The bet. [18 part 2]

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Sorry for the late upload!

"You've known Luz for less then a day but now you know you'll die for her." Prince barked, moving his blankets around, picking a spot to lay in.

"Yes you are correct, though she threatend to kill me I do find her too sweet to actually do any of that." Mattias barked.

"So, as a natural instinct, we need to make sure her future partner is good for her." Prince explained.

"Only the best." Mattias barked. "So what is this bet the cat was speaking about?"

"You know Amity right?" Prince barked.

"Yes, she is a very exceptional human. She gives stellar belly rubs." Mattias barked proudly.

"Well, I bet on her winning Luz's heart. I've met many of her friends but Amity sticks out the most, even though she teased and bullied our person alot, she denies feelings for Luz often. Apparently she's straight but I believe none of it." Prince huffed.

"Amelia forever!" Nero hissed. "She is the only one for Luz!"

"Let me just skip to the bet part." Prince snarled. "Nero here, the sourpuss, bet his future bed on Amelia. I bet my home here, but now, since you're now apart of the Noceda family. You'll have to bet something."

"My desserts. They fatten me up far to much and I hate running." Mattias huffed. "I smell another dog, who'd they bet on?"

"His name's Gator, he bet on Amity too and bet on her with his big bed too." Prince barked. "Luz's auntie, Lilith, has a Raven and they're betting on a girl named Bo. I'll ask Luz for a picture later but overall she's really sweet. She calls Luz babe, girlfriend, hun, I think- But I do believe they'd be better as friends."

"Yes that relationship sounds very platonic. Which girl has Luz shown interest in more?" Mattias asked, laying down.

"Well I overheard one of her secret conversations between Luz and Amity, she blushed! I could sense her heartbeat rising, she caught a small sliver of feelings for her I know it!"

"Yeah but Luz does have a red heart by Amelia's name on her cell, constantly talks about her, and has a drawing of her on her board." Nero mewed victoriously. "So I better get ready to eat rich animal food, work my body so I can relax in Prince's room on Gator's bed."

His tail perked up behind him, the kitten going over to his cat tree, climbing up it and hiding at the top of the tower. "If I weren't so consummate I'd eat him." Mattias snarled. "Then again, he's Luz's pet and I wouldn't like to make her feel sorrow."

"Now then, please do share what happened with Luz and Amity yesterday." Prince barked cheerfully, his tail wagging furiously.

. . .

"Mattias! Come on! I have an hour left til school starts!" Luz called out, knocking on the door.

It creaked open, Mattias shaking his body, coming out of the room, the door closing behind him. "Right then Mini.Clawthorne, we shouldn't be late."


"Okay, Mattias give me the one that says salt on it please." Luz said, lowering the heat a bit.

He took a blue papery round container, offering it to Luz. The witch lifted up the metal-y like part of the lid, adding just a bit of salt in. "Nero, when you hear the grandpa clock please add more water to cover the carne."

He mewed, his tail swaying from side to side swiftly. "Mattias, since you can reach the house phone, you'll press these buttons if anything bad happens." Luz explained, signaling to 10 numbers, few repeating themselves. "Can you memorize that?"

Mattias barked the numbers quietly, nodding firmly. "Do they speak dog?"

"Yes, it'll be my aunt. She doesn't work today so don't call the three numbers Prince tells you." Luz stated. "I'll be back in 6 hours, okay?"

"Yes I understand!" He yipped cheerfully. "Do be careful out there mistress, I'll make sure to be a good boy! Better then Prince!"

"If you say so, I'll be back. Please be quiet, if Camilla wants something try your best to do anything about it." Luz said, quickly going to the front door.

She opened it, putting her bag over her shoulder, taking her thin jacket, spare keys, and said goodbye. She left, closing the door behind herself. Prince got up, going over to the grandfather clock, looking at the time. "Ooh! Gator's coming!" He yipped.

"Again? He came yesterday." Nero huffed.

"Willow, his owner, did say yesterday that her parents were going to be elsewhere for the day to Camilla. So he's staying til evening."

Nero snarled, letting out another huff, adding just a bit more heat on the meat; "If he breaks another one of my toys I won't hesitate to throw his out the window and keep him out." He hissed, jumping off the counter, heading to Prince's room.

"I'll go check on my owner real quick, momma must want a water or something." Prince said, tugging at the tied toy around the fridge handle.

It opened, Prince taking a cold water, kicking the door with his back leg, and heading upstairs. "Then I shall await the other commoner." Mattias stated, sitting down, his tail making a wave motion on the ground.

To be continued.

P.S, if any of you have questions for me or for any of the characters, please leave it in the comments and I'll answer your questions as best as I can without spoiling anything!

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