.

Luz pushed his head down in to the pillow, the kitten hissing and yowling, wanting to be released. "Skip to the important details! If you wouldn't mind." Luz huffed.

"Fine fine! Let me go!"

Luz pulled her hand back, Nero standing upright, shaking his head, hissing quietly at Luz. "Right. My story, Prince?"

The mutt rolled his eyes, getting ready to continue.

As the days went by, the same human came by over and over again, four (4) times a week, three (3) meals a day with water during lunch. "How are we doing tonight Quince?"

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