Grocery shopping. [14]

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The next morning, Sunday morning, Luz had taken Nero to the vet with Camilla to get his shots, cleaned, chipped, and to be formally apart of the family. "Which color do you want buddy?" Luz asked.

Nero hopped on to the shelf, sniffing and examining the colors, none of them he liked so far. Prince barked, nudging a leash at his level, Luz kneeling down and examining it. "You know, back home if you drank a potion to switch forms, you had to wear a collar."

"That so?" Camilla asked

"We have demon hunters, they hunt all the wild animals that come to close to the city, so if you're flying or running around in your form of choice, you have to wear a collar so they don't zap you." Luz said, patting Prince's head.

He let out another bark, Luz perking up; "You're right that does kinda remind me of Amity too." Luz smiled slightly, picking up the collar.

It was a nice dandelion yellow, the tag where you right information about your pet being a light pink. Nero overhead this, glaring at Prince and looking for a collar that looked like or at least reminded Luz of a certain human. "Mew!"

Luz looked up, Prince snarling quietly; "Hm? What's he saying Prince?"

He barked, the last bark sounding a bit aggressive. "Prince, cálmese." Camilla hissed.

He huffed, mocking her silently. Luz pat his head, a bit roughly; "Prince don't be rude, she raised you!"

Luz was right about that, Camilla had raised Prince, the dog let out a small whine, trotting towards Camilla and wrapping his paws around her feet. He let out another whimper, nuzzling her leg. "I'll forgive you, just no more growling in public. They might ask me to put a muzzle on you."

The witch picked up Nero, putting him on her shoulder. "So you think that one reminds you of Amelia?"

He nodded firmly. "I'm not sure you've ever met her, but her hair is green not blue.."

Nero let out a short suprised meow, looking back at Prince, the dog giving him a smug look, sticking his tounge out. "Mew! Mew mew! Meowrr!"

"Actually this kinda reminds me of Willow! I should call her and ask how she's doing. I haven't talked to her in awhile.." Luz mumbled, taking her phone out.

As if Willow had the same idea, Luz received a call from her, the witch picking up; "I was just about to call you! What's up?"

"Look to your right dum dum."

Luz did so, spotting the human with Gus beside her, both waving. The witch giggled, hanging up on her and walking over. "Hey Luz! We were just going to get some snacks for our sleepover later! Want to come?" Gus asked in a cheerful tone.

"Sleepover?" Luz questioned, looking back at Camilla.

Her mom nodded, Prince's tail wagging slowly; "I guess so! Who's home?"

"Mine!" Willow answered. "We're going to head over once we finish picking snacks and the movie! If you want, you can walk with us or get your stuff first."

"I'll get my things first, we actually walked to this store, I live down the street."

"Oh, you moved?"

"Didn't I tell you?"

"Guess not. Do you want us to come over and walk with you to my house?" Willow asked.

"If you're okay with it." Luz smiled slightly.

Willow nodded, Gus nodding more violently, possibly giving himself a headache. "Just give as a few more minutes, we gotta look for snacks still."

Luz gave her a thumbs up, Nero glaring at them, not wanting them to mess with his bet.


The kitty had gotten a grey collar, getting his name pressed in the tag, the Noceda address and two phone numbers. He wanted to come, so he was, Nero was surprisingly well trained, he'd definitely do anything for Luz. "Nero huh?" Gus hummed, examining his collar.

"Bit of a butt." Luz mumbled.

Nero put his paw over Gus' hand, pushing it away, nuzzling Luz. "To other people that is.."

He licked her cheek, purring very loudly. "Are you sure it's okay for him to come? I could just attempt to leave him at home.." Luz mumbled, feeling like a nuisance just a bit.

"Well he likes you alot, I would bet he would fight with Prince." Willow said, scratching his chin.

Okay, now he bet on two people, the turquoise haired human very well understanding how he felt. Nero got on Willow's shoulder, the human continuing to scratch his chin. He was certain he'd win the bet and kick Prince out, foolproof plan! Hiss at everyone but the people he bet on, then nuzzle them and let them near Luz! Easy!

He shook his head, getting back on Luz's shoulder and nuzzling her. The witch looked around, this neighborhood looking very nice and quiet. "Can't believe it's so silent.."

"The dogs that live here are sweet too. Especially mine." Willow said proudly.

Oh well, she's a loss, Willow has been removed from Nero's bet offer. "Oh Gator!" Gus exclaimed.

"GATOR!?" Luz shouted, looking around for the scaly beast.

"No no!" Gus blurted out. "That's just her dogs name!"

Luz calmed down, Nero's fur still on end from the shout; "Wh-Why would you name him that!?"

"Because of Venus Flytraps!" Willow exclaimed.

"Y..You named your dog a plant nickname?"

"Willow loves plants! She has a maybe 4 Venus flytraps at home, and a bunch of fruits and veggies!" Gus exclaimed, very excited to talk about Willow's interests.

"Yeah but one of them isn't doing so well. The first flower I grew when I was around 4 won't grow back it's flowers.." Willow pouted, crossing her arms. "Come on we're almost there."

To be continued.

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