Joey. [23]

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Choo choo, here's a episode cuz this bisexual is sad and bored

During school, Luz was..Different. She didn't talk with her friends, teachers, or even answered questions. Amity noticed this during fifth (5th) period, the witch wearing her hood, looking down at her notes. When the last twenty (20) minutes of class rolled around, Luz had rested her head in her arms while everyone else wrote more notes.

Amity, she liked to make Luz happy, so she was doing her own thing while Luz just stayed silent. In about two (2) minutes, the Blight put a pale pink paper rose in front of Luz. She acted like it wasn't her, looking away while she folded more paper.

Luz gazed at the flower, picking it up, twirling it in between her index finger and thumb. She spotted a little white part that said pull. So she used her other hand to pull the small tab, a note coming out that could be put back. 'What's got you down Noceda? :('

The witch looked over at Amity, the Blight so very close to placing another pale pink rose on her desk. The human smiled nervously, Luz shaking her head slowly, a small smile spreading on her lips, the witch taking it. Luz searched for the next pull tab, Amity being very quick to fold the next flower.

*Note, they still sit by eachother

Luz pulled the tab lightly, not wanting to rip it, gently pulling out the next note. 'Would some felt make you feel better? :D'

Amity made two more roses, swiftly writing something on the pull tab, sliding it back in, pulling Luz's hood down, and putting the paper behind Luz's ear, making another rose. The witch took the paper flower from behind ear, wanting to find the small note before Amity finished her rose. Luz pulled the tab gently, reading what it said; 'Maybe a hug or lunch after school?~'

Luz carefully put the note back, her phone ringing in her bag. "May I go outside and answer it?" The witch asked.

"You can go in the hallway." The teacher spoke.

Luz nodded, taking out her phone, going to the hallway that connected classes together. She answered the call, putting her phone up against her ear; "Hey Joey!"

"L-Luz..I know you're in school..But I- I need you to come over..Please..Help me get this razor out of my hand.."

The witch rushed back to her class, grabbing her bag; "Just try not to think about it! Try to keep it away from yourself okay? Remember the bowtie I made you?" Luz ranted, putting her bag over her shoulder.

"Yeah..Pretty blue.."

"Try to put the razor down, you can do this Joey, try not to hurt yourself, I'll be over in five (5). Just listen to your song alright..? Give me just a second.."


"Please excuse me, Joey needs me, I don't want him to get more cat scratches-" Luz rambled, pushing the door open forcefully, rushing out.

Before the teacher could tell her to stay, she was gone. Luz knew she wouldn't make it in time if she ran with just two legs, Joey mattered alot to her, he's been one of her first friends here. He was important. "Please don't kill me-" Luz panicked, casting a spell on herself.

The grey wolf held on to Luz's bag in her mouth, getting the phone back in, rushing to the gate, climbing up it and over. Hoping no one saw her.


Luz managed to turn back before anyone saw her, pushing the door open, letting her bag fall to the ground, spotting Joey. She rushed over to him, pulling the razor out of his hand, throwing it down. "Hey Joey! Sweet Joey! How about we go get some ice cream huh? Maybe go shopping?"

He panted quietly, Luz wiping their tears, checking his arms. "Atta bud Joey, I'm proud of you..Very proud.. You made it this far, I'm here for you alright?"

They nodded slowly, Luz kissing their forehead. "I'm glad you called, you're strong for calling me for help. You can rely on me anytime, any day. I love you, you know that? Can you hold on for me? Can you stay?"

"I..I'll try..I'll try for you Luz.."

The witch smiled, wiping his tears; "I still want to know about your opinion on getting ice cream.."

He laughed through tears, nodding firmly; "Ice cream would be nice.."

"Triple scoop?~"

"Quadruple scoop.."

"Ooh make it a sundae?"

"Extra fudge.."

"That's more like it. You're loved a lot by me Joey Seymour, and I want you to stay. I'm proud of you for being able to make it this far, you're a strong person, and I respect you. I don't care if your parents say you're a girl, you're Joey Seymour the he/they idiot I adore." Luz spoke, giving him a hug. Ooh, plot twist.


He released a quiet hicc, then began to cry in to her shoulder, hugging her back tightly. "I love you too Luz.."

The witch gave him a tight squeeze, wanting them to know, they could rely on Luz to help..

To be continued.

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