The class of utter demise. [4 part 3]

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Luz offered the gift to the teacher, trembling a bit. "Thanks.." She said bitterly, taking the small bag.

She opened it up, taking out the very nice nail polish. "Mm..This will do, come in."

The witch sighed nervously, going in and closing the door gently behind herself. "So ehm- What do we do here?"

"Doesn't matter, we don't do anything here. Sit sit, do what you want." The teacher said, waving her off.

Luz picked a seat in the front, taking her sketchbook back out and a few charcoal pencils. She was actually drawing outside earlier while she waited for the 6th period bell to ring, and having lunch. She had second lunch, which is right after 5th period. She had said goodbye to Willow and Gus just a few minutes prior.

The witch was close to finishing the one of the duo, just needing her signature and just a small detail. She did the loose strands of their hair, adding her signature near the corner of their shirt. She flipped the page, resting her head in her right palm. Luz zoned out once more, letting her hand draw freely.

After 15 minutes, the door opened and closed, two pairs of footsteps nearing. Once again, a hand was slammed down on the table. Luz trembled, drawing back a bit. "Drawing me again creep?"

Luz looked down at the drawing, it was her again, this time she was smiling rather brightly. The witch pulled out an eraser, about to move it around the paper, but was stopped. "Wouldn't do that just yet, can I see?"

The witch shrunk in her chair, nervously nodding. "I'm Skara, mad skills girl."


"Amity, isn't it cute?"

"I wouldn't call it cute, so much as freaky." She hissed in a bitter tone.

"What's your name?"

"I rather not say.." Luz mumbled, shaking a bit.

"Eh don't sweat it, you going to finish that?"

Luz shook her head, Skara frowning slightly. "I don't draw without the consent of the person I'm drawing..I just think it's kinda wrong and I'm going to erase or throw it away.." Luz said quietly.

"Blight, be a nice person and let the girl finish it. I'll be taking it anyways."


"She said it's okay." Skara smiled.

"W-Well I gotta hear it from her- I don't care if she texted it me or not, she has to say she's okay with it.." Luz muttered, the trembling easing.

Skara groaned, Amity just waiting. "This your seat..?" Luz asked.

She firmly nodded, Luz ripping out the paper and handing it to Skara. She closed the book, heading to the back and corner. She rested her head in her arms, pulling her hood over her eyes. 'This would've been so much easier if I didn't draw her..'

After school

Luz was the last to get on the bus, the bus lady very glad the witch took the bus home. "Hey Ms.Bus Lady, did you have a nice break earlier?" Luz asked.

"It's Sarah, yeah had a nice pasta for lunch."

The witch perked up, sitting in the front once more. "Ooh what kind Ms.Sarah?"

"Cajun pasta with shrimp I believe." She said, closing the doors.

"That sounds exquisite, did you have a good time?"

Sarah nodded, getting the bus started. She drove out of the ring, Luz relaxing a bit before it happened. Amity, the girl she drew 2 times, sat beside her. "Afternoon Ms.Blight." Sarah said, tipping her hat.

Sarah pulled out a nail file, handing it to her with her hand pulled back. "Thanks." She said, filing her nails.

Luz kept her distance, taking out her sketchbook. "So how was school kid?"

"Oh- I haven't given you my name yet- How rude- It's Luz. Luz Noceda. It was okay, first days are always the hardest."

Amity glanced at her, filing her next nail. "How come?"

"I drew someone and didn't realize it, doing so got me a new job I guess. Now I have $225 because students were interested in my art. I mean I guess I owe it to her, but I did draw her without her consent."

Sarah hummed quietly, turning the corner. "So how's that been for you so far?"

"Exhausting. Do you want the money?"

"I would, but you earned it."

"I have no use for it." Luz said, taking it out of her bag. "I insist."

Luz split the pile evenly, sliding some to Amity and handing the other half to Sarah. Luz opened up her sketch book, turning to a new fresh clean page. "Is it okay if I draw you Ms.Sarah?"

"Sure go ahead."

Luz got a sketch down, fixing her hood just a bit. She leaned her head back, getting an outline down. Luz got the hat down perfectly, getting her hair started. "It's alot messier then that." Amity muttered, filing her other nails.

The witch perked up, looking over at the Sarah. "Oh.." Luz blurted out, adding some stray lines. "Thanks."

She went on, spending the 15 minute drive drawing it out. The bus came to a stop, Luz putting her book away. She waited for the ones who needed to get off right now, waiting for her turn. "I'll see you tomorrow morning Ms.Sarah, I'll be finished with the drawing soon."

She saluted, Luz smiling softly. The witch glanced at Amity, sending her a small wave before getting off and heading to her temporary home. "A cute one isn't she Ms.Blight?"

"Ew gross. She's a weirdo, she drew me and gave me the drawing as an apology."

Sarah rolled her eyes, closing the doors and driving forward. Luz opened the door, Prince lunging out and jumping around her. Amity moved over to the window seat, Luz letting out giggles as she attempted to pet Prince. "Weirdo.." Amity mumbled quietly, resting her head in her right palm.

To be continued.

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