Truce. [44 part 3]

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They went to the mall, Luz having held Amity's hand, she was the only human Luz trusted enough to not let her run in to a pole or another human. Amity was also pretty much the only person right now who knew how to calm her down, so Amity was Luz's go to human. "Want to get ice cream first? Or do you want to save it before we leave?" Amity asked.

Luz thought about it, "Maybe save it, Viney wanted to try your strawberry ice creams, so I can't let it melt."

Amity nodded, pulling Luz aside, just grazing another humans shoulder. "I do kinda wish you humans had some sort of..Social distancing thing?"

Bo overhead this, getting in front but by Luz, preventing other people from touching her. Cat cut in, wanting to be Luz's protector instead, but she was pushed back, because she was just a bit shorter then Luz. Actually, I think she was just a hair taller then Luz! Right now, Cat was shorter because Luz was wearing some comfy thick shoes, so this doesn't count.

Luz stopped, just, stopped. She looked around, Amity standing by her, gently squeezing her hand. Luz pulled her hand back, "Maybe we should keep our distance.." Luz said quietly.

"I don't want to loose you Luz." Amity muttered.

The witch spotted something in a store, pointing to it, "How about we get that?"

They got it. Bo and Cat thought it was cute and stupid at the same time, but they absolutely wanted to try this with Luz. Amity felt horrible, but also laughed at the object. It was a child's harness. Mhm. Luz had put that under her bag, holding Amilotl to at least replace Amity while Luz walked.

The witchling randomly stopped, quickly going to the window of the store, Amity following, as well as Bo and Cat. Luz was gazing at another exact replica of Amilotl, except..It was bigger, softer, and better! Amilotl, was none of that. If the plushie was alive, it would have been frowning. The three humans stared at eachother, Amity letting go of Luz, all the humans entering the store.

Amity reached it first, taking a different one, Cat tackling her, taking the plushie from her, Bo snatching it and quickly running away. She was tripped and robbed, Cat reaching the cash register, Amity pulling her back and away. Luz quickly entered the store, separating the girls, "I don't need it!"

They all froze, "But you want it." Bo said.

"And if you want it, we'll get it." Cat said.

Amity facepalmed, having just recalled Luz didn't like having things she didn't need. "Right, sorry Luz..And clerk.." Amity sighed. "You already have Amilotl anyways."

The witchling nodded, holding it up to show Amity, "It'll still be my favorite even if I got something like it." Luz smiled.

Amity pat it's head, Luz holding it close, looking back at the two others, glaring at them, "You two will apologize to the clerk, right now!"

Bo and Cat flinched, both bowing their heads, nervously apologizing, the clerk hesitantly accepting it. Day two of trying to fight for Luz's love, Amity is still in the lead.


Luz finally felt relaxed enough to take off the child's harness and hold Amity's hand again. Amity stopped, dragging Luz back with her, the Blight looking in the store, "Is there an object in there you'd like?" Luz asked.

Amity nodded, gently squeezing Luz's hand, "May we go in?" Amity asked.

"You invited, you decide where we go."

Amity nodded, the other two followin- g them in the store, Amity going over to where she saw the thing she liked. She picked up the small cat beanie, showing it to Luz, the witchling ooing and awhing, "It is very cute Amity."

"It was kinda meant for you, want to try it on?"

Luz nodded, pulling her beanie off, Amity putting in on her. "There?"

The witchling adjusted it a bit, then nodded, "Do you want it?" Amity asked.

Luz nodded slowly, "Do you need it?"

The witchling hesitated. "Well, I think you do." Amity said. "You need a beanie don't you?"

Oh. Even Luz forgot she needed a beanie! "Oh yeah!"

Amity took the beanie off, putting Luz's other one on, "Since I saw it first, I'll pay." Amity stated.

Luz shook her head, "I don't need you to pay!"

"I'm paying anyways. You go look around while I pay, Cat?"

The human pushed past Bo, standing upright, "Got it."

Luz frowned as Amity left to go pay, Cat taking Amilotl out of the big pocket, handing it to Luz, "Let's find something you'd like."

The witch huffed, grumbling to herself as she just went around the store. She stopped when she saw an axolotl shirt and jacket, just, staring at it. The shirt was an axolotl eating sweets, with a word on top that said "Snaxolotl.", the shirt being a very light pink.

The jacket was just a black axolotl sleeping, bubbles surrounding it, the jacket being a light grey. Luz started to purr, squeezing Amilotl to keep herself from squealing. Her beanie was pulled off, another one being put on, "There you go- Luz you're purring-" Amity blurted out, looking up at what the witchling was staring at.

Amity took Luz's hand, making the witchling face her, "Pretty pretty pretty!" Luz exclaimed, shaking the human lightly.

"It is very pretty." Amity agreed. "But I need you to relax, okay? Just calm down, and we'll get it."

Luz's purrs grew, the human quietly shushing her, pulling her close, "Axolotls Amity! Axolotls axolotls!"

Amity nodded, "I like them too Luz, it's alright, it's all good. Just calm down.."

Cat poked Luz's back, the witchling flinching, turning to face her, Luz still purring, "Here, it's a small." Cat said, offering the shirt.

Bo had called someone over to help her get the jacket in small as well, handing it to Luz, the witchling still purring. "Thank you!" Luz smiled. "I will be paying these myself, Amity?"

"Oh, yeah, cashier's this way." The Blight nodded, pointing back, still holding Luz's hand.

She guided the witchling to the back, the witchling still very excited, Bo and Cat swooning over her once again. "Truce?" Bo questioned, glancing down at Cat.

"Sure. Get Amity away, take the truce out, go on from there?"

Bo nodded, "May the best girl win."

Oh, we're betting now are we?~ How fun! Well, my vote is on Willow~ Leaf girl for the win! Is what I would say for the wrong team. Go Amity!

To be continued.

Stay up--

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