So she IS bisexual.. [13 part 4.50]

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Luz got to work maybe 45 minutes early, greeting Bo and getting dressed in to her work attire, just arriving from talking to Joey for an hour. Nero wouldn't leave her, he stayed on her shoulder when she wasn't moving to much, and only left if she was running, changing, or needed to use the bathroom.

How did she find this out? When he literally let out cries for her to stay with him. "Are we even allowed to have pets here?" Bo asked, clocking in for Luz.

"I'm not sure, but he won't leave. Next!" Luz called out, getting behind the cashier. "I named him Nero, but he's kind of a butt. He has no respect for boundaries. Good afternoon!"

"Afternoon! May I please have..____? Oh and ________!"

"You sure can! $_.__!"

They handed her that much, giving her a tip before moving aside to wait for their order. Bo got started on their drink, warming up the bread they asked for; "Next please!"

A grumpy male came forward, grumbling quietly; "Good afternoon! Is something bothering you?"


"Oh, not yourself till you've had coffee huh? Well I'll get started on it, what type sir?" Luz cheerfully asked.


"M'kay! $_.__!"

He handed her (_) dollars, putting the change in the cute tip jar, stepping aside. Bo slid over a coffee and a small bag with the past number on it. The woman came forward, knowing it was her, picking it up. "Have a lovely day madam!" Luz smiled.

She sent her a small wave, leaving in a good mood. Bo slid over another coffee, this one being a common one so it was already prepared. The grumpy male took it, grumbling silently and taking a sip. He let out a sigh, having less of an attitude. "Have a pawsome day sir!"

He nodded, giving her a thumbs up before leaving in a slightly happy mood. "Refill please!" Someone called out, raising their cup.


"I got it!"

Nero mewed, nudging Luz; "Go comfort someone that's not me!"

He licked her cheek, nuzzling her. "A refill over here please!"

Luz gave them a thumbs up, internally sighing and going over, knowing this was going to be a looong shift.


When it became more deserted, maybe two (2) or three (3) people in the cafe, it was pretty quiet. The bell dinged, Luz's ears perking up, the witch pouring some more of the hot cocoa in; "I'll be with you in just a second!"

"I'm not in any rush."

Luz looked back; "Skara! Hey!" Luz exclaimed, adding a small design with the milk, then closing the cup.

She went to the counter, placing the hot cocoa down, someone coming over, taking it, and going back to their seat. "What can I get for you Skara?"

"Amelia said you worked here, with a girl named Bo. So I just wanted to know what you got to give. What's the most popular thing?"

Bo walked past her, saying one word, "Luz."


"You're the most popular thing here?" Skara asked, slightly baffled.

"Apparently I'm not a person but a thing who should give out their numbers to mean humans." Luz mumbled.

"Second most popular..?"

"My number.."


"A date with me.."


"Well I only sold one of those, it was a kiss." Luz recalled.


"In the morning it's the Breakfast Bundle, afternoon, Lunch Bunch or Salsa Wrap, and dinner is the Late Night Shift."

"Then I'll have the Lunch Bunch then."

"Do you have any allergies?"

"To doing homework, yes."

Luz giggled, Nero jumping on to the counter, sniffing Skara out. "I'll get started on it right away." The witch smiled, going to the back.

Skara let out a quick sigh of relief, looking down at the cat. "Wow I think I'm starting to fall for Luz. Amelia was right, she is sweet."

Nero nodded, his tail wagging swiftly, emitting quiet purrs. Bo came back, leaning against the counter; "$_.__"

"Oh right that's how shopping works-" Skara blurted out, taking out cash and handing it to Bo. "Keep the change, I'll probably waste it on mascara- Why did you guys frame a hundred dollar bill?"

"This guy heard Luz saying if they brought everything on the menu 10 times she'd give them a kiss. He slapped maybe 9 or 10 hundred dollar bills but we don't take bills over 20. So Luz snatched one when he wasn't looking and kicked him out."

Skara snorted, scratching Nero's chin. "She really is to much. Can see why everyone has a crush on her."

"Mhm. I just don't get why she hasn't fallen for anyone yet." Bo muttered, looking back at her.

Luz cracked another egg, putting the eggshells together and putting it in a box by her, definitely going to put it in the small flowers she was growing later. "Skara how many eggs would you like?" The witch asked, looking over at her.

She flinched, her face heating up a bit; "T-Two is fine. Thank you."

Luz smiled, nodding and taking another egg. "Oh god- I am bisexual-" Skara blurted out, clenching on to her shirt.

Nero hissed at her, having bet on Amelia to win Luz's heart after Prince explained everything. Raven also heard about the bet and was rooting for Bo. Prince had gotten really mad about that, explaining everything Amity did to catch Luz's attention or the small times she got nervous or came over. He couldn't convince them.

Back to the point, Nero had bet his future bed on Amelia, so if he lost he'd have to sleep on the floor, he could not let Skara take Luz's heart. Amelia was the one and only, Bo meh, she probably had a chance but he wouldn't bet on it. Amity, no, she wouldn't, she's a spoiled brat, so she couldn't win.

That is, if Luz didn't like her back. Prince had in fact overheard their conversation outside of the venue, knowing very well Luz had caught a sliver of feelings for the Blight. "Nero, come here." Luz pouted, not liking the fact he hissed at one of her friends.

He looked back at her, then back at Skara, snarling at her before going over to Luz, getting on her shoulder, glaring at Skara from a distance. He would not give up his future bed.

To be continued.

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