Listen. [20 part 2]

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"Right, where did the two idiots say they were taking you?" Amity asked, glancing at the witch.

"They didn't say, they just wanted to take me shopping for some reason." Luz mumbled, scratching her cheek nervously. "If you don't want to do this, you don't have to, I can just go home."

"Nonsense, we Blight's keep our promises. Where do you want to go?"

"I'm still a bit new around here, know anywhere good?"


It was this huge building, a sign that said CPJenny. "This is called a mall, there's loads of stores inside."

"I know what these are, but I haven't been in one this big yet..Where is Gary going?"

"He has his own thing right now, he'll pick us up in three (3) hours."

Luz nodded slowly, Amity nudging her forward, the witch hesitantly taking a step ahead. Amity followed her inside, the store a bit messy, kids could be heard crying about toys, some character named Princess Ela or something. Apparently she had ice powers and nearly killed her sister. "Go look around." Amity said, nudging Luz.

The witch cowered a bit; "It's a bit loud and crowded here then it was in the other mall.."

"It is meant for bigger crowds, hey maybe we can get you some headphones."


"They're like the ear buds the school gave you but they cover your ears and go on you head."

"Like earmuffs?"

"Yeah like earmuffs."


Luz hid behind Amity, covering her ears, the store falling silent. "Hunny please be quiet we still have to get your sister a present.." A mother said quietly, taking the toy from her evil offspring.

"Kids are so rude these days..Always playing with pineapple tablets and whatnot. Come on Luz-"

"She reminds me of this kid named Braxus back home, he used to be such a spoiled little wizard til I told him something. Now he's the sweetest kid I know. Can I talk to her real quick?" Luz asked, looking up at Amity.

"Well I don't control you, go ahead."

The witch went over to the mother, tapping her shoulder. "I know how to deal with these type of kids, can I talk to her real quick?"

"I've tried to talk to her so many times, it never sticks.."

"I have my own ways, may I?"

The mother let her daughters hand go, Luz taking her hand gently. She took her aside a bit, the little girl giving her a mean nasty look. "I need you to listen to me, because I'm only going to tell you this once okay?"


"No dolly. You listen to me. If your mom says no, it's final. She has her reasons to say no, if you don't listen to her she won't be able to get you food. Are you listening?"


"If you don't start paying attention you won't ever see your mommy again, do you want that?"

The little girl went stiff, shaking her head slowly. "I have daddy.."

"He won't be here either if you don't listen to me."

She teared up a bit, nodding slowly. "I know you want the dolly, but your momma can't get you it right now. If she wants to get you dinner in a nice warm home you have to listen to her. If you don't, you'll loose everything you have, it's not a nice feeling."

"It's not..?"

"No, you have to listen to your mom if you want a nice warm meal tonight. So listen to her when she says no, don't force her to buy you something you don't need. Please listen to your mother and father, they want you to grow up sweet and very beautiful alright?" Luz said, wiping her tears.

She nodded slowly, wiping her face, Luz taking her hand, squeezing it gently. "If you need it, buy it. If you don't, leave it. Okay?"


Luz handed a ten (10) dollar ($) bill, the little girl hesitantly taking it. "Buy your mom something small with it, maybe some ice cream. I hear it's really good for people with sweet teeth." Luz teased, pinching her cheek lightly.

The girl giggled, Luz getting back up, nudging her back to her mom. She rushed to her mother, hugging her tightly. "Sorry for being mean mommy.."

"It's okay hunny, come on, I heard there was ice cream on the second floor." She said, picking her up.

The little girl waved at Luz, the small family following the path, the dolly laying on the ground by Luz's feet. The witch picked it up, putting it back in its place, Amity walking towards her. "So are you going to tell me what you said to her or.."

"My secret power, you wouldn't take that from me right?" Luz teased, putting her index finger to her lips, winking at the Blight.

If it was possible to kill someone without touching them, Luz had done it. Amity blushed profusely, covering her face a bit; "C-Come on..Let's get going.."

To be continued.

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